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KebLou 17 Apr 2004 20:19

No, sorry still looking, been looking everwhere on the net, can't even find the first site I was looking at.

Emily 17 Apr 2004 20:21

Thats ok Keb.......thanks for looking :)

KebLou 17 Apr 2004 20:30

spoke to soon, just as I posted that, I found it again, what was it you wanted emily paul crook or something else

24K 20 Apr 2004 02:20

Hi i am pleased to say that Emily has her pics.She has every right to be slightly infatuated with Paul.Mine however is centred on the great man himself MEAT ! I also have pictures of him and Patti which are fantastic.Keep it friendly we should help each other out. :D

airhead 20 Apr 2004 02:27

hhmmm... no luck emily!

24K 21 Apr 2004 00:21

:roll: ???????????????????????????????????????????????

Emily 21 Apr 2004 00:26


Originally Posted by 24K
Hi i am pleased to say that Emily has her pics.She has every right to be slightly infatuated with Paul.Mine however is centred on the great man himself MEAT ! I also have pictures of him and Patti which are fantastic.Keep it friendly we should help each other out. :D know I'm looking for paul crook GUITAR PLECTRUMS!! you know, picks that he plays the guitar with! not pictures.... I did love the pictures you sent me though!! :)

Why is everyone so confused!!!! :roll:


24K 22 Apr 2004 01:54

Everybody is confused due the fact some people are determined to go off topic and insult each other.

However Emily i am pleased you did like the pictures and good luck in finding your Paul GUITAR PLECTRUMS! :)

Emily 22 Apr 2004 03:29

Thanks 24K I really loved the pics! Theyre really nice :)


Rob The Badger 22 Apr 2004 19:49

People are confused because Emily failed to specify guitar plectrums. ShaE may well have been misspelling 'pics' for all we knew. And considering here regular posts usually are about Paullus McCrauckuss and pics of his "sexy bod", one only had to assume.

Emily 22 Apr 2004 20:02


Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
People are confused because Emily failed to specify guitar plectrums. ShaE may well have been misspelling 'pics' for all we knew. And considering here regular posts usually are about Paullus McCrauckuss and pics of his "sexy bod", one only had to assume.

Was just waiting for you to say that badger..... I think people were confused becuase you tried to ruin the thread in the first place...and distracted everything :evil:


Rob The Badger 22 Apr 2004 20:15


Originally Posted by Emily

Originally Posted by Rob The Badger
People are confused because Emily failed to specify guitar plectrums. ShaE may well have been misspelling 'pics' for all we knew. And considering here regular posts usually are about Paullus McCrauckuss and pics of his "sexy bod", one only had to assume.

Was just waiting for you to say that badger..... I think people were confused becuase you tried to ruin the thread in the first place...and distracted everything :evil:


Of course, Blame the badger.

AndyK 22 Apr 2004 21:54

Final warnings have been issued publicly, and now privately regarding this thread. It's locked for 24 hrs.

Emily 24 Apr 2004 18:27

Ok....lets start again....... :roll:

so............... anyone else have any plectrums?


Heli 24 Apr 2004 18:43

I have a Kasim plectrum :D :P

Emily 24 Apr 2004 18:48

lol........theres about 8 kasim plectrums in this! sister has a Meat one...but i so want a paul one!!!!! hmmmm as you all know.... :roll:

badger 25 Apr 2004 23:24 and a search for Paul Crook comes up with the cheapest at $15 for a Meat Loaf 2003 tour one of Pauls.

The cheapest I have found so far :)

Emily 25 Apr 2004 23:40

hey thanks badger!!!!!!!

24K 26 Apr 2004 03:42

I am really pleased for you Emily,the site is great and the prices fantastic,this is what happens when everyone works together. :lol: I am after an item autographed by MEAT,ANY ITEM!

Emily 27 Apr 2004 18:49

KebLou 27 Apr 2004 19:10


Originally Posted by 24K
I am really pleased for you Emily,the site is great and the prices fantastic,this is what happens when everyone works together. :lol: I am after an item autographed by MEAT,ANY ITEM!

try here

Emily 27 Apr 2004 19:12


24K 28 Apr 2004 02:36

:) Hi Keb i went onto the site you posted but unfortunately they had nothing on Meatloaf.However that could just be me being a bit simple :?
But if anybody does have any ideas on getting something that has ben autographed my Meat please let me know. :idea:

badger 28 Apr 2004 03:09

24k the best place would probably be ebay, can't find much at the moment though

KebLou 28 Apr 2004 09:22


Originally Posted by 24K
:) Hi Keb i went onto the site you posted but unfortunately they had nothing on Meatloaf.However that could just be me being a bit simple :?
But if anybody does have any ideas on getting something that has ben autographed my Meat please let me know. :idea:

If you go on the site that Badger posted, then search for Meat Loaf, on the second page there is a autographed picture of him as Eddie.

Emily 28 Apr 2004 18:59

airhead 28 Apr 2004 21:53


Originally Posted by "keb

If you go on the site that Badger posted, then search for Meat Loaf, on the second page there is a autographed picture of him as Eddie.

I wish I wish I wish I could get mum to shop on th internet.... *whiiiiine*

As al the girls know I have a huge crush on eddie from RHPS and soooo...... ohhhhh. :cry:

Rob The Badger 28 Apr 2004 23:30

Isn't that a little off topic?

Anyway, I'll try and find the link, I saw somewhere the meke-up guy from the AFL vido selling bits of Meats make-up. Odd, but no doubt some of you'll be interested.

24K 29 Apr 2004 00:25

:) I found the page on the site mentioned,i had been unable to find it before because i had typed Meat Loaf without the space it did not recognise this and came up with nothing.( i was being simple afterall ! )Thanks for your help. :D

Emily 29 Apr 2004 18:10!!!!!!!!!

KebLou 01 May 2004 23:20

I was flicking through ebay and I came across this

I thought some one would be interested.

Emily 01 May 2004 23:32

its ok about the Paul Crook ones :D :D :D :D :D :D :twisted:

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