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duke knooby 23 Jul 2010 00:30


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 507183)
No try the other one :lol: !!

Sadly I cannot ressurect the dead :( !!

i did, i said michael balls
i win

~Helen~ 23 Jul 2010 00:33


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 507182)
is it still an it? or is it a boy/girl?

It'd better be a girl! She (mother-to-be) has been TOLD it will be a girl and consequently everything is pink and girly. The room's pink, the clothes are all girly, we've bought pink and girly toys ... the card I'm making says "It's a girl!"

*touching wood, crossing fingers*!

If she turns out to be a he, there'll be a very girly little boy for the first few months of his life!

duke knooby 23 Jul 2010 00:36

so not an it then...

are you thinking a gift for the girl to appreciate in the future, a treasured item type of thing, or something for the parents to appreciate your thoughts and kindness towards there new baby

~Helen~ 23 Jul 2010 00:45


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 507188)
so not an it then...

are you thinking a gift for the girl to appreciate in the future, a treasured item type of thing, or something for the parents to appreciate your thoughts and kindness towards there new baby


Lol ... I think I've covered thoughts and kindness towards new baby ... so something to be kept and treasured. I have a plate from one of my aunties with a picture in the middle (nothing particularly special, I think it's a painting of a girl in a garden with a watering can) and my name, date/time of birth and weight around the edge. Trouble is, it's a nice thing to have ... but it's just in storage. So it means something to me, it just isn't much use (I imagine people'd find it strange if I had it on my wall or something!). I don't want to buy them something pointless that will just get in the way either!

duke knooby 23 Jul 2010 00:48


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 507189)

I have a plate from one of my aunties with a picture in the middleand my name, date/time of birth and weight around the edge.

me too

RadioMaster 23 Jul 2010 08:20

~~~~~~, the new Alien box on blu-ray has been sold out after one day of preorder lol

meat_loaf2008 23 Jul 2010 08:24

Waiting on word for saturdays show.

Hypnobabe 23 Jul 2010 10:00


Originally Posted by allrevvedup
if any of them are westlife...then yes it is

I can honestly say I don't have any Westlife songs on my I-pod..... Or anywhere else that I store music!!

Hypnobabe 23 Jul 2010 10:05


Originally Posted by ~Helen~
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am REALLY grateful and this has helped a LOT!

Well, I know, however, although I've put together the basket of millions of things, it's from a small group of 4 of us ... and I'd like them (baby and parents-to-be) to have something significant - that's just from me!

I've been trying to keep my eye out for suitable silverware to have engraved (started thinking maybe a silver money box? - except I've not found one suitable yet). I really like your idea - though obviously would need to know baby's name first - so this may be done later, after the birth - if I have any money left! This is a good one, thank you.

Oh believe me, ebay has been searched! :-) Have found some unusual 'baby sock bouquets' which are basically socks/bibs etc rolled up to look like roses, interspersed with some wooden roses and wrapped up with tissue paper. They're pretty cool ... although as I just mentioned (above) I sort of want to get something 'thoughtful and significant'... :? And my major concern with them now is that baby is due in 5 days (that came 'round so quickly!) and I don't trust the postal system. :?

No I agree, think this is a brilliant idea... though have already got her (in the basket of millions of things) some earrings (not posh fancy ones - they are from Sainsbury's actually, but they're really pretty!), some little bottles of vino, and some chocolate ... possibly enough?

Loads ... obviously! ;-) :-)

Oh now this I hadn't thought of at all (despite helping someone do similar for their grandchild a few years back!). Really like this idea - and a couple of newspapers and a single isn't going to break the bank either! Definitely a go-er ... unless of course baby is especially difficult and born just before midnight when 'day of birth' newspapers will no longer be available (*fingers crossed*)

Thank you - VERY MUCH - everybody!

Helen, thank you so much for posting this, I became a Grandma this morning, (thirty-bloody-six-it's-not-fair!!!!!) so I think I'll be heading out to the shops later!!!

~Helen~ 23 Jul 2010 11:47


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 507242)
Helen, thank you so much for posting this, I became a Grandma this morning, (thirty-bloody-six-it's-not-fair!!!!!) so I think I'll be heading out to the shops later!!!

Hehe! No problem and CONGRATULATIONS to you! You will probably tell people your age more times this week than you have since being 10 years old! ;-)

The main thing we've got my friend is basket (it's actually a very pretty wicker laundry basket) and filled it with alsorts of useful things (baby toiletries and nappies etc) ... and some not so useful but essential things (wine, chocolate). I did the same for a work colleague a few months back, seems to go down very well - and I have fun buying everything!

I love Andy's idea with the day-of-birth stuff too :-).

Good luck finding - let me know how you get on ... and if you get any really good ideas for gifts that I can copy, please let me know!

AndyK 23 Jul 2010 11:54

Shameless plug for a family business (it's run by my niece's boyfriend so not sure what relation that really makes him to me!) for all the new grandmothers / aunties etc.

Have a look or have a search on facebook for babycakesltd (you can probably find them off my profile if you look hard enough.

~Helen~ 23 Jul 2010 12:05


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 507249)
Shameless plug for a family business (it's run by my niece's boyfriend so not sure what relation that really makes him to me!) for all the new grandmothers / aunties etc.

Have a look (although the website doesn't tell you much at the moment as it's being redeveloped) or have a search on facebook for babycakes uk (you can probably find them off my profile if you look hard enough.

Here? ;-) ->

AndyK 23 Jul 2010 12:12

I'm at work so can't get onto facebook, but it looks familiar.

Sue K 23 Jul 2010 12:12

Happy HAPPY Friday meatie peeps ...

Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 507242)
Helen, thank you so much for posting this, I became a Grandma this morning, (thirty-bloody-six-it's-not-fair!!!!!) so I think I'll be heading out to the shops later!!!

wow... what did ya do... have that kid at 12 ? ... :shock: ... lol ... i nearly died when i became a granny at 42 ... it's hard to believe that little baby boy will be 18 years old next year !! ...ohhhh... myyyy.... gaaaawwwd... lol ... congrats luvvie... little boy or girl ? ... whatever... enjoy them when you can still hold 'em in your arms ... they grow up and run away to their own lives so quickly... like their parents before them... lol ...

Sue K 23 Jul 2010 12:15


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 507253)
I'm at work so can't get onto facebook, but it looks familiar.

hey there King Andy ! ... Manchester Union came into tinkTown and beat our homeTeam ... 1 to zilch ... ALL THAT BLOODY BALLYHOO FOR ONE STINKIN' POINT ??? :shock: ... lol ... good grief Charlie Brown ... lol ...

ps... notice i stayed neutral and called the sport... naught... ;) ...

AndyK 23 Jul 2010 12:18

Tink, you clearly know nothing of the sport, or at the very least you know nothing of the team that I support in that sport. The red lot from Manchester are a dirty word where I grew up, and I have no interest in how they do (except when they lose in which case let the revels begin).

LucyK! 23 Jul 2010 12:46


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 507252)

Yeah that's the one...the nappy cakes are fabulous

~Helen~ 23 Jul 2010 13:09


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 507257)
Yeah that's the one...the nappy cakes are fabulous

Yes - definitely agree they look amazing - WAY more impressive than a lot of the ones I've seen on ebay. Heard about nappy cakes being a big-ish thing in America (friend's sister lives over there) good to have some decent quality equivalent brought over here :-)

Hypnobabe 23 Jul 2010 15:06


Originally Posted by tink (Post 507254)
wow... what did ya do... have that kid at 12 ? ... :shock: ... lol ... i nearly died when i became a granny at 42 ... it's hard to believe that little baby boy will be 18 years old next year !! ...ohhhh... myyyy.... gaaaawwwd... lol ... congrats luvvie... little boy or girl ? ... whatever... enjoy them when you can still hold 'em in your arms ... they grow up and run away to their own lives so quickly... like their parents before them... lol ...

Thanks Tink, technically I'm a step-granny, but it's as close as I'm happy being for now, lol...

melon 23 Jul 2010 15:14

I have car crashes on my mind.... over and over and over, I can't sleep

allrevvedup 23 Jul 2010 15:16


Thanks Tink, technically I'm a step-granny, but it's as close as I'm happy being for now, lol...
well congrats anyway Ms Blake!

A Slice Of English 23 Jul 2010 17:30

Well, my significant other is invading my home for the weekend and we're going to visit my brother and his wife in order that we celebrate my niece's second birthday. Following on from that, going to a friends birthday party. Only bad thing is that both parties will be BBQ's. I will be BBQ'd out!!

RadioMaster 23 Jul 2010 18:22


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 507234)
~~~~~~, the new Alien box on blu-ray has been sold out after one day of preorder lol

got myself a spare copy on, even 20 € cheaper than amazon

duke knooby 23 Jul 2010 18:31

sore head

Danny 23 Jul 2010 20:21

Today my last working day - vacation :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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