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Sue K 30 Dec 2010 12:38


Originally Posted by melon (Post 534772)
And teh Aussie girls just beat New Zealand by 4 wickets with 2 balls remaining in their T20, back home for their series against the English in Perth!!

2 balls remaining in their what ? ... lol ... It all sounds so naughty !!! ... lol ...

melon 30 Dec 2010 14:45


Originally Posted by tink (Post 534791)
2 balls remaining in their what ? ... lol ... It all sounds so naughty !!! ... lol ...

Oh sorry tink, its just the form of the game, so you have a Test Match... 5 days or there abouts, then there are One Day games, which is 50 overs a side (An over is made of 6 balls, so 300 Balls total for an innings) and a T20 is 20 overs a side and is a quicker more exciting form of the game.

Sue K 30 Dec 2010 15:01


Originally Posted by melon (Post 534803)
Oh sorry tink, its just the form of the game, so you have a Test Match... 5 days or there abouts, then there are One Day games, which is 50 overs a side (An over is made of 6 balls, so 300 Balls total for an innings) and a T20 is 20 overs a side and is a quicker more exciting form of the game.

Oh... lol ... No worries, luvvie ! I was teasing. I remember a few years back there was conversation here re: cricket and I looked up a site to get some insight ... lol ... I better track that site down again ... ;) ... xo

melon 30 Dec 2010 15:20

I think this may have been it :)

allrevvedup 30 Dec 2010 18:40

from After the release of Die Another Day, Pierce Brosnan was approached by a man in a Dublin bar who asked to shake his hand. Brosnan complied and then cracked up when the man quipped, "That's the closest my hand will ever get to Halle Berry's arse".

AndyK 30 Dec 2010 20:21


That's a lot!!! :shock:

@Tink (and anyone else who doesn't understand cricket, like the Aussies perhaps :lmao:) try this

melon 30 Dec 2010 23:36


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 534820)

That's a lot!!! :shock:

@Tink (and anyone else who doesn't understand cricket, like the Aussies perhaps :lmao:) try this

Hope you only mean the blokes! Our Girls are holding up our end of the deal

Monstro 31 Dec 2010 11:26

4th laptop in 10 days lol, this one better bloody work

MeatGrl1 31 Dec 2010 12:04

I can't go another night
Telling you I'm fine when I'm dying...

Together it's heaven
Apart we're in hell

I understand this now !!!!!!!

Sue K 31 Dec 2010 15:01

Happy New Year Eve/ Day, meatie peeps !! (trying to take in most time zones... lol )
Thanks, Melz and King Andy for the cricket primers ! As soon as I get a toddy into me tonight, I'll give them a view ... ;) ... lol ...

Dave 31 Dec 2010 15:30

Loading 2011... █████████████ 99%

Hypnobabe 31 Dec 2010 15:45

Happy New Year, fellow Loafers, don't know about you lot but I plan on Loafing quite a bit over the next year! Have fun and stay safe xxx

AndrewG 31 Dec 2010 19:10

Happy New Year! :))

allrevvedup 31 Dec 2010 19:41

Happy New Year, ladies and gents...hope it's a million times better for you than 2010.

suzieq 01 Jan 2011 00:08

Had a wow moment today. My son, 5yrs old....requested to listen to AFL via Ipod in the car. I selected and he said, "No mommy, Not that one. The LIVE one from the Hang Cool Teddy Bear case." I turned around and said, How do you know it's different. He said, "the word "do" is different at the end." So, for giggles I put the LATW on...he said "no mommy, that's the older one." LMAO, not sure who gave him the history lesson of ML. But hey he wants what he wants. I finally accommodated the young padawan.

Vickip 01 Jan 2011 00:09


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 534882)
Happy New Year, ladies and gents...hope it's a million times better for you than 2010.

Happy New Year everybody !!
2010 was a great year for me .... so if 2011 is a millions better, it's going to be out of this world :))

Really loving my new slimline computer ! Windows 7 is a definite improvement over Windows Vista :-)

Vickip 01 Jan 2011 00:10


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 534886)
Had a wow moment today. My son, 5yrs old....requested to listen to AFL via Ipod in the car. I selected and he said, "No mommy, Not that one. The LIVE one from the Hang Cool Teddy Bear case." I turned around and said, How do you know it's different. He said, "the word "do" is different at the end." So, for giggles I put the LATW on...he said "no mommy, that's the older one." LMAO, not sure who gave him the history lesson of ML. But hey he wants what he wants. I finally accommodated the young padawan.

Excellent :))

Monstro 01 Jan 2011 00:24


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 534886)
Had a wow moment today. My son, 5yrs old....requested to listen to AFL via Ipod in the car. I selected and he said, "No mommy, Not that one. The LIVE one from the Hang Cool Teddy Bear case." I turned around and said, How do you know it's different. He said, "the word "do" is different at the end." So, for giggles I put the LATW on...he said "no mommy, that's the older one." LMAO, not sure who gave him the history lesson of ML. But hey he wants what he wants. I finally accommodated the young padawan.

Scary innit, my two year old asks for MeatLoafLosAngeloser (all one word lol), just what are we teaching them?????

Evil One 01 Jan 2011 00:28


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 534886)
Had a wow moment today. My son, 5yrs old....requested to listen to AFL via Ipod in the car.

And you can be safe with the knowledge that he has good taste. :cool:

MeatGrl1 01 Jan 2011 01:16

Wish it was still December... This means Monday will come to soon now :( !!!

melon 01 Jan 2011 09:25


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 534886)
Had a wow moment today. My son, 5yrs old....requested to listen to AFL via Ipod in the car. I selected and he said, "No mommy, Not that one. The LIVE one from the Hang Cool Teddy Bear case." I turned around and said, How do you know it's different. He said, "the word "do" is different at the end." So, for giggles I put the LATW on...he said "no mommy, that's the older one." LMAO, not sure who gave him the history lesson of ML. But hey he wants what he wants. I finally accommodated the young padawan.

Thats great!

MeatGrl1 01 Jan 2011 15:47

Hurting :( !!

MeatGrl1 01 Jan 2011 21:55

Think I've licked my wounds, time to pick myself up and start again !

Sue K 02 Jan 2011 12:49


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 534941)
Think I've licked my wounds, time to pick myself up and start again !

And imMOSTHUMBLEOFOPINES... lol ... THAT'S what a New Year is all about ! The world/ Father Time/ Mother Naytch/ the Babylonians/ and/ or whomever it was decided to create a New Year has offered us a chance for a do-over. It's a time to sit back and reflect; what you didn't do last year, but wanted to do. Concentrate on it more this year... but most of all ?

HAVE FUN !!! BE AS HAPPY AS POSSIBLE though I know there's those moments of trials and tribs... I DO... I DO know... but think back and remember the ones you thought you would die from ... and didn't !!!

AND BE AS KIND AS POSSIBLE TO ONE ANOTHER AS WELL !! All that the human-race has is itself. Peace out !!!

duke knooby 02 Jan 2011 14:50

not long till christmas

im really really likin the vw scirrocco at the moment :yep:

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