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tonyloaf 05 Sep 2016 23:15


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 616513)
I was getting ready to go to Lisburn today, it's not quite as exotic though.

Enjoy the gig!

lol thanks man!

duke knooby 06 Sep 2016 00:30


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 616143)
that's a rather tidy looking e36 for sale near Byley...


but not a fan of flying

the temptation was too great

but I gotta say, i don't normally do crazy, blind car purchases

40ish miles to the liverpool boat, or 240ish miles to cairnryan

decisions decisions

Adje 06 Sep 2016 03:35

So when was the last time your jetlag lasted a week :roll:

lorenzoduke 06 Sep 2016 04:13

For the first time in a life that has included being abused, losing my family, being cheated on, being homeless, and living in 4 different countries, true happiness is in reach and I'm worried it's gonna evaporate or I'm gonna ~~~~ it up.

tonyloaf 06 Sep 2016 04:14


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 616567)
So when was the last time your jetlag lasted a week :roll:

I'm currently in my 4th week of bad jet lag

Sebastian. 06 Sep 2016 11:43


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 616567)
So when was the last time your jetlag lasted a week :roll:

Tokyo 2011 I was ~~~~ed for 3 weeks.

On another note my no drinking for 3 months is on the rocks... just like my drink.

AndrewG 06 Sep 2016 12:37


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 616567)
So when was the last time your jetlag lasted a week :roll:

Tend to agree. :|


Travel fatigue can occur without crossing time zones, and it often disappears after a single day accompanied by a night of good quality sleep

tonyloaf 06 Sep 2016 16:14

unless you have had multiple trips plus long working times

AndrewG 06 Sep 2016 16:21


Originally Posted by tonyloaf (Post 616593)
unless you have had multiple trips plus long working times

Then it wouldn't be just jetlag. ;)

tonyloaf 06 Sep 2016 17:09


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 616594)
Then it wouldn't be just jetlag. ;)

All adds to it

Sebastian. 06 Sep 2016 17:11


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 616594)
Then it wouldn't be just jetlag. ;)

The fact you're willing to argue it is pretty pathetic.

Guy 06 Sep 2016 17:31


duke knooby 06 Sep 2016 21:39

I've just been sent a pic by a mate, of his mates personally signed btwa cd, it's ok for me to be jealous, isn't it???

duke knooby 07 Sep 2016 00:20

and worse than that, been sent a car tax reminder a month earlier than i was expecting

AndrewG 07 Sep 2016 12:22


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 616607)
The fact you're willing to argue it is pretty pathetic.

My concern about Meat's health wasn't meant maliciously, not sure how you think that is pathetic, and as Meat confirmed this morning he has a pinched nerve in his back and not sure about touring so there is more going on than just jetlag. Just think shrugging how he looked on Monday off so easily and trying to drag him back to the stage can also be interpreted as being insensitive.

Wasn't trying to argue with anyone, just think "jetlag" isn't accurate. This is Post your thoughts. One can't really disagree with a thought?

You know what I thought was pathetic, was the comment here. Just couldn't help but not respond.
Would young people such as yourself even have been able to have been a fan if Meat had stopped at Bat 2?! Let alone little tiny differences in how we see things...

duke knooby 08 Sep 2016 22:46

is Meat's cane the one he had in the all coming back to me now vid?

stretch37 08 Sep 2016 23:59

Meat doesn't have jet lag. Just look at him. he's in pain, he's clearly ill...Seeing him on stage this year my mouth was hanging open. Something has happened and is different about meat. That's a fact.

AndrewG 09 Sep 2016 00:08


Originally Posted by stretch37 (Post 616809)
Meat doesn't have jet lag. Just look at him. he's in pain, he's clearly ill...Seeing him on stage this year my mouth was hanging open. Something has happened and is different about meat. That's a fact.

Whatever it is I hope he recovers. Thinking there is something wrong isn't being mean, I think in this case it's being realistic. Not trying to tear down his character. It's like being concerned about a family member I think. We all want the best for him in the end.

Glad the signing in London went so well. Hope Meat really enjoyed himself.
Hope after the 16th he is done with the promo and can enjoy his birthday without any commitments on his agenda for a bit. He certainly deserves that.

stretch37 09 Sep 2016 00:32


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 616810)
Whatever it is I hope he recovers. Thinking there is something wrong isn't being mean, I think in this case it's being realistic. Not trying to tear down his character. It's like being concerned about a family member I think. We all want the best for him in the end.

My thoughts exactly. It's coming from a place of love and concern for someone you care about. And I am glad he's doing the signing and talking to everyone about his record, It's great to see him out and about. I'm not judging him at all. I just care for him too much NOT to worry.

firefly 09 Sep 2016 11:07

Off out shopping to get the new album, can't wait xx

Guy 09 Sep 2016 15:49

I'm gonna divorce the wife and marry Speaking in Tongues.
Love it.

anotherday 09 Sep 2016 15:57

Can't. Stop. Listening. To. BTWA.

AndrewG 09 Sep 2016 17:05


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 616897)
I'm gonna divorce the wife and marry Speaking in Tongues.
Love it.

Don't know where my girlfriend is sleeping tonight because I'm sleeping with Going all the way.. But I'd accept a threesome. I'd better tell her I guess...

duke knooby 09 Sep 2016 17:12

time to go cd buying

duke knooby 09 Sep 2016 21:35

mid way through very first playback... i'm gonna have to put it back to back against bat 2 :)

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