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JennaG 10 Feb 2013 11:19

2013 has not got off to a great start.

I should have guessed that that was going to be the case, after all it IS 2013.

duke knooby 10 Feb 2013 13:22

All that I knew was the holes in shoes, were letting in a lot of water!! Otherwise, it was a good walk in the forest :)

duke knooby 11 Feb 2013 15:08

Gettin a new manager :(

Monstro 11 Feb 2013 16:41

2hrs dealing with insurance company

The Flying Mouse 11 Feb 2013 16:46


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 585283)
2hrs dealing with insurance company

:twisted: You must have been giving them money.
If you were trying to get money off them you'd still be there two weeks from now :shock:

chairboys 11 Feb 2013 17:29

I am not familiar with too many world leaders, but just had a good chuckle whilst listening to our own PM in the Commons. He has just referred to a discussion with the Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan.

Monstro 12 Feb 2013 00:10

2 months to figure out how to use this camera

duke knooby 12 Feb 2013 00:55

weve been workin together for over 9 years now, and we've had many many fights and some great times, but i still feel betrayed :(

Adje 12 Feb 2013 00:56


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 585300)
2 months to figure out how to use this camera

Usually there is a button you can press... then it goes 'click' and voila. :-)

If you have other equipment you need help with, let me know :twisted:

Monstro 12 Feb 2013 08:25


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 585303)
Usually there is a button you can press... then it goes 'click' and voila. :-)

If you have other equipment you need help with, let me know :twisted:

I have a ban button...........................smartarse :D

LucyK! 12 Feb 2013 08:47

I was treated to a lovely new camera at Christmas, taking it on tour but I bet I forget to use it! I want the photos but I go mad when Andy spends a show looking through a view finder (how old school am I?) I feel like he's missing it!

JennaG 12 Feb 2013 20:41

Two days into a seven-day-straight at work, my throat is killing but I've finally got an referral to a specialist.

Sebastian. 12 Feb 2013 21:22

Very intensive interview. But the corporal told me that it was the best interview he's done, and gave me various compliments. Just medical and fitness to go now!

Monstro 12 Feb 2013 21:39


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 585314)
Very intensive interview. But the corporal told me that it was the best interview he's done, and gave me various compliments. Just medical and fitness to go now!

Was wondering how it went, nice one!!!

The Flying Mouse 12 Feb 2013 22:51


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 585312)
Two days into a seven-day-straight at work, my throat is killing but I've finally got an referral to a specialist.

:twisted: Hope you're feeling better soon :up:


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 585314)
Very intensive interview. But the corporal told me that it was the best interview he's done, and gave me various compliments. Just medical and fitness to go now!

Good man 8)
I look forward to borrowing a state of the art aircraft to assist me in my moderation duties :mrgreen:

Monstro 12 Feb 2013 23:25


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 585321)
I look forward to borrowing a state of the art aircraft to assist me in my moderation duties :mrgreen:

Thought it was the RAF he was going for.........unless they've borrowed one that is lol

duke knooby 13 Feb 2013 01:12

watched the ch5 documentary about the lady who was attacked by a friends pet chimp, and lost her face and hands in the attack, a couple of years back

and my god, shes an amazing person... such strength, and will to live, and the same for for her family

i wasnt just humbled by her story, strength and conviction

i was embarrassed by what i consider to be problems to deal with.

there are many truly amazing people in the world, with hardships i can't even begin to imagine... and she is right up there with the best of them in my opinion.

Gez 13 Feb 2013 10:38

Whatever happened to the Bat Cave :whistle:

ninja 13 Feb 2013 16:23


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 585314)
Very intensive interview. But the corporal told me that it was the best interview he's done, and gave me various compliments. Just medical and fitness to go now!

congratulations, Sebastian!! :-D

melon 13 Feb 2013 16:34

Fundraising and jumping outta a plane :)

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Forum Runner

JennaG 13 Feb 2013 20:18


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 585314)
Very intensive interview. But the corporal told me that it was the best interview he's done, and gave me various compliments. Just medical and fitness to go now!

That's great news Sebastian. Congratulations


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 585321)
:twisted: Hope you're feeling better soon :up:

Thanks Neil. This week seems to be dragging but I hope it'll be worth it come payday.


Originally Posted by melon (Post 585347)
Fundraising and jumping outta a plane :)

Yay. It's 30th March isn't it?

melon 14 Feb 2013 01:59

Yup, just before I fly over, had to cram it in otherwise it'd be another month later and people would forget

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Forum Runner

RSG 14 Feb 2013 10:35

In a ship in dull Outer Space, Luked pondered to himself, how to acquire Princess Leia?... he as getting bored with Hans Solo. LOL

chairboys 14 Feb 2013 11:23


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 585312)
my throat is killing but I've finally got an referral to a specialist.

You may have eaten a beefburger which is causing your throat to feel horse.
May I suggest as a remedy a drop of red rum.

Sue K 14 Feb 2013 18:09

Sayin' hello ... xo
Just popping in to say "hey" to all ... Should I have missed any birthdays or good things happening to anyone... Yappy Happy to you ... and for those having woes... cyber hugs are sent !

S ... xo

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