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Sebastian. 19 Feb 2013 20:40

Train and tube tickets for O2 booked! £60 round trip, not bad!

duke knooby 20 Feb 2013 00:30


Originally Posted by RSG (Post 585437)

what is that on your head???

duke knooby 20 Feb 2013 00:33


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 585010)

c'mon, you must be dying to know how a 3do looks on a modern tv
(s vid though.. gonna take an even smarter solution :) )

looks surprisingly good :-)

and as for a smarter solution... i'm an idiot, forgot it had composite out aswell :roll:

The Flying Mouse 20 Feb 2013 04:07

:twisted: The Pope has given away his hats.
Satan has bought a snow shovel.
Bears have now taken to only using toilet facilities in the city.

And i've just downloaded music from Amazon :shock:

melon 20 Feb 2013 04:46

Home sick from work, picked a good day, 38 degrees outside, nice day to sit at home in the aircon.... I think I've figured out that I can no longer eat fast food. Pretty sure its the reason I feel like complete rubbish. Happened Sunday too, both days I've had fast food the night before. Midday tv is horrible.....

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Forum Runner

RSG 20 Feb 2013 08:17

A hairband. The photo was originally stored on digital camera. And when you looked at the screen came with it the camera the light coming from band would give off multiple-neon coloured sparks .. without showing the band it self.

JennaG 20 Feb 2013 10:26


Originally Posted by melon (Post 585466)
Home sick from work, picked a good day, 38 degrees outside, nice day to sit at home in the aircon.... I think I've figured out that I can no longer eat fast food. Pretty sure its the reason I feel like complete rubbish. Happened Sunday too, both days I've had fast food the night before. Midday tv is horrible.....


Daytime TV is terrible, there never seems to be anything on that hasn't been repeated a hundred times or that isn't a dreadful talk show.

LucyK! 20 Feb 2013 10:41


Originally Posted by melon (Post 585466)
Home sick from work, picked a good day, 38 degrees outside, nice day to sit at home in the aircon.... I think I've figured out that I can no longer eat fast food. Pretty sure its the reason I feel like complete rubbish. Happened Sunday too, both days I've had fast food the night before.

I bet my ML tickets that that's true! I've suffered a lot with bowel problems and some junk food kills me. I don't eat a lot of "junk food" but you know sometimes when you just fancy something (usually the morning after a King-family party!) if we go to McDonalds I can't entertain having a burger, and if I do I know I'll suffer. The chicken I can just about get away with but the burgers hate me!

That's really as bad as my junk food gets though...guess it depends what you call junk food!

melon 20 Feb 2013 11:58

I don't mind the odd fast food meal, I don't eat it exessively, but I don't mind it, so big sad face :(

But I'm not suprised if it's the fast food.... so greasy and fatty.

The Flying Mouse 20 Feb 2013 14:44

:twisted: Hope you're feeling better Mel.

melon 20 Feb 2013 16:29


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 585479)
:twisted: Hope you're feeling better Mel.

Thanks Mouse, feeling much better now. 10.30pm and about to take the dogs for a walk lol

Vickip 20 Feb 2013 17:02

I'm glad you're feeling better Mel. I have the same problem with junk food ... but my biggest problem is all the weight I've put on lately :(
I know I need to lose about 50 pounds to really feel better about myself.

RSG 20 Feb 2013 17:04

I could use 5o myself!

ninja 20 Feb 2013 17:40


Originally Posted by melon (Post 585480)
Thanks Mouse, feeling much better now. 10.30pm and about to take the dogs for a walk lol

that's good news :-D

chairboys 20 Feb 2013 19:40

Just got back from a couple of days in St Ives with Mrs. Chairboys. What a lovely part of the country. Visited St. Michael's Mount, Minack Theatre ( truly amazing ), Land's End (+ cliff-top walk) and a Tin Mine!
And there is the Sloop Inn down by the harbour in St. Ives which has no less than 8 cyders on tap. It is heaven on earth. I supped the week's guest cyder, Fanny's Bramble.
Tickets for the Birmingham show have arrived.
Barnsley are out of the relegation zone.
Had a good laugh reading the backlog of posts.
Life ain't too bad!

Adje 20 Feb 2013 20:26

Pffff, my wife lost her job today. I've been unemployed since September and with all our savings going into last September's wedding and honeymoon we are now officially broke :roll:

I just did some calculations and apparently, after paying our monthly bills, we now have little under 40,- to spend each week on food and everything else. In reality that means that we can't afford anything at the moment (including something fancy as a concert).

We already agreed to sell the German concert tickets and I already sold my Dutch concert ticket. But, as long as I can, I'm gonna hold on to the London ticket.

My wife said that, if there is a possibility, I should at least attend one of the farewell concerts. And London has always been on my 'wish-list'. I decided to keep the most expensive option open :-)

In the end it's also the easiest ticket to sell, if I have to (2nd row seat 47). And I'm affraid it will end up to that because bills and food always comes first. But we hope one of us (or both) will manage to get a job before April ...

At least we have our health and each other :D

LucyK! 20 Feb 2013 20:31

Ohhh that's a nightmare Adje, not exactly the start to married life you'd hoped for I'm sure, but you're right at least you have each other!

If your wife's been made redundant are you guys not entitled to claim anything from the state? I've no idea how it works but surely there's something that can help while you get yourselves sorted out?

Adje 20 Feb 2013 20:35

Thanks Lucy,

We both (will) get a monthly unemployment fee from our goverment. But it will almost all go to the house and bills. The curse of a luxery life :D

I'm a bit sad as I looked very forward to the shows. But there are so many people having it worse. And we do have a lot of fun together, money or not. So I'm fairly blessed.

In the end you can't always get everything you want. If it hadn't been for the concerts I'm sure we had our eye on something else unaffordable :twisted:

LucyK! 20 Feb 2013 20:43

Your attitude is outstanding, not sure I'd be so calm and collected!

And you're right, if it's not Meat it's something else, so it may as well be Meat lol

Monstro 20 Feb 2013 21:01

Sorry to hear that Adje, like Smoggy said, great attitude. Fingers crossed things improve!!!!

AndyK 20 Feb 2013 21:31

Sorry to hear that Adje, to echo everyone elses sentiments, with that attitude something will turn up soon to improve the situation

duke knooby 21 Feb 2013 00:58

as said above... very sorry to hear that adje,

good luck and best wishes for the future!!

duke knooby 21 Feb 2013 01:54


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 585464)
:twisted: The Pope has given away his hats.
Satan has bought a snow shovel.
Bears have now taken to only using toilet facilities in the city.

And i've just downloaded music from Amazon :shock:


this is a worrying development... first facebook, and before ya know it... music downloads... from amazon!!!

you are indeed embarking upon a dangerous path

luckily i've remained strong, and will not dabble in such devil worshipping :twisted:

(though i shouldnt have dabbled with more apps :oops:)

The Flying Mouse 21 Feb 2013 02:16


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 585491)
Pffff, my wife lost her job today. I've been unemployed since September and with all our savings going into last September's wedding and honeymoon we are now officially broke :roll:

I just did some calculations and apparently, after paying our monthly bills, we now have little under 40,- to spend each week on food and everything else. In reality that means that we can't afford anything at the moment (including something fancy as a concert).

We already agreed to sell the German concert tickets and I already sold my Dutch concert ticket. But, as long as I can, I'm gonna hold on to the London ticket.

My wife said that, if there is a possibility, I should at least attend one of the farewell concerts. And London has always been on my 'wish-list'. I decided to keep the most expensive option open :-)

In the end it's also the easiest ticket to sell, if I have to (2nd row seat 47). And I'm affraid it will end up to that because bills and food always comes first. But we hope one of us (or both) will manage to get a job before April ...

At least we have our health and each other :D

:twisted: Sorry to hear that Adje.
Hope things turn around for you and your wife soon and that you are still able to enjoy a great show in London.

Good on you for conting your blessings, A very comendable and healthy attitude :up:

Battybarb 21 Feb 2013 02:25

grandbaby no 5 will be arriving in august ...makes me feel really old now

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