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Jen 05 Jul 2003 17:37

Hello all :D

dottie 05 Jul 2003 17:38

Welcome Mac Loaf jump in and enjoy you'll love it here

Testify 05 Jul 2003 18:29

welcome to all the newbies!

Asha 06 Jul 2003 14:36

Welcome all

Michel 06 Jul 2003 14:49

Welcome all new members.

dottie 06 Jul 2003 17:30

Welcome welshyo2 jump in and enjoy

Testify 06 Jul 2003 17:48

welcome to all u newbies!

Asha 07 Jul 2003 00:12

nancy, Pepper, Sam and Welshy02

Have fun and Enjoy, remember:
Jump right in

Jen 07 Jul 2003 01:15

Hi all :D

mariella 07 Jul 2003 07:46


Originally Posted by Asha
nancy, Pepper, Sam and Welshy02

Have fun and Enjoy, remember:
Jump right in

Welcome! I read Pepper is from Plymouth. If you been to the concert we would love to hear your thoughts about it!

Great day to all of you,


dottie 07 Jul 2003 11:44

Welcome to the above who I appear to have missed :oops: sorry

The Flying Mouse 07 Jul 2003 11:48

:twisted: Welcome to all the new members.
Have fun :D .
See you on the forums.

Testify 07 Jul 2003 14:44

Hello to all the newbies. jump in and enjoy :D

dottie 07 Jul 2003 18:18

Welcome shawmtloaf - jump in and enjoy yourself

Welcome Bigmomma - enjoy yourself

Jen 07 Jul 2003 22:56

Hi all :D have fun

Terri 07 Jul 2003 23:00

Welcome everyone :D - Have fun!

dottie 07 Jul 2003 23:11

Welcome madonna123968848 - Yes Fireball is most definetly Meat Loaf I think this young lass needs convincing - can we all do our part please :!:

dottie 07 Jul 2003 23:15


Originally Posted by dottie
Welcome madonna123968848 - Yes Fireball is most definetly Meat Loaf I think this young lass needs convincing - can we all do our part please :!:

Welcome Black Queen cannot remember if we have already welcomed you here, so here we go again.

Asha 08 Jul 2003 03:18

Bigmomma, shawmtloaf and madonna123968848.

Yes, I believe meat is Fire Ball.
I also believe Metal Loaf is Paul Crook.....

Mhh I think we had sarah on here as well, but I don't recal her posting anything....

Oh well,
Have fun all and Enjoy

Asha 08 Jul 2003 03:34

Doing this in a new post, conciously, so don't nag me about it!!!

Welcome to:
kirsty952002, JJ and Invocation too.

Sorry to have forgotten you.

Have fun and enjoy,

dottie 08 Jul 2003 09:45


Originally Posted by Asha
Doing this in a new post, conciously, so don't nag me about it!!!

Welcome to:
kirsty952002, JJ and Invocation too.

Sorry to have forgotten you.

Ditto Ditto

Have fun and enjoy,

Welcome JJ- jump in and enjoy

Testify 08 Jul 2003 13:04

hello to all u newbies! :D

dottie 08 Jul 2003 18:31

Welcome Leanne - Jump in and enjoy

Bigmomma 08 Jul 2003 19:28

new members
thankyou all for the welcome unfortunately i had to register twice
as i joined wrong the first time :oops: so hubby had to reregister
for me (they come in usefull for some thing dont they? )
catch you all around and keep rockin and rollin
big momma

Bigmomma 08 Jul 2003 19:30

new members
thankyou all for the welcome unfortunately i had to register twice
as i joined wrong the first time :oops: so hubby had to reregister
for me (they come in usefull for some thing dont they? )
catch you all around and keep rockin and rollin
big momma

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