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Wario 10 Feb 2011 18:15

that's terrible. all the best to their families :(

Sarge 10 Feb 2011 19:22

Fantastic performance of Objects, I'm glad I finally found it but why the hell did it have to be on a worn-out VHS tape? This will take a lot of work to look and sound half-way decent. :mad:

Wario 10 Feb 2011 19:23


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 538324)
Fantastic performance of Objects, I'm glad I finally found it but why the hell did it have to be on a worn-out VHS tape? This will take a lot of work to look and sound half-way decent. :mad:

top of the pops version?

Sarge 10 Feb 2011 19:26


Originally Posted by WarioLoaf (Post 538325)
top of the pops version?


Evil One 10 Feb 2011 19:29

Does it have purple and yellow shit splattered all over it?

Sarge 10 Feb 2011 19:41


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 538327)
Does it have purple and yellow shit splattered all over it?

No. :D

AndrewG 10 Feb 2011 19:53

Very sad to hear about that plane crash indeed. :-(
Hope the people hurt will all get back on their feet asap.

Thank God this doesn't happen very often in this part of the world though. :up:

Wario 10 Feb 2011 19:59

April Fools is going according to plan :twisted:

The Flying Mouse 10 Feb 2011 20:02


Originally Posted by WarioLoaf (Post 538335)
April Fools is going according to plan :twisted:

:twisted: Only if your plan is to piss off half the online ML community by getting their hopes up with talks of exciting releases :bleh:

Wario 10 Feb 2011 20:10


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 538336)
:twisted: Only if your plan is to piss off half the online ML community by getting their hopes up with talks of exciting releases :bleh:

Actually thats a different prank all together. not the one here.

I didnt intend andrew to hate me like he does. it was a joke that backfired.

Evil One 10 Feb 2011 20:12


Originally Posted by KnobEnd (Post 538342)
It will all make sense. I swear.

It already makes sense. :roll:

LucyK! 10 Feb 2011 20:15


Originally Posted by WarioLoaf (Post 538342)
actually it was. theres a point to me making people pissed of at me so when April Fools happens you'll really be pissed off. and then realize why i was acting like such a ~~~~er. It will all make sense. I swear.

and I love how Andrew really hates me right now. as long as its not taken too seriously everything will work out on april first in good fun.

I don't know if you're serious with that post or not, but if you seriously intend to pi$$ people off so that something is funny in two months time I assure you that is the worst move you can possibly make.

This is a genuine Meat Loaf forum to talk about genuine Meat Loaf issues - if you think filling it with made up crap is appropriate then you are so misguided.

Wario 10 Feb 2011 20:38


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 538348)
I don't know if you're serious with that post or not, but if you seriously intend to pi$$ people off so that something is funny in two months time I assure you that is the worst move you can possibly make.

This is a genuine Meat Loaf forum to talk about genuine Meat Loaf issues - if you think filling it with made up crap is appropriate then you are so misguided.

it sucks that being sarcastic cant be reflected in text real well.

I wasnt serious. thats why i edited my post (look at my revised post). In actuality it saddens me to see what andrew said but I understand why hes pissed.

I wanted to make a great, funny, ironic april fools day prank to give a big middle fingure to the studios for not giving us more meat loaf live material. wa sgonna be epic. it backfired. end of story. I didnt hurt, harrass, or con anyone for their money. it was just gonna be a joke.

Im gonna let this blow over and im taking a good two month break for real this time. I have college to concentrate on, my new job, and my life in general.

deleted all the MLUKFC members/youtubers off my facebook. not cause i dont like you all, its cause I wanna seperate myself from here as much as possible. starting to feel out of place here nowadays. .

g'day. keep rocking y'all. Masculine is still the best song ever.

Wario 10 Feb 2011 21:03

One last thing...
Im sorry andrew and everyone else who seriously hate me for the joke i attempted.


Sue K 10 Feb 2011 23:31

Hi, gang.
I hope this finds things well with all.

Gary Busey... I think the first time I ever saw him was on an episode of Baretta. He played a teenage hoodlum or something like that, if I remember correctly, which... lol ... I probably don't.

He played a good villian in the first Lethal Weapon. And he wasn't so bad in Predator 2. I guess I can pretty much call myself a fan of his work. It's a shame he's gone a bit whackaDoodle... lol ...

melon 11 Feb 2011 02:23


Originally Posted by GDW (Post 538256)
What!!! Letting go of MLUKFC?:-)



Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 538258)
Especially if you've got glue all over your hand. :bleh:

Hmmm, yes, yes this is true, but only if I let it dry..... by which time I would hope I had realised long before this happens.


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 538262)
Still not over the Ashes eh?

I will NEVER be over that..... at least until we win them back. The ODI series couldn't even partially make up for it.

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 03:16

its always a shame when a joke goes spectacularly wrong or is just plain misguided/not funny, (i'm guilty of both)

but its not the end of the world

4 hours sleep yesterday wasn't good :(

guinness is good :D

wonder if carls back from la hospital?

Wario 11 Feb 2011 03:18


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538381)
its always a shame when a joke goes spectacularly wrong or is just plain misguided/not funny, (i'm guilty of both)

but its not the end of the world

thanks duke.

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 03:21

but you gotta remember that toying with people isnt very smart, and wont win you many friends...

you dont need to be the joker all the time

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 03:36

and probably the worst advice you could get right now, is from me, but you've seen how your prank panned out, and youre not stupid...

(now i've made myself sound condescending and hypocritical)

Wario 11 Feb 2011 03:47


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538385)
(now i've made myself sound condescending and hypocritical)

actually you made yourself look forgiving and seem like a peace maker. thanks duke. im still taking at least a month and a half off. things need to die down.

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 04:05


Originally Posted by WarioLoaf (Post 538386)
actually you made yourself look forgiving and seem like a peace maker. thanks duke. im still taking at least a month and a half off. things need to die down.

why are you taking 6 weeks off?

and btw chris, your spelling is much much better when not in wario persona

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 04:46

did i need that smoke?

probably not :twisted:

it was a lighter test ive decided :-)

duke knooby 11 Feb 2011 04:56


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538383)

you dont need to be the joker all the time

and i forgot, alot of people have a lack of sense of humour when it comes to their meat...

Wario 11 Feb 2011 05:45


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538388)
why are you taking 6 weeks off?

cause when I get back this place will seem fresher if that makes sense


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538388)
and btw chris, your spelling is much much better when not in wario persona

yeah, that persona is gone forever. Only thing that has a chance of staying is my love for masculine. cause I truly love that song. i was never joking or lying about that.


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 538394)
and i forgot, alot of people have a lack of sense of humour when it comes to their meat...

yeah. its understandable really

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