Originally Posted by AndrewG
(Post 621817)
Those two media personalities breaking off their holiday (as if one should care about that) are hardly innocent in the slandering.
What is different here is that someone is fighting back and indeed I think that is what people voted for.
I hadn't heard anything about them breaking off their holiday (I agree, who cares about that); I'm referring to the fact that representatives of Trump allegedly contacted them and told them that an unflattering story would be published about them in the Enquirer unless they apologized to him for treating him badly on their show. If the allegations are true (and Scarborough says he has evidence- I doubt he would bluff about that), it might rise to the level of a crime:
I also think this latest controversy is just another attempt to distract from more important issues, such as the Russian situation (which isn't going away any time soon) or the possibility of war with North Korea.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
(Post 621817)
If you don't like what your president does you have every right. You could see it as unpresidential or wasting time.
I do see it as wasting time, and money. Worse than that, they are asking the states to provide voters' personal information (including party affiliation and voting history) to the government, which the states are thankfully balking at. It's none of their damn business how I voted.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
(Post 621817)
And CNN have now been exposed to pushing the Russia without much fact, even suggesting they would go to war just before the inauguration. This is not balanced reporting.
Well, I believe that where there's smoke, there's fire. There are at least four, I believe (I've lost count) investigations going on regarding possible collusion with Russia, and I'm pretty confident those investigations aren't being launched because of CNN.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
The meme maker apparently is 15 years old.
Well, according to CNN, he isn't- he's a middle-aged man. But regardless- I think the president should be focusing on doing his job instead of re-tweeting juvenile memes.
It seems to me, at a time like this, it would be in Trump's best interest to try to have a good (or at least civil) relationship with the media, as opposed to waging war on them, because they are just going to fight back even stronger. But, that would require diplomatic skills that he just doesn't possess. It seems that a lot of his problems are of his own making- he's his own worst enemy.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
A more balanced reporting or understanding is what one should strive for from any side. Drop the black or white approach would help. But it probably won't happen.
Well, that is true, and I think the best we can can do is to consider a number of sources, and discount those which are strongly biased to either side. But what absolutely cannot happen is to suppress the free reporting of information, as this administration is attempting to do.
Originally Posted by AndrewG
No one and no organisation can simply presume they hold the moral high ground and should be exempt from ridicule or critique.
Well, someone needs to be able to communicate that to Trump, because he doesn't seem to be able to handle any kind of criticism. Funny that his supporters call the left "snowflakes" when he's the biggest snowflake of them all. :lol: