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JennaG 18 Oct 2012 20:26


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 578489)
On your first remark: A DVD is a VIDEO disc. So to me it matters. If it wasn't about picture but only sound we'd call it a CD :cool:

That's a good point. :D

loaferman61 18 Oct 2012 20:27


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 578489)
On your first remark: A DVD is a VIDEO disc. So to me it matters. If it wasn't about picture but only sound we'd call it a CD :cool:

As for the second remark, I stated in my review that the only thing I had to give to the editor is that he shows on occasions how energetic the show is. The fact that he switches a lot can surely make the show more exciting. What bothers me (and some others) is the choices that were made. If Meat says "Ladies and Gentleman, Mr Justin Avery on piano" and the editor pans in on Randy Flowers... that's not good editing. If some energetic, powerfull lyrics are sung and we get a shot of the back of two, almost not moving musicians with a complete blue background, that's not good editing at all. And the problem with this show is that it happened a lot. Poor shot choices is not something you want from the editor ;)

And I can't say it enough, NO DTS :evil:

@AndrewG: Spreading over 2 DVD's is a good solution. Especially the bonus content.

I have to agree that I was amused at times when they cut to shots of John's shoes and way too many shots in near darkness with the blue light. I had to ask who the characters were during "Paradise" because I could not see well enough to identify them. I understand the choices that have to be made between capturing the live show that the audience is going to see once and one going on a DVD that will hopefully get repeated views. I may catch it for my opinion but the opening to "Paradise" along with the "sex music" and the skit at the end just ran too long. The characters that came out made little sense in context of what was shown. They edited out the Teletubbies and this still ran 26 minutes out of a two hour disc. I understand that is what Meat chose to do that night and I'm sure it entertained those in attendance which was his concern that night, but a good bit of post-production editing would have helped IMO. I know some will say I should not say this because it is a company Meat chose to work with, etc. but as I have said before Meat and the band delivered and I am still happy to have the DVD. I thank Meat and Paul for their work.
Why do I feel the need to constantly apologize when I express my opinion?

loaferman61 18 Oct 2012 20:31


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 578492)
Does that appear often? Is the editing rather random in general?

Let's just say if you have always wanted to know what kind of shoes John wears to play drums there are shots in this dvd that confirm it for you.

Wario 18 Oct 2012 20:44


Originally Posted by robgomm (Post 578483)
Am I the only the only person who actually thinks this looks alright in both shots? Surely it's more about the sound and the performance whether the concert is good or not? I don't actually care that much about the picture quality, so what if it's SLIGHTLY worse from a distance, you can still bloody see it it! Surely that's the main thing :-)

And I disagree strongly with the criticism of the camera shots zipping about all over the place. To me this is the first concert DVD that delivers the sense of energy and excitement at a Meat Loaf concert, and it does this BY zipping the cameras about. I think whoever did the editing did a good job.

I guess youre right to an extent, but remember your money went to this product. The sound and performance are stellar but its a DVD and picture quality is really important. might as well been a two disk live collection CD.

On a side note, Ill be honest. Id have been upset if paradise was cut down. Its bad enough the good majority of audience banter was. I really liked paradise cause it felt like you were in the audience, it felt un edited sans the telitubbies.

I would preferred more banter and less of documentary. Banter is what makes a meat loaf show more intimate.

Adje 18 Oct 2012 21:05


Originally Posted by RSG (Post 578498)
Reading the posts on the fast zipping editing along with angles and energy have my interest in this DVD has peaked more. The DVD has a set list similar to 2010/2011's Hang Cool Tour w/ new arrangements it's been said, and that got me hooked to buy this DVD. But to learn that it is filmed with fast shots and new angles, Wow! For the first time since we heard about this DVD I want to see it and not just listen to it. ;) ;)

Above all the SHOW is worth it. Meat and band are fantastic ;)

Adje 18 Oct 2012 21:08


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 578492)
Does that appear often? Is the editing rather random in general?

It's 'fast-paced' edited. So very dynamic. And if you don't care what shots they gonna show you, you might actually like it.

If you expect the editing to make sense and add something to the show, you'll be dissapointed ;)

robgomm 19 Oct 2012 00:26


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 578489)
On your first remark: A DVD is a VIDEO disc. So to me it matters. If it wasn't about picture but only sound we'd call it a CD :cool:

As for the second remark, I stated in my review that the only thing I had to give to the editor is that he shows on occasions how energetic the show is. The fact that he switches a lot can surely make the show more exciting. What bothers me (and some others) is the choices that were made. If Meat says "Ladies and Gentleman, Mr Justin Avery on piano" and the editor pans in on Randy Flowers... that's not good editing. If some energetic, powerfull lyrics are sung and we get a shot of the back of two, almost not moving musicians with a complete blue background, that's not good editing at all. And the problem with this show is that it happened a lot. Poor shot choices is not something you want from the editor ;)

And I can't say it enough, NO DTS :evil:

@AndrewG: Spreading over 2 DVD's is a good solution. Especially the bonus content.

Of course the picture matters, I never said it didn't, and the fact is I can see the picture, and I can see what's going on very clearly! So that's more than enough for me.

ForeverInBat 19 Oct 2012 12:42

I thought overall the dvd was the best of the three to date. MSO was heavily edited, and was made to be more of Broadway stage production than a rock concert. 3 Bats was pretty much awful, but this was incredible. The most realistic and really made me feel like I was there. The echo effect ppl are harping on about, again, gave me the feeling of being in the audience.

I thought the first half was pretty slow, Meat has so many better songs than Hot Patootie, Break It, and so until Bat I wasnt really into it. The Hang Cool songs are incredble, Patti's "I dont wanna die" gave me goosebumps, one of her many fantastic lines.

Took the Words is my favourite version of this song, the piano opening is haunting and beautiful at the same time, the whole thing is a 10/10.

Two Outa Three again, my favourite version of this song, the instrumental in the middle is without doubt the most incredible piece of music Ive ever heard any NE produce. I had tears in my eyes - I just couldnt believe what I was listening to. Meat - incredible Sir!!

Paradise was a little disappointing, it dragged on way to long. The vocals were great but the talky talky bit just was too much!

The encore in my opinion is the worst Ive seen, the songs are passionless and flat, in comparison to the last few tours where the encores have been incredible, this was a little stale end to the show.

For me, the beginning and endings are weak but from Bat to 2 outa 3, the gig is fantastic!

Moonlight shadow 20 Oct 2012 17:39

Ok, at least I've seen this great DVD show.
For all people can't assist to any concert is a good way to enjoy the good music taste and of course the sensibility that meat give in the scene.

Well, Let me express my opinion. Some people do not really appreciate the spirit that Meat Loaf wants to project ourselves in every concert. Their concerts are pure scenes expressed through music.
Meat Loaf's music is pure feeling, feeling acts each of the words coming out of his mouth. If you simply devote to sing the song just would not Meat Loaf and nobody would see it.

It has so many millions of fans that still true to the style, sings every song like the feeling at the time, and you will be transported to the scene if you can understand and live that moment.

Finally ...: How is it possible that there are people who come to the forum to criticize?
Are you sure you hate Meat Loaf?
Or it may be hard to accept that you can not live your life without Meat?


Meat. Congratulations on the DVD. I think I'm back to buy a great DVD.
Keep it up.

Antonio Jaldon

Smithie 22 Oct 2012 17:41


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 578489)
What bothers me (and some others) is the choices that were made. If Meat says "Ladies and Gentleman, Mr Justin Avery on piano" and the editor pans in on Randy Flowers... that's not good editing. If some energetic, powerfull lyrics are sung and we get a shot of the back of two, almost not moving musicians with a complete blue background, that's not good editing at all. And the problem with this show is that it happened a lot. Poor shot choices is not something you want from the editor ;)

You are right about the countless shots of Danny & Ginny's backs. We are missing some key moments and action on the stage because the editors continually put shots like that in the show. Focus on the action that is actually happening on the stage. When Patti is being introduced at the end of Paradise, there is a shot of Ginny's behind. That is terrible editing and even a bit disrespectful.

That is a comment for the editors. Meat, Patricia, and the band delivered a fabulous performance. Meat is a legend and he deserved better quality than CO delivered.

glamourgirl 23 Oct 2012 18:55


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 578001)
First ill say what I didn't like: Living on the Outside, Stand in the Storm, and the documentary.

Interesting how everyone's tastes vary. SITS and LOTO were two of my favorites on the dvd. I agree that the documentary wasn't good.

I appreciate reading everyone's thoughts and opinions.

Wario 23 Oct 2012 21:00

The poor shot choices are more and more prevalent every time I watch it. it seems like this went straight from the switchboard to the DVD.

Wish meat would have given me the raw footage and lemme have a go. be good on a student filmmakers resume.

ShelbyLee 29 Oct 2012 18:25


Two Out Of Three on the other hand would be better with a Paul/Randy guitar duel in the middle. :twisted:
I really hope I don't get this person's video deleted by posting the link because it sounds so awesome. The vocals are extraordinary and the piano/guitar in the middle are mindblowing. The MMW version of Two Out of Three is my favorite ever.

anotherday 29 Oct 2012 19:15

Really GREAT Shelby! WOW! Now THAT is almost as good as MN for ME! :D

Vickip 30 Oct 2012 05:51


Originally Posted by ShelbyLee (Post 579513)
I really hope I don't get this person's video deleted by posting the link because it sounds so awesome. The vocals are extraordinary and the piano/guitar in the middle are mindblowing. The MMW version of Two Out of Three is my favorite ever.

You described it perfectly ShelbyLee. That was truly spectacular .... I was standing pinned up by the stage literally under Meat's feet when he was sitting on that stool :-) Meat sounded amazing ... and that solo truly was mindblowing.

glamourgirl 31 Oct 2012 15:57


Originally Posted by ShelbyLee (Post 579513)
I really hope I don't get this person's video deleted by posting the link because it sounds so awesome. The vocals are extraordinary and the piano/guitar in the middle are mindblowing. The MMW version of Two Out of Three is my favorite ever.

I wish the MMW version of Two Out of Three was on the dvd. The violin sounds like a random arrangement, but Paul's guitar solo actually sounds like Two Out of Three and turns the song into a rockin' ballad. Love it!

Evil One 02 Nov 2012 22:52


Originally Posted by glamourgirl (Post 579684)
I wish the MMW version of Two Out of Three was on the dvd. The violin sounds like a random arrangement, but Paul's guitar solo actually sounds like Two Out of Three and turns the song into a rockin' ballad. Love it!

:yep: That instrumental is brilliant. :up:

Tomjoad 04 Nov 2012 00:45


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577625)
Was Patti in the documentary ? I paid to re-shoot it to get her in , If not my Train whistle will get real loud !!!

Well, she's definitely not in it.
Is your whistle blowing Meat??

Wario 04 Nov 2012 04:35


Originally Posted by Tomjoad (Post 579816)

Well, she's definitely not in it.
Is your whistle blowing Meat??

The us release was delayed a month, so I'd say yes it is

Smithie 05 Nov 2012 16:20


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 579821)
The us release was delayed a month, so I'd say yes it is

I thought it was delayed because they couldn't find a distributor in the US. Will Patti actually be added for the US dvd release?? They certainly had plenty of time to add Patti to the documentary for the US release.

Wario 05 Nov 2012 16:30


Originally Posted by Smithie (Post 580206)
I thought it was delayed because they couldn't find a distributor in the US. Will Patti actually be added for the US dvd release?? They certainly had plenty of time to add Patti to the documentary for the US release.

preordered the US for at least a ray of hope pattis aded and picture quality isnt like this:


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 578463)
Good compression -

then the tables turn and some shots have.... this:

Smithie 05 Nov 2012 17:07


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 580212)
preordered the US for at least a ray of hope pattis added and picture quality isnt like this:

Amen, Wario. Meat is a legend. CO should be ashamed for releasing such inferior picture quality and often-times poor camera shots. And leaving Patti out of the documentary (and all the times her face is blacked out) is just disrespectful.

Adje 05 Nov 2012 18:16


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 580212)
preordered the US for at least a ray of hope pattis aded and picture quality isnt like this:

Make sure to let us know how the picture quality of the US release is. If it's better I will buy it. Although the BluRay is being released in November as well... :twisted:

loaferman61 06 Nov 2012 21:35


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 580229)
Make sure to let us know how the picture quality of the US release is. If it's better I will buy it. Although the BluRay is being released in November as well... :twisted:

I may get the blu-ray if the price is right. I may have to wait until it drops a few weeks later though. I expect the US version to be the same in terms of quality.

Wario 18 Nov 2012 04:55

Been told meat isn't very proud of the final DVD product.

and also that they hope to shoot one last DVD in the UK or Europe.

:D sweetness

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