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Pixie 23 May 2005 15:45

Oh boy I can't believe it's afternoon already...and it's gonna rain, and I've got 10 minutes before I have to get the kids...:D better start lobbying for a 26-hour day I think! :lol:

Tim 23 May 2005 21:56

Good evening all.

Chris 23 May 2005 22:28

Hi folks,

Bye folks!!

Off to the moors to try my new digital camera out!!!

Tim 23 May 2005 22:36

Have fun Chris... maybe Heli and Pixie want to be your model :p

Bren 23 May 2005 23:45

good evening all

Bren 24 May 2005 10:00

good morning....

Tim 24 May 2005 10:19

Good morning!

dottie 24 May 2005 11:46

A jolly good morning to anyone whose around - only Skeleton I believe :-)

Skeleton 24 May 2005 11:48

Good morning from Finland to everyone (Even it´s almost 12 o´clock) :lol:

Keab42 24 May 2005 13:31

good morning people. it probably wont suprise you to learn that i've only just woken up.

*waits for the mutterings of "lazy student* to begin*

Bren 24 May 2005 14:08

hi keab :D

Chris 24 May 2005 14:45


Originally Posted by Keab42
good morning people. it probably wont suprise you to learn that i've only just woken up.

*waits for the mutterings of "lazy student* to begin*

I am sure you will have been up all night doing coursework and stuff!!

Afternoon all,

I slept in this morning, didn't get up until turned 5:30am and have been yawning all day!!:zzz:

SuperLoafMan 24 May 2005 15:19

Good Afternoon All....How are you all doing today? :D

Cathie 24 May 2005 21:39


Originally Posted by Keab42
good morning people. it probably wont suprise you to learn that i've only just woken up.

*waits for the mutterings of "lazy student* to begin*

Lol, you and me both, I'm making the most of it while I still can :twisted:

Hope you've all had a good day x

Gez 24 May 2005 21:53

Evening all :0mghi2u:

SuperLoafMan 24 May 2005 21:59

Evening Gerry......

Evening all....:D

Gez 24 May 2005 22:34


Keab42 24 May 2005 22:55

Evening All

Tim 24 May 2005 23:32

and a good evening and night. Sleep well!

Tim 25 May 2005 08:00

And good morning!

Pixie 25 May 2005 11:52

Good morning Tim - how are you today? :D

Bren 25 May 2005 12:25

Good morning Tim. :D ..hope all is ok
good morning pixie :D how are you?

good morning all...

Pixie 25 May 2005 12:30

Hi Bren - good to 'see' you again! :D

Doing o.k. here, how are you?

SuperLoafMan 25 May 2005 16:51

Afternoon....Pixie, Bren, Tim and all....How are you all this fine day?? :D

Pixie 25 May 2005 17:43

Good Ross thanks - nice and sunny out there...just off to make the tea...:D how're you doin? :lol:

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