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JennaG 16 Apr 2013 20:43


Originally Posted by Cherry.Loaf (Post 588894)
Tickets for Newbury booked :)

Yay. :D :D

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 01:46

its time... need sleep

JennaG 17 Apr 2013 02:16

I don't DO buses. They confuse me.

JennaG 17 Apr 2013 02:20

I didn't want to go to bed without making my 1000th post.


Adje 17 Apr 2013 03:08


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 588982)
I didn't want to go to bed without making my 1000th post.


Neither do I, but by the time I get there it's morning. So I give up :D

Goodnight All:cool:

AndrewG 17 Apr 2013 03:09


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 588984)
Neither do I, but by the time I get there it's morning. So I give up :D

Goodnight All:cool:


Adje 17 Apr 2013 03:40


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 588985)

Ga naar bed, man ;)

Battybarb 17 Apr 2013 09:53

OMG...I have said it before but I can not believe this British legal system , I am gonna blow my top before the day is over , why do all the complete lowlifes always seem to come out on top , I really am gonna have to get into politics and change things BIGTIME

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 16:37

Thank goodness it's fixed, I was nearly forced to actually do something useful, rather than play on here.

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 21:04

sometimes being resourceful just doesn't pay.


duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 21:16

london buses are stopping taking cash????

thats shocking!!

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 21:26

i really should stop messin about

Hypnobabe 17 Apr 2013 21:39

Starting to get really cross now, when you order furniture and the delivery company send it to the wrong depot, then damage it, why does it take so long for them to decide to deliver the replacement?!! I think somebody will be getting an earful tomorrow...

Adje 17 Apr 2013 23:09

After almost 3 hours of converting I realised I forgot to adjust a certain 5 minute video file... GRRRRRRRRR :evil:

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 23:11


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 589093)
After almost 3 hours of converting I realised I forgot to adjust a certain 5 minute video file... GRRRRRRRRR :evil:

aye, it sucks when you're video editing the big day... and ~~~~ up the i do bit :twisted:

samurai7 17 Apr 2013 23:13


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 589081)
Starting to get really cross now, when you order furniture and the delivery company send it to the wrong depot, then damage it, why does it take so long for them to decide to deliver the replacement?!! I think somebody will be getting an earful tomorrow...

Ooh tell me about it. Spent three hours (with two helping!) to build a wardrobe that they state on the 'instructions' should take two people 90 minutes, realising about half way through that two of the components were incorrectly numbered, only to find that the legs were missing. One phone call to the supplier later and they've promised the missing parts be delivered within a week. Tomorrow will be day 8 and they're not here yet...

duke knooby 17 Apr 2013 23:16


Originally Posted by samurai7 (Post 589095)
Ooh tell me about it. Spent three hours (with two helping!) to build a wardrobe that they state on the 'instructions' should take two people 90 minutes, realising about half way through that two of the components were incorrectly numbered, only to find that the legs were missing. One phone call to the supplier later and they've promised the missing parts be delivered within a week. Tomorrow will be day 8 and they're not here yet...

pmsl... classic!!!

only to find the legs were missing

(and what were ya using instructions for???)

Hypnobabe 17 Apr 2013 23:51


Originally Posted by samurai7 (Post 589095)

Ooh tell me about it. Spent three hours (with two helping!) to build a wardrobe that they state on the 'instructions' should take two people 90 minutes, realising about half way through that two of the components were incorrectly numbered, only to find that the legs were missing. One phone call to the supplier later and they've promised the missing parts be delivered within a week. Tomorrow will be day 8 and they're not here yet...

We also ordered a new bed, which arrived on the day it was supposed to, so we dismantled the old one, put all the bits in the garage, started to build the new one only to discover they'd forgotten to include the 4 bolts to hold the foot of the bed on! We used one at each corner instead of two, contacted the company who were very good and immediately sent out 4 replacements, only to find the package came open in the post, so we received an empty Jiffy bag!!! Needless to say, we slept without moving too much until the replacement replacement bolts arrived :0/

melon 18 Apr 2013 01:23

Proper exited about coming back in May :D

duke knooby 18 Apr 2013 01:34

so much to do tomorrow, if i waken early enough

JennaG 18 Apr 2013 01:37

That was really worth my time looking at those emails wasn't it?

Not one of them was even worth opening/

Adje 18 Apr 2013 02:17

Freaking Hell...
Third time better be a charm! :shock:

Monstro 18 Apr 2013 09:04


Originally Posted by melon (Post 589107)
Proper exited about coming back in May :D

At this rate we'll never get rid of ya!!!

K1ttycat 18 Apr 2013 09:43

Thinking of the victims and the families of the Texas blast victims right now... :(

melon 18 Apr 2013 10:31


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 589119)
At this rate we'll never get rid of ya!!!

Be careful, I just might lol

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