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Renegade Angel 21 Apr 2003 15:17

Yes Cornish we'll have to stick together on here!
Hope you managed to get the album today - Im gonna wait until tomorrow as the nearist place that I think might stock the album is quite far away and I don't want to go and find it's not on sale and then be in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Chris 21 Apr 2003 18:54

I agree, R. deserves a HUGE pat on the back!

Renegade, Which bit of West Yorkshire is u from? I is from Greetland nr. halifax!

The Flying Mouse 21 Apr 2003 19:28

:twisted: Hi Renegade Angel And Cornish.
Welcome to the forums.
Of course R. deserves a huge pat on the back,if he ever got the pat he deserves it would probibily break his spine :lol: .

R. 21 Apr 2003 19:35

Ouch. 8)
I'm certainly glad that I'm not running a wrestling forum. 8O
Thx all :))

Tim 21 Apr 2003 20:36

R. Did you see that??? almost 300 members!!!!

Aren't you proud on your little forum???

Wish you good luck in the future!! :lol:

The Butcher, Tim

Guppie 21 Apr 2003 20:57


Originally Posted by R.
Ouch. 8)
I'm certainly glad that I'm not running a wrestling forum. 8O
Thx all :))

yeah, you're lucky that we're all softies over here :roll: :D

Michel 21 Apr 2003 22:12

Yes, we are softies. But sometimes Guppie can be a piranha. :mrgreen:

Renegade Angel 21 Apr 2003 23:38

Thanx for the warm welcome everyone - good to be among people with the same taste in great music!
Chris im from Pontefract - do you know it?

Guppie 22 Apr 2003 01:46


Originally Posted by Michel
Yes, we are softies. But sometimes Guppie can be a piranha. :mrgreen:

he he he... you're right. But only when someone crosses the line I drew. Only then. Weeeeeeeh... no one believes I am a sweet little fishy IRL anymore. :lol:

Sapphire Lady 22 Apr 2003 11:11

Hello. I'm also a new member.

dottie 22 Apr 2003 12:04


Originally Posted by Sapphire Lady
Hello. I'm also a new member.

Welcome Sapphire Lady :)

Sapphire Lady 22 Apr 2003 15:10

Thank you dottie. You're very kind.

The Flying Mouse 22 Apr 2003 15:14

:twisted: Hi Sapphire Lady.
Welcome to the forums.

Chris 22 Apr 2003 22:23

Hi Sapphire Lady, Welcome to the nuthouse!!!!!!

Hi Renegade, Yes I do know Pontefract, never been though!

The Flying Mouse 24 Apr 2003 19:52

That's great :D .
That must make this forum the fastest growing Meat Loaf community on the web.
MLUKFC Rocks 8)

Metje 26 Apr 2003 09:43


Originally Posted by Guppie

Originally Posted by Bart
I think Tim is right. Actually he was joking, but he is right. people just wants to be part of a group. They are a fan of Meat and then they join this Forum. It is also a contribution to their favorite artist. I their minds they are now officially a fan. Or something like that. Did i write this clear or does it make no sense at all?

I don't think that's the case at all... Not all people want to belong to a group. Pre-internet I never joined a group. But that's because I want no obligations in my life. I was surprised to find out that I actually AM a group person, as long as I can be one in my own time :)

Forums: what I see everywhere: there's always 4 groups.
1. the real active ones. The die-hard posters. Visit the forum every day, respond in almost every topic.
2. the not so active, but interested ones (on this board, I belong in this category). They take the time to read topics they've responded in themselves, don't read everything, but they post regularly
3. The lurkers. They read, are interested, but feel no need to respond or are afraid their response isn't interested enough
4. The people that register, and then forget all about the forum.

Mind you, this is just what I see in every group since 1998. Can be different from other experiences of course.

Hi, i'm a new member also and i was a little bit shocked when i readed this. If you look what Guppie is saying, i'm nimber 3. My englisch is not so good, so that is the reason that i never post here. It's not that i really are dying to be with a group. I'm with the Duth Forum, and i post there a lot, so please don't say anything about somebody that you don't know.And i hope you understand me. THX, Marjon

Tim 26 Apr 2003 14:57

Marjon!!! Welcome!

And offcourse all other new members, since wednesday... a lot.... a warm welcome, join the club!! Hope you will like it here and see you all around a lot, hopefully!!

The Butcher.

Michel 26 Apr 2003 16:50


Originally Posted by Guppie

Originally Posted by Michel
Yes, we are softies. But sometimes Guppie can be a piranha. :mrgreen:

he he he... you're right. But only when someone crosses the line I drew. Only then. Weeeeeeeh... no one believes I am a sweet little fishy IRL anymore. :lol:

On wednesday you were a sweet little fishy. I don't know if you are a sweet little fishy on other days. :lol:

Welcome Marjon and other new members.

Sue K 26 Apr 2003 19:55

i'm new to this board...i've been about lots of meatie places on the internet for about 4 years now..i'm here..cuz i'm

Tim 26 Apr 2003 19:57

Tink, cool name, and welcome on board.

dottie 26 Apr 2003 20:07

Welcome Tink and Marjon

Sue K 26 Apr 2003 21:03

thanks much for the welcome tim and dottie...

Renegade Angel 27 Apr 2003 15:33

Welcome Tink - hope you enjoy your time here, everyone im sure will make you feel very welcome as they did to me.

Tim 27 Apr 2003 16:15

Oyeah!! That's true!! We are just one happy familly with Meat loaf and R. as our two Dad's, Heat, Dottie and Mariella as our Moms!! :lol:

heat 27 Apr 2003 16:36

Awwwww....thanks Tim :)

Welcome Tink, Marjon and all the other newbies on here. :P

As you can see, we're all just one big Meaty family!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


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