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24K 02 Aug 2010 20:58

WTF ! 2 images removed ! Can't remember what they were, guess i will have to look through the bloody pics again !

The Flying Mouse 02 Aug 2010 22:43


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 509256)
What's wrong with your mum? Is she ok?

:twisted: She's on the mend thanks Zina.
She was taken into the hospital last Monday and they kept her in.
There seemed to be a problem with her liver, gall stones showed up on the scan, but they wanted to do more tests to make sure there was nothing else wrong.
Was in hospital all week but they never got round to giving her the other tests, so they finally let her home today and said they will make an appointment for her to go back for them.

She's much better now though thanks.

duke knooby 02 Aug 2010 23:49

babies should come with an instruction manual

duke knooby 02 Aug 2010 23:55

when was the last time america won a war??? :sherlock:

Sue K 03 Aug 2010 04:11

arrrrrghhhh ...

Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 509336)
Sounds like my day, every day. :-P

yeah... hehe... me too ... "i have to .. i have to ... and i have ... awww feck it " ... lol ... i'll be sorry come the weekend i'm sure ... lol ... aw... feck that too ... lol ...

otherwise... my thought... i'm pished as feckin' hell with the plan to put lots of people to work in my town of Philadelphia... guess what we're going to build ? ... a feckin' Morman church ! ... yeah... right... build it... and ... go door to door to collect mortal souls to drag off to it ... pullleeeeze...

how about THIS ?... a fecking block over from my house are three feckin' empty lots where three factories were torn down... how about getting some brain power and begging going and build a mall there... using a major grocery store as the anchor store ? ... build stores... THAT will be permanent jobs... not some feckin' church... gawd... i'm really pished about this... who we soothing THIS feckin' time around ?? ... gawd ... pished...

Sue K 03 Aug 2010 04:12


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 509390)
babies should come with an instruction manual

make sure the instructions go staight through to about 50 years !! ... ;) ...

Sue K 03 Aug 2010 04:13


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 509392)
when was the last time america won a war??? :sherlock:

ACTUALLY won one... or claimed to ? ... please be clear on this matter ... ;) ... lol ...

fred2010 03 Aug 2010 04:28

i got some good reverberations on my farts while sitting in the metal chairs today

MeatGrl1 03 Aug 2010 08:59

I am hungry :p !!

Thinking I might go into Worcester in a little while to see if I can get some more holiday stuff sorted, going to Rhodes on the 25th, I cannot wait :yay: :cheer: !!

Sue K 03 Aug 2010 12:10

Happy Tuesday meatie peeps ...
and how's this for ... perhaps ... "irony"? ... i woke to news that a church i pass daily on my newspaper route is coming under attack by License & Inspection because it's been being used as a men's shelter ... and it's licensed to be a church only ... about 15 men sleep there on a daily basis... i watched these men take months to turn a piece of sh*t building into something decent to the eye ... these are men trying to sort their lives out ... i've seen them work together... they've never been anything but polite and kindly to me (i took a trip up the street from the church last year and they all came running to make sure i was okay ) ... their time to stay there is up Aug 10 according to the news...

when i was a child i always thought of a church building as God's house... and a place you could run to when in harm's way ... find comfort and sanctuary in ... shame on L&I... i say ... sort it... and let the men be ... i have a feeling though, neighbors may have reported them ...

MeatGrl1 03 Aug 2010 12:20

Damn you facebook :bicker: !!

allrevvedup 03 Aug 2010 12:38

thankfully, and finally got the cast off the left have to do physiotherapy for a couple of weeks at least

Danny 03 Aug 2010 13:27


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 509342)
If you can't beat The Stig fair and square on the track then wiping out someone who can isn't the way forward!

Glad to hear that he's got a 10 place grid penalty for that ... what happens if he only qualifies 20th? Does that mean he has to give them all even more of a head start?

I think it would be the best Michael stop his F1 career finally :!:
His time is up.

Sue K 03 Aug 2010 13:48

... i stopped to chat to a couple of the men living at the church/ outreach center ... the thought seems to be it's the neighbors who reported on them ... that was my thought as well ... but as the man said... and i was so in accord with him ... the men at the church keep the area clean (there's a playground across the street and up until a few months ago it was in ratty condition but the men at the church went over and pulled all the weeds from the cracks in sidewalks... swept the whole property up and it's a huge piece of CITY OWNED property... and stay on top of it keeping it clean) ... i told him i'll toss up good thoughts to the powers... and for him and the men to hang in there fighting the good fight ...

duke knooby 03 Aug 2010 18:25

twas a productive day... got everything done...

haircuts too short though :(

Monstro 03 Aug 2010 19:12


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 509390)
babies should come with an instruction manual

self cleaning arse would be nice as well

daveake 03 Aug 2010 19:47

Why just for babies? :lol:

Evil One 03 Aug 2010 19:57


Originally Posted by daveake (Post 509490)
Why just for babies? :lol:

You can't do yours yourself? :twisted:

daveake 03 Aug 2010 20:15


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 509495)
You can't do yours yourself? :twisted:

Does being able to clean your oven stop you from buying a self-cleaning one? ;-)

Thing of the time savings ...

Evil One 03 Aug 2010 20:26

So you want a toilet and bidet in one? Simultaneous shitting and arse splashing action? :twisted:

daveake 03 Aug 2010 20:30

Timing might be crucial, I grant you ...

Never has my avatar been more appropriate to the conversation ... :lol:

AndyK 03 Aug 2010 21:13

Looks like fanfire might have messed up in my favour once again!

LucyK! 03 Aug 2010 21:40

I would LOVE to see the list of Fanfire losses at the end of the year! :p

AndyK 03 Aug 2010 21:46

I'm waiting for them to send a couple of Meet and Greets in the post ...

I could walk into the other room for this conversation, but I can't be bothered

Wario 03 Aug 2010 21:57


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 509540)
I'm waiting for them to send a couple of Meet and Greets in the post ...

I could walk into the other room for this conversation, but I can't be bothered

you are coming to the US?

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