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Jen 29 Apr 2003 20:44

Well not been here that long myself, but I feel I should say hi to everyone...

so hi everyone :D


heat 29 Apr 2003 22:24

Great idea Tim - but can you change a nappy???? Or warm a bottle???? :P :P

FM - don't these guys know that there's no such thing as too much beer??? :wink:


Tim 29 Apr 2003 23:17


Great idea Tim - but can you change a nappy???? Or warm a bottle????
Well Heat, never tried it, but maybe i can. Giving a little baby a warm bottle can't be that difficult... and i'm never too old to learn, i think!!

So, we have a deal now??? :P


The Flying Mouse 29 Apr 2003 23:48


Originally Posted by heat
FM - don't these guys know that there's no such thing as too much beer??? :wink:

They have much to learn in about the art of getting well and truely plasterd :mrgreen: .

Leon 29 Apr 2003 23:59

Hey all
I'm 17 years old (birthday today!) and relatively new to Meatloaf. My mum liked Bat Out of Hell and so about 3/4 months ago I downloaded it and Anything for Love. Kinda forgot about him then. But my interest was rekindled when I saw meat on des and mel a few weeks ago. Bought the single (see my sad tale below) and then the album on sunday. Going to get the bat out of hell cd/dvd on saturday when mvc get it back in stock. Can't wait! :D

And now my sad tale :(
Bought the single from hmv a week and a half ago, especially because it has the video on it. Went home and found that the video wouldn't work. :(
Took it back to hmv later that week and got it swapped for another and...same problem. :( :( When I bought the album on sunday I went to wh smiths, mvc and woolies where I planned to buy another copy but they were sold out. Was really looking forward to seeing the video for CHSIB but guess that's life. Cheered myself up by watching the bonus videos that came with the album :)

Tim 30 Apr 2003 00:02

Happy Birthday Leon!! And welcome to our big family!!! :lol:

Leon 30 Apr 2003 00:09

Thanks tim.
Like I said in another post..glad the people here are friendly. :D :D

Tim 30 Apr 2003 00:12

Hehe, that's true Leon...

In the begining he.... LOL......just kidding. I'm also called The Butcher.... and... that has it's reasons!!

No, we are all friendly... And having fun here on the forum. So take good care and feel free to post, react and say things!! We love that!

Your mod,
The Butcher, Tim

The Flying Mouse 30 Apr 2003 00:13

:twisted: Hi Leon.
Welcome to the forums.
Happy birthday man :mrgreen: .

Muppetloaf 30 Apr 2003 01:11

:) Hi all, my names Tim and Ive been registered a few days now. I find it an absorbing site and even though I visit as often as I can since I discovered it, and post when I feel I can contribute, it takes a bit of getting used to and hard to keep up with the posts! :)

I've been a Meat fan for about 20 years, but more seriously since tours in the 90's. I am a member of the OIFC and quite seriously only discovered this and other great sites recently......couldnt have been looking very well!!. All I can say is that I am glad I did as this is the best Meat site there is, friendly people and a group that I would be glad to be part of in time..thanks :)

Guppie 30 Apr 2003 01:23


Originally Posted by Leon
Hey all
I'm 17 years old (birthday today!) and relatively new to Meatloaf. My mum liked Bat Out of Hell and so about 3/4 months ago I downloaded it and Anything for Love. Kinda forgot about him then. But my interest was rekindled when I saw meat on des and mel a few weeks ago. Bought the single (see my sad tale below) and then the album on sunday. Going to get the bat out of hell cd/dvd on saturday when mvc get it back in stock. Can't wait! :D

Congrats, Leon. Always nice to meet one of the new generation Fans of Meat. I am almost 42 myself. I'm a sweet little dutch fishy, although I'm sometimes referred to as a piranah :D

heat 30 Apr 2003 08:20

Welcome to Muppetloaf and Leon - happy birthday by the way :D

You're gonna love our litle family here - but dont unpack and make yourself comfortable just yet, as we are moving - to one big massive house that we are all gonna live in. It's gonna be like one of those religious sects kinda thingys, with Meat as our god :P And i'm roping you in for babysitting duties before anyone else gets in first :)

Tim - soooo glad you can change a nappy and make up a bottle -we'll get on well, son!!! :twisted:

FM - methinks we are gonna have to educate all our little friends in the art of getting plastered, definately :twisted:

Guppie - i can't believe that you would ever be a piranah... :wink:

Well, i'm off to start packing....


dottie 30 Apr 2003 10:10


Originally Posted by termin8orjen
Well not been here that long myself, but I feel I should say hi to everyone...

so hi everyone :D


Hi Jen

heat 30 Apr 2003 10:20

Apologies to Jen - knew there was someone i'd forgotten :oops: :oops: :oops:

Hiya hun, welcome home :P


dottie 30 Apr 2003 10:34

Hi muppetloaf and leon - welcome to our lovely family - your'll have 2 mums and a grandmother to look after you - oops forgot the GodFathers :lol: you know who you are :!:

Michel 30 Apr 2003 12:04


Originally Posted by heat
Guppie - i can't believe that you would ever be a piranah... :wink:

Believe me, she can. :lol:

Welcome Muppetloaf and Leon.

Where do you come from Leon?

Guppie 30 Apr 2003 12:53


Originally Posted by heat
Guppie - i can't believe that you would ever be a piranah... :wink:

Believe me, she can. :lol:

:roll: :lol:

The Flying Mouse 30 Apr 2003 15:18

:twisted: Hi Tim.
Glad that you like it here.
It can be tricky keeping up to date with everything that goes on here.I used to keep one eye on the forums all day waiting for something to happen,and most of the time I was the only registerd user on line.
Over the last couple of months there have been a LOT of new members,so there's always people on line now and always something going on :D .
Only problem is now if I miss a day here,it takes me hours to catch up again.
Still,that's life :lol: .
Rock on.

The Flying Mouse 30 Apr 2003 15:26


Originally Posted by heat
FM - methinks we are gonna have to educate all our little friends in the art of getting plastered, definately :twisted:

Well they do have some highly qualified teachers here :mrgreen: .

heat 30 Apr 2003 15:33

Dam right they do, mousie matey :P :P

Gupopie - Hafta amit..i've a phobia of fish..but in your case i'll make an exception :D


Chris 30 Apr 2003 16:28

Based on the last message, I don't think heat needs any help getting plastered!!!!

Leon 30 Apr 2003 19:38

Hi all. Thanks for the kind welcome
I'm from Inverness which is a small city in the north of scotland.
Anyone else from around these parts?

Jen 30 Apr 2003 19:50

Thank's for the welcom Dottie and Heat. :D

Hi Leon, hope you know what you've gotten yourself into here. :lol: I'm in Edinburgh by the way.


Tim 30 Apr 2003 20:15


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE

Originally Posted by heat
FM - methinks we are gonna have to educate all our little friends in the art of getting plastered, definately :twisted:

Well they do have some highly qualified teachers here :mrgreen: .

You are damn right about that!!! Here is one hell of a teacher!!! :lol:
Thank you Mousie!!

Guppie 30 Apr 2003 20:21


Originally Posted by heat

Gupopie - Hafta amit..i've a phobia of fish..but in your case i'll make an exception :D


Thanks very much for making an exception for me. 8) :D

Tim 30 Apr 2003 20:26

Oooh, my little Heaty girl!!! you don't know what you are saying.... Making an exception for the fishy girl..... :P

Just kidding

The Butcher, Tim

Guppie 30 Apr 2003 20:30

Well, if she's allergic to fishy's, she has to make an exception for me, otherwise she becomes sick, coming to the forum. :wink:

heat 30 Apr 2003 21:46

Guppie - i didn't say i was allergic to fish, i said i had a phobia of them...I'm bloody petrified of them!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: (anyone laugh and i WILL bite!!! :evil: )


Guppie 30 Apr 2003 21:54


Originally Posted by heat
Guppie - i didn't say i was allergic to fish, i said i had a phobia of them...I'm bl**dy petrified of them!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: (anyone laugh and i WILL bite!!! :evil: )


Well... I can laugh because you're scared sh*tless of me, he he... But I won't. I have the same thing with wasps. :roll:

mariella 30 Apr 2003 23:22

Anyone else with a bird-phobia? Scared of nothing, except birds... :roll:
We are really getting to know eachother!


Now you know my 'week spot' :lol: :lol: :lol:

Guppie 01 May 2003 00:20

I dislike birds. Don't fear them, just dislike them.

White of High 01 May 2003 00:39

They eat fishes sometimes... :lol:

Guppie 01 May 2003 00:41


Originally Posted by White of High
They eat fishes sometimes... :lol:

8O 8O 8O I already disliked them, now I HATE them! :D

White of High 01 May 2003 00:50

I have wings too...

mariella 01 May 2003 00:53

Yes, but you are an 'angel', aren't you?


White of High 01 May 2003 00:57

I was a Fallen Angel!
At now I'm a waking-up-angel from the ashes...

mariella 01 May 2003 01:02

Yes, and it's good to have you back!


White of High 01 May 2003 01:07

I thought different things...

mariella 01 May 2003 01:11

No White, you are just being yourself, I respect that.


White of High 01 May 2003 01:13

Not be affraid...
But I'm waking up!!!

heat 01 May 2003 09:27

I know all about fallen angels, being one myself..... :P :twisted: :wink:


Tim 01 May 2003 10:37

Mmm. from new members to fallen angels.... That is something we must analyse!! :lol:

And i see that WHite is back on the track with is posting. Heat is also getting warm again and keeps posting.... Well, dottie.......okay... i don't say nothing :lol: and Meatles is also back.... Man what nice.. great to see some old members back here!

heat 01 May 2003 10:49

Less of the old, thank you, Tim !!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


dottie 01 May 2003 11:26


Originally Posted by Guppie

Originally Posted by heat

Gupopie - Hafta amit..i've a phobia of fish..but in your case i'll make an exception :D


Thanks very much for making an exception for me. 8) :D

I like to EAT fish :evil:

dottie 01 May 2003 11:28


Originally Posted by Tim
Mmm. from new members to fallen angels.... That is something we must analyse!! :lol:

And i see that WHite is back on the track with is posting. Heat is also getting warm again and keeps posting.... Well, dottie.......okay... i don't say nothing :lol: and Meatles is also back.... Man what nice.. great to see some old members back here!

Um what do you mean o.k. dottie :roll:

Tim 01 May 2003 12:34

Was just kidding.... Dottie. :lol: :P

But you are a lot here on the forum he? Are you trying to get close to me with the number of posts?? :P

dottie 01 May 2003 12:38


Originally Posted by Tim
Was just kidding.... Dottie. :lol: :P

But you are a lot here on the forum he? Are you trying to get close to me with the number of posts?? :P

You bet :wink:

Tim 01 May 2003 12:43

Catch me if you can Dottie :P

White of High 01 May 2003 14:09

Dottie ables to catch you Tim!
I disappeared some days and she is in front of me...

Michel 01 May 2003 14:13

Yes, so probably whitin a month she is number one with posts.

dottie 01 May 2003 16:47

Well what can I say - Tim I'm behind you, White of High I'm in front of you and Michel I'm sideling sideways Um work that one out :lol:

Tim 01 May 2003 19:00

Well, but Dottie excuses her self in another post and then in another post again orso... so that doesn't count :twisted:

But he... catch me if you can. And Michel is busy with the Dutch forum, so we won't see him here often. And White.... well, he tries, but can't catch up. :twisted:

dottie 01 May 2003 19:13

I've still got a ways to go to catch you Tim :)

Tim 01 May 2003 19:17


Originally Posted by dottie
I've still got a ways to go to catch you Tim :)

yeah, try me Dottie :lol:

But a lot of new member are here again. Cause this is the post to welcome them:


Your Mod,
The Butcher, Tim

Chris 01 May 2003 20:54

Once agian, Hello to all the new members. Same old warning wbout how we are the nutters you were always told to avoid!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: !!!!!!!!!

Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders and tax-men!

R. 01 May 2003 20:58

Mmmmh ....
<-------------------------------------- :))


Originally Posted by Chris
Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders and tax-men!

jcmoorehead 01 May 2003 20:59


Originally Posted by Chris
Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders!

Dont blame you

heat 01 May 2003 21:49

Hiya to all the newbies :lol:

You know that woman, the one you're mother always warned you about???'s ME!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Chris 01 May 2003 22:36


Mmmmh ....

Don't worry R. it is scary spiders i don't like!!!! Plus I am unlikely to ever find you lurking under the bed waiting to scare me!!! (i hope!)

The Flying Mouse 01 May 2003 22:53

:twisted: If it has more than four legs or less than two,I do not like 8O .Also,if it flies and is smaller than a bird,me also don't like.
I'm forever shouting for Carol to come and save me from one monster or another :oops: .

Tim 01 May 2003 22:57

Chris, Flying Mouse, i'm with you!! Spiders.....brrrrrr. I am so scared of them!!!

Nothing to be ashemed of! Everybody is scared of something! I can't imagine a person who is not affraid of something!

So don't be!

We, my dear brothers... must start a club! The club agains scary things!!! :lol:

And i say Amen. :lol:

the Butcher, Tim

dottie 02 May 2003 11:23

The only thing I'm scared of is losing my marbles and not being able to post on here :lol:

Michel 02 May 2003 15:10

I'm visiting the dutch forum more than this one, but I will be here every day to check the Tyre Tracks forum, because I'm mod. there, and interesting messages on other boards.

dottie 02 May 2003 18:14


Originally Posted by Michel
I'm visiting the dutch forum more than this one, but I will be here every day to check the Tyre Tracks forum, because I'm mod. there, and interesting messages on other boards.

Oh Michel come back :cry:

Michel 02 May 2003 20:35

I'm still replying on this forum. You don't get rit of me. :lol:

mariella 02 May 2003 21:33

Welcome ripmyboxersoff! :lol:

Are you sure?

Hope you will like it here as much as I do!

Great day to you,


No Heat, this one is mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

Guppie 02 May 2003 22:56


Originally Posted by mariella
Welcome ripmyboxersoff! :lol:

No Heat, this one is mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

Catfight! :lol:

mariella 02 May 2003 23:04

Well, since I was too late 'to claim' Meat, I figured I had to move fast! :lol:

But I am also willing to 'lend' him, for a whole day, if anyone is interested.

So sorry, ripmyboxersoff, but this was too funny. To understand it, just read the previous pages.

Great day to you,


heat 02 May 2003 23:17

Guppie - sorry to dissapoint you hun, but i don't do catfights :twisted: They just ain't my style :wink:

Mariella - You go on and enjoy your boy toy - i'll stick with the man, thank you very much :twisted: And VERY happy i am with him, too :P :P :P


Guppie 02 May 2003 23:23


Originally Posted by heat
Guppie - sorry to dissapoint you hun, but i don't do catfights :twisted: They just ain't my style :wink:


Glad to hear that, I was just kidding. Could see it now: heat in the left corner, mariella in the right corner and the guy that wants his pants ripped off in the middle.

heat 02 May 2003 23:25

I'll only be in the left corner if i can have the blue just aint my colour :twisted:


Guppie 02 May 2003 23:31


Originally Posted by heat
I'll only be in the left corner if i can have the blue just aint my colour :twisted:


Sure... you can wear the blue ones :D

Guppie 02 May 2003 23:32


Originally Posted by Michel
I'm still replying on this forum. You don't get rit of me. :lol:

So will I, so will the other Dutchies. This forum and the Dutch forum don't "bite" one another. Totally different, both nice to post in. But totally different aim. No competition.

Sabine 04 May 2003 21:50

.... okay I´m a new memeber here in the forum, but I´m for long years member in the UK, Germen and offz. Fanclub.
Meat ist the very best singer ever!

Sabine :wink:

Michel 04 May 2003 21:51

Welcome on the forum, Sabine.

Guppie 04 May 2003 21:52

Welcome, Sabine :D

Tim 04 May 2003 21:54

Weeeeehheeeelcome!!!! Sabine!!

Nice to have you here. hope you will like it here, and keep rockin' and posting off course.

The Butcher, Tim

dottie 04 May 2003 21:56

Welcome Sabine :)

Sabine 04 May 2003 22:01

... thank for all of you.

Sabine :lol:

Jen 04 May 2003 22:19

Hello there Sabine. :)

Ben 04 May 2003 22:31

HIYA sabribe and welcome

badger 04 May 2003 23:04

hey Sabine, and welcome :)

The Flying Mouse 05 May 2003 02:11

:twisted: Hi Sabine.
Welcome to the forums.

heat 05 May 2003 08:29

'ello Sabine :D :D :D


MBrevard 05 May 2003 08:56

Hi, Sabine!

Welcome! Hope you have fun here like the rest of us!! :wink:


Tim 05 May 2003 18:13

Oh, we will enjoy the newbies here on the forum... that's why they hired Flying Mouse and Me! To keep you busy! :twisted:

The Butcher, Tim

Michel 05 May 2003 19:42


Originally Posted by Tim
Oh, we will enjoy the newbies here on the forum... that's why they hired Flying Mouse and Me! To keep you busy! :twisted:

The Butcher, Tim

We call that here postwhores. :lol:

Tim 06 May 2003 20:32

Welcome all new members!! This is the Newbie Threat!! LOL

The Butcher, TIm

dottie 06 May 2003 21:35

Welcome Lee- somewhere on this forum
have a great time - love Eastbourne, down there a couple of weeks ago for Ladies Masonic Festival

Tim 06 May 2003 22:33

Strange he... isn't it... before Meat loaf was on this site, and had his new album, there were on a busy evening, lets say 7 members online... now it is around the 15 / 20 members.... funny!

Tim 08 May 2003 08:16

Even this morning i see a lot guests... men what is it busy here!!

Tim 10 May 2003 12:15

Hello all new members... yeah saw that there are a few new ones... and tought.. .let's welcome them again. :lol:

heat 10 May 2003 14:53

Welcome to all the newbies :P :P :P :P


dottie 10 May 2003 18:00

Welcome Newbies :D :D :D :D
How's that for post whoring Tim :??: that'll keep you busy - I'm not the only one doing it :lol:

heat 10 May 2003 18:12

Can i be a Postwhore too???? :P


Tim 10 May 2003 18:20


Originally Posted by heat
Can i be a Postwhore too???? :P


Yeah, sure Heat... sure you can.. Do like we do... say nothing at all.... but type something... Some people are really good in it... Like R. :lol:

xxx back to you Heat LOL

The Butcher, Tim

Michel 10 May 2003 18:52

Heat, just look at the members and sort it on posts. Then you see the range of the postwhores. :lol:

R. 10 May 2003 18:59


Originally Posted by Michel
Heat, just look at the members and sort it on posts. Then you see the range of the postwhores. :lol:

Including you, eh? :p

Tim 10 May 2003 19:00


Originally Posted by Michel
Heat, just look at the members and sort it on posts. Then you see the range of the postwhores. :lol:

What are you meaning, Michel??? He... Postwhoring.. now way!!! Let's not talk about your posting on the Dutch Forum.. .he is on there for a couple of months... has already over 1600 posts... but he can't speak english well, i guess.. that's the problem hahahha :lmao:

Michel 10 May 2003 19:06

No, dutch is a lot easier then english.

But here I've also more then 700 posts. :lol:

But I did 1600 posts in 6 months. You 600 posts in one month on this forum. :lmao:

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