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melon 06 Nov 2011 09:34


Originally Posted by melon (Post 558099)
I'm hungry....

No longer hungry.... now STARVING! lol

Sue K 07 Nov 2011 18:33

Happy Monday, meatie peeps ... xo
I'm sorry to hear about the troubles in your neighborhood. What does the word "chav" mean ? Thanks ...


Originally Posted by Snafu (Post 557502)
I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I need to get it off my chest:

~~~~ YOU CHESHIRE POLICE ~~~~, ~~~~, ~~~~ YOU!

So, I live on a very respectful street. It's a street of brand new housing (built 2003) everyone if very friendly. But oh no, the council have to build social at the end of our street. Now I've not got anything aginst people who lives in social housing, but these people are scum, sub human SCUM! For the past 6 years we have had to put up with these chavvy people's failed abortions. Their antics range from abuse, right up to attempted arson (on my ~~~~ing house!) to criminal damage. So today these pricks decided to terrorise my old neighbour by chucking rocks at his house. He tried to chase after them but they picked up huge ~~~~ off sticks and chased him. He got in his car and drove off after them up the road. So anyway the police came, and interview these chav kids, didn't seemed to care what us respectful people had to say. What did they do? Arrest my ~~~~ing neighbour, but oh no they decided that they needed four police officer to tackle him to the ground, he's an old man, I'm pretty sure they tasered him. When they got him in the police car it looked like he was going to have a heart attack, ~~~~s! Anyway these kids were still shouting abuse and then their parents came up. Mrs. orangeslut and Charlie chav, I mean think strerotypical chav couples and you have the parents. All these parents do is let their kids out all day and don't give a rats arse about them. They shouldn't be allowed to produce. I mean the Dad's are normally in prison and the Mothers are either bonking someone else are staying in their house getting fat. It made my physically sick to see what the Police did today, I've lost all faith in them. They don't seem to care at all, these kids need a beating and quick!

Tomorrow, the police are getting a complaint, and I pity the poor person who picks up the phone at the Housing association tomorrow as I want these dicks to become homeless, it's a privilege they live in these houses not a right. The Police handled the whole situation like idiots, if they needed to arrest my nieghbour they could have taken him into his own home sat him down and explained. Not acted they they acted!

So upset and angry! :angry::angry::angry:

Again sorry if it offends anyone, but Christ I'm angry!!!

We need a Gene Hunt and quickly!

The World really has gone to hell in a handbasket!

Sue K 07 Nov 2011 18:36

That's good to hear. The community is sticking together. That's how you have to do it !


Originally Posted by Snafu (Post 557605)
Well Mum's back, the Police explained everything. Really nice guys and they felt really bad about what they did to my neighbour. Turned out he actually went to swing for one of the Officers, so fair enough they did have to wrestle him to the ground. If he had co-operated they wouldn't have even handcuffed him. So I take back my rant towards them. They're also on his side and they're making sure these kids aren't getting away with it. Too many witnesses against them this time!

Sue K 07 Nov 2011 18:37


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 557608)
Always know your facts before ranting and raging!!!!!

lol ... As a bit of a ranter and rager pre-facts ... imo, it's cool. The rant happened in what imo is a safe place, here ... lol ...

Sue K 07 Nov 2011 18:39

Oh ? Did you hear him on Dancing With The Stars ? or is it the story about him possibly fathering a child ? ... I saw a headline on AOL he will take a paternity test. Good luck, kiddo ...


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 557873)
justin bieber :shock:

Sebastian. 07 Nov 2011 19:18

The word chav is a British word basically means aggressive and arrogant teenagers and young adults. All they want to do is cause trouble.

Sue K 07 Nov 2011 19:54


Originally Posted by Snafu (Post 558268)
The word chav is a British word basically means aggressive and arrogant teenagers and young adults. All they want to do is cause trouble.

Oh, okay. Thanks for that !

duke knooby 08 Nov 2011 00:16

i dont like funerals... not lookin forward to the weekend

Sue K 08 Nov 2011 15:18


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 558309)
i dont like funerals... not lookin forward to the weekend

Sorry for the loss, Duke K ... Perhaps you should invite Mousie ... He seems to have a knack for them ! ... Take care !

S ... enjoying the Spring-like weather in PhillyTown ... xo

duke knooby 09 Nov 2011 19:32

ah well, should really go to work

duke knooby 10 Nov 2011 07:20

sore, need sleep, night night

Sue K 10 Nov 2011 12:25

Imo, the Republicans should decide today to go with Mitt Romney and get it over with !

Sebastian. 11 Nov 2011 01:51

Played the entire Modern Warfare 3 campaign today. Out of the 3 it had to be the best storyline. The whole campaign was a masterpiece with the music and the voice acting.

Watched Ricky Gervais' new programme - Life's Too Short. Warwick Davis, Stepehn Merchan, Ricky Gervais and Barry from Eastenders are brilliant.

mtaylor315 11 Nov 2011 09:50

I'm hoping today goes very quickly - its been a long week! And worrying about the essay I'll get back today - my uni essays I've received back so far have been quite good, but still, a little worried! x

Sue K 11 Nov 2011 12:32

Our faux Spring is over here in PhillyTown ! ... lol ... Windy, cold and a high near 50F today ... brrr ... Well, it's still not 17F and snowing ... yay !

duke knooby 12 Nov 2011 00:42

im ever so tired

Sebastian. 12 Nov 2011 01:56

I so want a one hour session in Bruce Dickinson's new 737 sim at Heathrow. But it's £666 :(

melon 12 Nov 2011 14:50

Red Wine

Meat Loaf

Face Book


Folding clothes & bed sheets


............ oh and Physio's are just plain evil.... they hurt!!!!!

melon 12 Nov 2011 15:20

Feeling extremely sarcastic & highly irritable..... better get to bed before I get myself into trouble!!

Battybarb 12 Nov 2011 23:31

had a really lovely week last week spending time with the kids ,always hard when i come back though..

Ollie241189 12 Nov 2011 23:33

I'm having a bromance with Meat Loaf... He just dont know it!!!

Monstro 12 Nov 2011 23:44



juniper 12 Nov 2011 23:49

it's the little things in life, like a cigar and a shot of whiskey.

duke knooby 13 Nov 2011 01:53

my job shall be driving my friend and his mum to the funeral tomorrow, i hope i can give them the support they need

duke knooby 13 Nov 2011 02:25


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 558797)


it's WHISKEY :evil:

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