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PanicLord 25 Jun 2015 07:14


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 609531)
i've really taken a notion for a spirit blue fiesta st

absolutely has to be spirit blue!!!

I had one. .. They are AWESOME!

samurai7 25 Jun 2015 12:49

I've been watching old 90s clips of Top Gear on YouTube. Man I miss my XJR :|

duke knooby 26 Jun 2015 00:26

i still have the studded belt i got when i was 16... and it fits me again :)

Guy 26 Jun 2015 08:33


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 609535)
i still have the studded belt i got when i was 16... and it fits me again :)

Round your waist.......or round your neck?
; 0)

AndrewG 26 Jun 2015 17:46

Life is short. Hug your signifiant other / your pet / family today. Tell them you love them. Because it could all be over tomorrow for any of us.

tonyloaf 26 Jun 2015 21:47

I past my final exams and graduate on sunday :) very happy

duke knooby 27 Jun 2015 01:52

i dont remember working 12 days straight being as tiring..

must be getting old

Adje 27 Jun 2015 02:32

it took 5 of 9 to make the right decision this week.

Sebastian. 27 Jun 2015 14:42

Happy Armed Forces day.

duke knooby 27 Jun 2015 18:24

40lb lost in 10 weeks :)

duke knooby 28 Jun 2015 01:35

this whiskey smells an awful lot like poteen

duke knooby 28 Jun 2015 10:46

the whiskey was a bad idea

duke knooby 28 Jun 2015 14:21


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 609551)
the whiskey was a bad idea

Very bad idea!

duke knooby 28 Jun 2015 19:20

Or maybe it was the 8 pints before the bottle of whiskey that was the mistake.

duke knooby 28 Jun 2015 22:48

i really enjoyed that final clarkson era top gear.

a fitting end

tonyloaf 29 Jun 2015 09:50

i graduated yesterday!!

duke knooby 29 Jun 2015 13:43

thats a lot of birthdays today

Adje 29 Jun 2015 18:04


Originally Posted by tonyloaf (Post 609562)
i graduated yesterday!!


AndrewG 29 Jun 2015 20:25

Donald Trump really is an UTTER and COMPLETE imbecile.

"If you are an African American right now, then you are practically in the worst shape than you ever were in the history of this country."

Populist propaganda nonsense based on a handful media events.

He's basically saying slavery and hunted by Klu Klux Klan worked out better for them.

Cannot fathom how someone like that is not in a straight jacket and instead is running for president. He makes George W. Bush look like a genius.

Adje 29 Jun 2015 22:28

Haha. Yet there are people who would vote for him. Which brings me to a quote of my favorite movie "Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

duke knooby 29 Jun 2015 23:45

i'm watching meat's episode of ghost hunters.

Julie in the rv mirror 30 Jun 2015 01:58


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 609566)
Haha. Yet there are people who would vote for him. Which brings me to a quote of my favorite movie "Who's the more foolish, the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

No doubt there are some people who would vote for him, but I doubt it would be enough to get him elected (I hope not!). Due to his comments on immigration, it's the Donald's turn to be fired by NBC:

AndrewG 01 Jul 2015 14:05

I agree with Donald Trump that Mexico should build a wall. How about a wall with him concreted in it.

Sebastian. 01 Jul 2015 20:59

The RAF Regiment Queen's Colour Squadron did us proud today, along with the rest of the RAF who were part of the repatriation flight from Tunisia. R.I.P to the victims

tonyloaf 03 Jul 2015 19:43

today i went to beruit. very nice place!

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