Originally Posted by chairboys
(Post 588275)
Did I miss the RIP Maggie on this site?!
:twisted: :nope:
If her death proves one thing, she was certainly a polorising figure :lawl:
A lot of people think she was the best thing that happened to this country, while the fact that Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead is flying up the charts shows that a lot of people feel very differently.
Each is entitled to their own point of view.
The one thing I don't like, I find annoying and distasteful, is the bandwagon jumpers.
Maggie Thatcher was in power from 1979 - 1990.
I was 3 when she won the election that brought her to power, and I was 14 when she was kicked out.
For most of her time in office, the thing that concerned me most was playing with my Action Man, watching cartoons, and the odd game of offground tick.
I had no time for political goings on, new sod all about the government, and quite frankly, even John Craven bored the crap out of me. :zzz:
I've done little to educate myself further in the subject of 1980's British politicts.
There are too many other good and interesting things in life. :mrgreen:
I don't feel I am educated enough on the subject to have a strong opinion, so I don't pretend to have one.
So it annoys me somewhat to see vids of some 18 year old tossers chanting "MAGGIE MAGGIE MAGGIE, DEAD DEAD DEAD"!
They were not around when she was in power, were not even born.
Admittedly I can't say for sure, but they don't look like students of political science. :bleh:
Perhaps it's just me who's surprised by the ammount of teenage proffessors of 1980's British politics :roll:
How can you hate someone so much if you know nothing about what they stood for?
From what I understand (which again, isn't a great deal) she screwed a lot of people over.
Those people have every right not to like her, and even to celebrate her death.
For instance, I have a friend who survived Hilsborough, and I know it's something that has changed who he is. He quite rightly feels bitter about the police cover up. MT was in office at the time, and many people believe that she was directly involved in that cover up.
He has good reason to dislike her so I don't blame him for feeling the way he does over her death.
She was quite harsh to the north of England. People of my dad's generation will know how harsh, and base their opinions on that knowledge.
Me? I was busy watching The Real Ghostbusters.
But the banwagon jumpers are somethig else.
IMHO, getting drunk and chanting those chants purely for shits and giggles, hateing for fun rather than reason, robs something from those who have a genuine grievance against MT.
So next Wednesday, when it's her funeral, i'll be neither glued to the telly with a bunch of paper tissues or hiding in the crowd along the procession route with a concealed box of eggs, i'll be going to a Meat Loaf show.
That suite me fine :mrgreen: