AndrewG |
11 Apr 2016 11:42 |
Originally Posted by chairboys
(Post 612659)
IMO Bruce was wrong to cancel. There is a time and place to make your point and it isn't by cancelling a rock gig.
Imagine the headline "Loaf refuses Wembley show in support of threatened toads on canal development."
The problem with the attitude is now everybody is jumping on the cancellation bandwagon:
And soon I'm sure it will be seen if you don't do that you are a bad person yourself like many claim the law makers are.
And also it is a movement obviously orchestrated/directed by the media in many ways I reckon. Had there not been Caitlyn Jenner, Matrix sisters would this even have been happening? No one protested when the UK government went ahead with yet more bombing in Syria. How well has that policy worked out for mankind. No one cares because it is no longer topical to think that way it seems. The media doesn't care anymore because it is an on-going issue, so easy to ignore. Meanwhile there probably isn't a single toilet left in one piece in many places in Syria let alone a unisex one.
They interviewed a transgender about what her thoughts were on Sky News and she lives in Brighton (why the LGBT movement needs to center in one town I don't get) and of course she found the law uncomfortable. Sure I get that but would she ever have been travelling to North Carolina in the first place. How about the prejudice laws in Saudi Arabia? Are those fine for this transgender in Brighton. How come Saudi Arabia is allowed to be on the United Nations human rights council? How many artists are protesting against that one? Is it fine because the culture is different and they pump billions of gallons of oil out of the ground? Why is the culture not allowed to be different in North Carolina? These are complex matters I think. Transgenderism is complex too. The law is about people using the bathroom based on the gender on their birth certificate (doesn't sound unreasonable to me for the majority of people in society and you can change your birth certificate also in NC if you change your gender). If this still harms some people then the quickest solution for those excluded to feel comfortable would be to re-label all disabled toilets as a unisex / privacy / disabled toilet surely and force all larger public venues to have these. Or is that a too practical / discriminative solution?
I just think this is all a bit over the top, the issue (which is complex and you can never satisfy everyone) and the reaction to it. There are uncomfortable places and laws all over the world for everyone. I didn't particularly felt comfortable traveling to Dubai. I can't stand religion. I find it offence, stupid and terrible that children get indoctrinated so young without any choice or counter argument. I feel I'm not allowed to discuss this usually because those words seem to hurt people more than any others at times and you can even get arrested (even in Britain) for simply challenging one's believes. It gets seen as harassment. Hmmm. But I have to put up with that in society and just get on with things too.
Bruce used to stand up for the working man. I think a vast majority could identify with that. If you are going to start standing up for minorities and the majority loses out because of that it really becomes more questionable or less admirable to a lot of people in my opinion. This is to be expected.
But good luck to the social justice warriors and also good luck to those trying to go to shows who live in a more religious/different area. Perhaps it would be best for Bruce to only play in democrat areas near the coast lines in the States? I hope everyone gets what they want in the end regardless. Where that is difficult is in areas of opposing views "I want society to stick to my Bible teachings"/"I want society to not stick to Bible teachings at all".
A Bruce show is more than just a rock show and these days one has to spend a lot more than just rock show money to go and see him.