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Monstro 05 Apr 2010 21:51


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 487565)
They did have some good points though ;-)

4 lol

RadioMaster 05 Apr 2010 23:08


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 487566)
4 lol

beat me to it!

Sue K 05 Apr 2010 23:37

... my husband just walked passed me saying "big ones hunh?" ... it made me jump thinking he was looking over my shoulder ... :shock: ...but he was remarking on something heard on the radio ... lol ...

RadioMaster 05 Apr 2010 23:50

besides doing my own work I gotta replace 3 people at work tomorrow...that'll be fun

Sue K 05 Apr 2010 23:56

... the pasta salad is delish ! ...

mszee 06 Apr 2010 01:04

Note to myself...never to argue with people who don't know they have a shift key on their computer....

Sue K 06 Apr 2010 01:47

In celebration that we have baby owl !!!
may my heart always be open to little... by e. e. cummings

may my heart always be open to little
birds who are the secrets of living
whatever they sing is better than to know
and if men should not hear them men are old

may my mind stroll about hungry
and fearless and thirsty and supple
and even if it's sunday may i be wrong
for whenever men are right they are not young

and may myself do nothing usefully
and love yourself so more than truly
there's never been quite such a fool who could fail
pulling all the sky over him with one smile

click to see baby owl if he's peeking out !!

MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 02:01

Is so pi$$ed off right now :mad: !!

Evil One 06 Apr 2010 02:03

Better than being pissed on, unless you like that sort of thing. :shrug:

Sue K 06 Apr 2010 02:29

... the little owl is peeking his head out the nest ... his mom must be off searching for a nice juicy mouse for dinner !! ... lol ...

MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 02:56

Have a question.

I have a friend on facebook who I've known since colleage only her gf has blown it with me by being inconsiderate and leaving horrible comments and remarks about MJ on my page, so I ended up deleting and blocking her because I don't need to tolerate that and if you don't like him that's OK too just don't try rubbing his fans up the wrong way LOL.
Anyway recently she's used my friend (her gf's) account to continue with her slanderous comments but what do I do, block and delete this friend I've known for years to be rid of these comments for good or just keep deleting the posts, I seriously don't know what to do... ?

Sue K 06 Apr 2010 02:58


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 487626)
Have a question.

I have a friend on facebook who I've known since colleage only her gf has blown it with me by being inconsiderate and leaving horrible comments and remarks about MJ on my page, so I ended up deleting and blocking her because I don't need to tolerate that and if you don't like him that's OK too just don't try rubbing his fans up the wrong way LOL.
Anyway recently she's used my friend (her gf's) account to continue with her slanderous comments but what do I do, block and delete this friend I've known for years to be rid of these comments for good or just keep deleting the posts, I seriously don't know what to do... ?

Em ... have you talked to your college friend about this ? ...

Sarge 06 Apr 2010 03:00

Why don't you just talk to your friend regarding the issue?

lisa01 06 Apr 2010 03:03

post your thoughts
I cant belive how quick Easter has come and gone over so fast i just hope the next few weeks will fly over as iam really starting to get excited about meat loafs album comming out soon roll on 19th of April

MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 03:06

That is another thing, she doesn't seem to understand why I like him and she's so wrapped up in her gf that she doesn't see what the problem is plus I can't message her on fb because it might get to the person I don't want to see it and really I'm in a pickle, it's too much for a text message really and with 10p a message it'll be costly, not sure what her e-mail is but IDK I just don't feel safe to contact her on fb about this because it will probably trigger more MJ hatered to my page !!

IDK what to do :shrug: :( !!

Sue K 06 Apr 2010 03:11


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 487632)
That is another thing, she doesn't seem to understand why I like him and she's so wrapped up in her gf that she doesn't see what the problem is plus I can't message her on fb because it might get to the person I don't want to see it and really I'm in a pickle, it's too much for a text message really and with 10p a message it'll be costly, not sure what her e-mail is but IDK I just don't feel safe to contact her on fb about this because it will probably trigger more MJ hatered to my page !!

IDK what to do :shrug: :( !!

Em... this friend from college... are you able to phone her ? ... and if not ... why don't you have a secure email for her ? ... take offense if you must Em ... but she doesn't sound like a close good friend... know what i mean ? ... a good friend... imo ... would just accept what / who you do or don't like ... liking Michael is an innocent thing ... it's not like liking the idea of joining a skinhead group or something ... imo ... i would try best to contact this friend... and if all else fails... block her ... good luck Em ... xo

Sarge 06 Apr 2010 03:13

If the person is really a friend, there should be other ways of contacting her than FB or text messages and your interest in Michael Jackson shouldn't be a problem. (?)

CarylB 06 Apr 2010 03:20


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 487632)
That is another thing, she doesn't seem to understand why I like him and she's so wrapped up in her gf that she doesn't see what the problem is plus I can't message her on fb because it might get to the person I don't want to see it and really I'm in a pickle, it's too much for a text message really and with 10p a message it'll be costly, not sure what her e-mail is but IDK I just don't feel safe to contact her on fb about this because it will probably trigger more MJ hatered to my page !!

IDK what to do :shrug: :( !!

These kinds of issues are always best dealt with by talking rather than writing imo .. you can at least guage the other person's responses as you're going along. If you can text you presumably have her phone number. Call her, talk it through and if she's a good friend you'll find a way together to resolve the problem, because if it's a problem for you she'll understand that. If she doesn't ... then explain that regretfully you'll have to do the only thing left to you and block her on facebook but will keep in touch by other means.


MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 03:20

I've never considered her a close friend so no offence taken tink ;), it's just really annoying y'know personally for me myspace, facebook, forum accounts etc are personal and something I wouldn't share no matter how involved or together I was with someone but I also appreciate that each and everyone is different and has different standards. I can't really phone her no because I do not know her landline and calling a mobile will cost loads.
I know last night she messaged me; "No offence but why are you so obsessed with Michael Jackson ?" I replied in a note. Wondering if that really was my friend or this gf though I sort of think it was genuinly hers but I don't like doubting people especially those I think of as friends !

MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 03:41


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 487634)
If the person is really a friend, there should be other ways of contacting her than FB or text messages and your interest in Michael Jackson shouldn't be a problem. (?)

Yes I have to agree with that, mabe I'll go to her page and see if there is an e-mail to contact her, however if it comes to it I could text her and ask for it. And I totally agree my best friend likes Britney Spears, personally I can't stand her but because I love this friend to bits I wouldn't then write negative and degrading comments about her.
But that's the story of my life I've always been great at choosing friends :roll: !!


Originally Posted by CarylB (Post 487635)
These kinds of issues are always best dealt with by talking rather than writing imo .. you can at least guage the other person's responses as you're going along. If you can text you presumably have her phone number. Call her, talk it through and if she's a good friend you'll find a way together to resolve the problem, because if it's a problem for you she'll understand that. If she doesn't ... then explain that regretfully you'll have to do the only thing left to you and block her on facebook but will keep in touch by other means.


I agree Caryl,
Reason I came here is because it's safe and I need advice, yes as I said before hun ringing a mobile from a landline is expensive so that's not really an option plus where our phone is located it's not really private and people can hear everything !!
I appreciate the advice and hope I don't come off sounding ungrateful as that isn't my intent by all means ;). I think I have her address if she hasn't moved so I could write to her but then who's to say the gf won't get a hold of it... This whole situation just totally and utterly sucks !!

CarylB 06 Apr 2010 03:56


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 487638)
I agree Caryl,
Reason I came here is because it's safe and I need advice, yes as I said before hun ringing a mobile from a landline is expensive so that's not really an option plus where our phone is located it's not really private and people can hear everything !!
I appreciate the advice and hope I don't come off sounding ungrateful as that isn't my intent by all means ;). I think I have her address if she hasn't moved so I could write to her but then who's to say the gf won't get a hold of it... This whole situation just totally and utterly sucks !!

I appreciate the issue about cost of calls to a mobile .. one reason I find it infuriating when people expect me to always use their mobiles and don't seem to even bother checking messages left on their landlines .. lol

So you have really left yourself with the options of getting hold of an email address for her, writing to her snail-mail, or simply blocking her. Frankly if you are worried she might pass any mail on to her friend she doesn't seem to be that much of a friend to you, so I'd tend to lean towards blocking her and waiting for her to contact you.

If none of these options will work then you're right .. you have a problem and it's beyond my conflict handling advice :-)


mszee 06 Apr 2010 05:13

I think if you go to her status and hover around it you will see "ignore"button...push it and you don't have to block it and resort to any desperate have to learn to ignore...

Evil One 06 Apr 2010 13:27

Are they actually horrible comments or are you being a bit oversensitive? If this person bothers you that much then just delete them. If you mean something to them then they will notice and open up some form of dialogue eventually. If they don't then you didn't matter to them anyway. :shrug:

MeatGrl1 06 Apr 2010 13:49

They were degrading and vile comments that are false.
I am not over analizing I just have a really deep love and respect for MJ and as it's my page I don't want that negativity on my page. And yes you have a point.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time out and given me advice, I really appreciate it XxX

howlerformeatloaf 06 Apr 2010 17:11

I am not sure what thread or where this should go but Meat in on shatners raw nerve at 10:30 on bio in the states today.

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