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I haven't blocked anybody. (Although sometimes I wish I had. :twisted:)
The fact that not everybody can be disliked, only shows that the 'people against it' are actually more right than the crew -that are responsible for it- want to admit. Otherwise why not set it for everyone? ;) But then again this board tends to embrace censorship a little too much :roll: It would almost be funny if it wasn't so sad... |
To some, we don't sensor enough. To both those who think we are too heavy handed, and to those who think we are too lax, I say the same thing.......... If you don't like the forum, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out :shrug: |
when i first heard this song, i kindda skipped over it, but when i actually stopped and listened to the lyrics i loved it... some really great lyrics (in my opinion)
i just wish some people would fall off the edge of the planet as they are total waste of space !
I always thought that if I don't like it I can always share my thoughts about it right in here ;) You didn't need to respond to it, you know? I just shared my thoughts in the section that is meant for it. But perhaps you responded because you found more truth in my thoughts than you dare to admit? :twisted: |
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I need a dislike button for my life.
In happier news, my cousin 4 years younger just got engaged! :cheer::cheers: |
You have to discreetly ask the manager for one, if you know what I mean? Do you not have them down under? :lol: |
That doesn't sound like overly sensored to me. Quote:
Rightly or wrongly, I feel proud of this place, and my role in it. It's a forum that gives me a lot of pleasure, although I get the odd headache to go with it :lol: If someone has something negavive to say that I think is unfair, i'll defend this place. I think I can understand how Meat feels when that happens :wink: Just because we don't sensor criticism of our site doesn't mean we surrender the right to reply. Quote:
Just like we hear the same truth over and over again, that we are not supportive enough to Meat by allowing honest negative opinion on the forum. Just because a group of people say the same thing over and over again doesn't make it so. The way I feel about this forum is that we are what we are. Take us for what we are or don't bother with us. |
OMG i really wish this rain would stop !
Argos have Christmas posters up already!! :shock:
Card factory have all the christmas cards and wrapping paper lol
When I worked in Woolworths we used to get the first delivery of Christmas items in on the first week of August and it was usually things like tree decorations that we wouldn't be putting out until October. :roll: |
Meat's birthday today, and exactly one month until my Grandads, rest in peace Grandad.
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Paradise just came on the radio station I am listening to, it's during Alice Coopers segment. He actually rarely plays Meat, so I reckon there is no coincidence here, but then.... I could just be thinking like Wario here ;)
WARIO! What have you done to me!?!?!? :lol: EDIT! Now he's talking about Meat, saying it's his birthday & talking about Meat telling him he wanted to open a chicken restaurant and Alice trying to talk him into opening a Meat Loaf restaurant ha ha not sure how true that is lol |
Ohhh and one other thing?
This pic makes me smile :-) http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...41724899_n.jpg http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-...on-to-cricket/ |
one week till John Bishop
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