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duke knooby 10 Mar 2013 16:35

Cream crackered

RSG 10 Mar 2013 18:23

Forty Days by ML is BIG. And if 'Brave And Crazy' is Bombastic .. Ear Candy .. I'm pumped for it :)

Sebastian. 10 Mar 2013 18:52

Mock run in the gym today 2.4km in 11mins. Considering I`m at 2000ft in dry hot conditions I`m happy. Oh amd Jim Steinman just sent me a message on Facebook, major confidence boost!

Battybarb 10 Mar 2013 19:53

lovely lucnch,lovely pressies and messages what better for mothers day

melon 10 Mar 2013 21:21

Ho-Hum, it's Monday, back to work :-(

But it's 3.20am, so currently it's BACK TO BED!

Gez 11 Mar 2013 20:58


Originally Posted by Battybarb (Post 585527)
grandbaby no 5 will be arriving in august ...makes me feel really old now

Congrats :cheer:

JennaG 12 Mar 2013 10:34

Well April is going to get off to a great start. :(

I found out yesterday that I'm going to be made redundant on the 2nd April.

Monstro 12 Mar 2013 11:16


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 586160)
Well April is going to get off to a great start. :(

I found out yesterday that I'm going to be made redundant on the 2nd April.

How long you worked for them?

JennaG 12 Mar 2013 11:31


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 586161)
How long you worked for them?

Only since May last year although I worked for a different branch of the company from Oct 2009 until January 2012. However as there is a gap in my service, I won't get a redundancy payout. :(

It'll be the third time I'll have been made redundant in five years.

duke knooby 12 Mar 2013 14:13

Shouldn't you get a 30 day consultation period?

LucyK! 12 Mar 2013 14:29

I thought that Jonty...a while back I had a little job and was faced with going from being paid weekly to monthly, and even with that they had to put things in place so that I didn't have to suddenly go three weeks without pay.

As it goes it didn't happen but I thought that they can't just stop your pay (short of being fired!)?

JennaG 12 Mar 2013 15:03

I'll get four weeks notice pay but that's about it.

I'm a bit surprised at how soon they're planning to close us but there you go. I've known for a couple of months that this was a possibility but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

My concern is finding another job. Retail is all I have ever done and it's such an uncertain field to be working in these days

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

Monstro 12 Mar 2013 15:23


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 586167)
I'll get four weeks notice pay but that's about it.

Hate to say it but that's quite good, they could get away with none as you've been there less than two years


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 586167)
My concern is finding another job. Retail is all I have ever done and it's such an uncertain field to be working in these days

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!!

JennaG 12 Mar 2013 15:49


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 586168)
Hate to say it but that's quite good, they could get away with none as you've been there less than two years

They're also giving us double time for the last two weeks of trading so it's a lot better than some employers would offer. I'm just going to have to be careful with money for a while and save what I can.


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 586168)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!!


I'm keeping my eyes out for suitable jobs in other fields anyway because you never know.

Vickip 12 Mar 2013 20:12

Good luck Jenna. Have you thought about pursuing a career in website design ?
I don't know what would be involved, but you really do have a great talent.

JennaG 12 Mar 2013 21:21


Originally Posted by Vickip (Post 586174)
Good luck Jenna. Have you thought about pursuing a career in website design ?
I don't know what would be involved, but you really do have a great talent.

I'm studying with the Open University at the moment to try and get a qualification that I hope will make it easier to go into that field. I don't know for definate that I will but it's an option that I'm considering.

ninja 12 Mar 2013 21:25


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 586176)
I'm studying with the Open University at the moment to try and get a qualification that I hope will make it easier to go into that field. I don't know for definate that I will but it's an option that I'm considering.

good luck, Jenna!!! your artworks are really great!!! fingers crossed for you!

duke knooby 13 Mar 2013 02:06

good luck on the job front Jenna!!

duke knooby 13 Mar 2013 02:10

as a general rule, ive always been lucky, though very unorganised... but maybe im leaving this farewell tour gig a touch too late :?

LucyK! 13 Mar 2013 21:04

Having dispatched 22 hand-stitched bags today (!!!!!) I'm sitting with my feet up, a well earned G&T, and flicking through some of the old fanclub RVMs....I forgot how much I love them! The photos in them are so brilliant, it's such a shame they had to stop

JennaG 13 Mar 2013 23:07


Originally Posted by LucyK! (Post 586212)
Having dispatched 22 hand-stitched bags today (!!!!!) I'm sitting with my feet up, a well earned G&T, and flicking through some of the old fanclub RVMs....I forgot how much I love them! The photos in them are so brilliant, it's such a shame they had to stop

I think I should have joined the Meat Loaf fanclubs well before I plucked up the courage to do so. The RVM's were something that I missed out on.

LucyK! 14 Mar 2013 00:17

They were wonderful. I joined MLUKFC in 1998, missed the first three issues but got all the others, they were just brilliant. The reviews were always great with stunning photos and fan accounts of events, some interesting interviews too.

I guess with the forums and a review thread per show there's less of a need for them now, but they were special, they're a treasured record of my Meaty life!

duke knooby 14 Mar 2013 22:58

heard adele's skyfall tune for the first time today... and by less than 2 mins in, i was singing along with " diamonds are foreveeerrrrrr"

duke knooby 14 Mar 2013 23:12

and there was a great bruce springsteen song on the radio, from a japanese import version of the album, cardboard... looks like an lp... and can i remember the name of song now????

midnight, darkness, city??? cant remember :(

good song though!

duke knooby 14 Mar 2013 23:25

but theres a good reason i forgot the name of the springsteen song

i have a terrible habit with cd's, of not putting them back in the correct cases, especially when listening in the car... and its not unusual to have several discs shoved into the wrong case. but ive been dyin to listen to hell in a handbasket, since that thread when did you last listen to hiab, but i'd no idea where i put the cd.

tonight i found it :)... i said i hadn't listened to it since may... and it was in the case of the album i bought in may oops

then in my excitement at finding the cd, ive forgotten the name of the springsteen song

lack of sleep messes with ones memory!!!

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