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Julie in the rv mirror 06 Jul 2017 06:01


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621810)
It seems CNN still hasn't accepted that Clinton lost and it will go to all lengths to destroy individuals who stand in the way of trying to overturn a democratic vote. Disgraceful.

Andrew, I'm not sure I follow your reasoning here. There is no overturning the vote at this point- there's no dispute that Trump won the electoral vote, which is the one that counts. It seems to me that Trump is the one who won't let go, in that his ego won't accept that he lost the popular vote, such that he's spending resources in order to "prove" some alleged massive voter fraud (of which there is no evidence), yet he doesn't seem the least bit concerned that Russia hacked into our voter systems (of which there is evidence). If it turns out that Trump is impeached at some point, it will be because of his own actions, whether it be during the campaign, efforts to obstruct justice, or even (more likely, IMO) criminal offenses having to do with his business dealings. Even if he's put out of office, Hillary won't be put in his place.


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621811)
CNN are behaving like a propaganda bully and they don't care who gets destroyed in the process just like what happened to Justine Sacco, which it now turns out a CNN reporter and a Gawker "journalist" were mostly to blame for, for stirring up. What a surprise, again.

Speaking of bullies, tell me- do you think it's acceptable for a head of state to blackmail media personalities as Trump allegedly did to the the two hosts from MSNBC? Is it appropriate for the President to be calling them "low IQ" and "crazy" on Twitter? That's what I call disgraceful.

BostonAngel 06 Jul 2017 08:05


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621811)
You can dislike my post all you want BostonAngel because you see my post as pro Trump but far more is at stake. Not that you will understand I bet or even want to engage.

What is happening here could be similar to someone using the information of the history of all your dislikes to destroy you later on in life. Against your real name.

It's all fun and games until it happens to you.

CNN are behaving like a propaganda bully and they don't care who gets destroyed in the process just like what happened to Justine Sacco, which it now turns out a CNN reporter and a Gawker "journalist" were mostly to blame for, for stirring up. What a surprise, again.

DO NOT presume to know what I think. You don't have a clue!!!!!!!

AndrewG 06 Jul 2017 11:05


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 621814)
DO NOT presume to know what I think. You don't have a clue!!!!!!!

Well if one is disengaged from reasoning or debate and only puts up a like or dislike there is not much else than presumption to go by. :idea:

Why constantly monitor the post your thoughts thread anyway for things you potentially disagree with when you never post here yourself. What is the point disliking people's "thoughts".

AndrewG 06 Jul 2017 11:16


Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror (Post 621812)
Speaking of bullies, tell me- do you think it's acceptable for a head of state to blackmail media personalities as Trump allegedly did to the the two hosts from MSNBC? Is it appropriate for the President to be calling them "low IQ" and "crazy" on Twitter? That's what I call disgraceful.

Disgraceful as it may be, it is what many people voted for. It was part of Trump's campaign. Had he just become another politician a lot of people wouldn't be impressed either.

Those two media personalities breaking off their holiday (as if one should care about that) are hardly innocent in the slandering.
What is different here is that someone is fighting back and indeed I think that is what people voted for.

If you don't like what your president does you have every right. You could see it as unpresidential or wasting time. I fully appreciate that. He's no angel for sure but the same media trying to destroy him were constantly blowing hot air up his backside in the 80s and 90s when he was just a businessman often representing New York's success story. And CNN have now been exposed to pushing the Russia without much fact, even suggesting they would go to war just before the inauguration. This is not balanced reporting.
How easily the media builds someone up and then (tries to) tear them down and acts as judge & jury. See Michael Jackson. I really think it is dangerous. The Ted talk about Justine Sacco also shows the dangers of combining social media in this regard. And that of course goes to any side you are on (pro Trump / anti Trump / pro CNN / anti CNN). I think politics in the USA would indeed be better if Trump didn't Tweet. I think Twitter is worse than Facebook as the low character count can easily make tweets be taken out of context etc. I mostly like Trump's Facebook posts. They are mostly positive about America's history / army / police etc. I don't think he should attack individuals either. But companies targeting individuals certainly is worse surely and potentially driving people to suicide I think should be stopped for sure. The meme maker apparently is 15 years old. A more balanced reporting or understanding is what one should strive for from any side. Drop the black or white approach would help. But it probably won't happen.

For years places like Gawker could just bitch about celebs or people writing certain tweets without any possible response from their other side and the tables are turned I reckon now. CNN behaving in the same manner as Gawker I really think will be their downfall. No one and no organisation can simply presume they hold the moral high ground and should be exempt from ridicule or critique. If people want that they should move to North Korea or Turkey or something.

AndrewG 06 Jul 2017 14:10

The EU abolishing roaming charges has meant a 1867% INCREASE in my costs to phone my family in The Netherlands on landlines. Thanks EU! What was a 36p 20 minute call now is a whopping £6.72! Absolutely insane. Will have to look into using Skype more often I guess. Unaffordable. And for that we/they get free roaming charges you might be able to take advantage of one or a few times per year. Idiotic!

AndrewG 06 Jul 2017 14:51

Phoning Nepal is now half price of phoning The Netherlands from the UK. I will tell my family to move to Nepal.

Julie in the rv mirror 06 Jul 2017 19:10


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621817)
Those two media personalities breaking off their holiday (as if one should care about that) are hardly innocent in the slandering.
What is different here is that someone is fighting back and indeed I think that is what people voted for.

I hadn't heard anything about them breaking off their holiday (I agree, who cares about that); I'm referring to the fact that representatives of Trump allegedly contacted them and told them that an unflattering story would be published about them in the Enquirer unless they apologized to him for treating him badly on their show. If the allegations are true (and Scarborough says he has evidence- I doubt he would bluff about that), it might rise to the level of a crime:

I also think this latest controversy is just another attempt to distract from more important issues, such as the Russian situation (which isn't going away any time soon) or the possibility of war with North Korea.


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621817)
If you don't like what your president does you have every right. You could see it as unpresidential or wasting time.

I do see it as wasting time, and money. Worse than that, they are asking the states to provide voters' personal information (including party affiliation and voting history) to the government, which the states are thankfully balking at. It's none of their damn business how I voted.


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 621817)
And CNN have now been exposed to pushing the Russia without much fact, even suggesting they would go to war just before the inauguration. This is not balanced reporting.

Well, I believe that where there's smoke, there's fire. There are at least four, I believe (I've lost count) investigations going on regarding possible collusion with Russia, and I'm pretty confident those investigations aren't being launched because of CNN.


Originally Posted by AndrewG
The meme maker apparently is 15 years old.

Well, according to CNN, he isn't- he's a middle-aged man. But regardless- I think the president should be focusing on doing his job instead of re-tweeting juvenile memes.

It seems to me, at a time like this, it would be in Trump's best interest to try to have a good (or at least civil) relationship with the media, as opposed to waging war on them, because they are just going to fight back even stronger. But, that would require diplomatic skills that he just doesn't possess. It seems that a lot of his problems are of his own making- he's his own worst enemy.


Originally Posted by AndrewG
A more balanced reporting or understanding is what one should strive for from any side. Drop the black or white approach would help. But it probably won't happen.

Well, that is true, and I think the best we can can do is to consider a number of sources, and discount those which are strongly biased to either side. But what absolutely cannot happen is to suppress the free reporting of information, as this administration is attempting to do.


Originally Posted by AndrewG
No one and no organisation can simply presume they hold the moral high ground and should be exempt from ridicule or critique.

Well, someone needs to be able to communicate that to Trump, because he doesn't seem to be able to handle any kind of criticism. Funny that his supporters call the left "snowflakes" when he's the biggest snowflake of them all. :lol:

duke knooby 07 Jul 2017 00:38

ive just been told 2 cars nicked from my street last night...

i wonder if the appearance of a lot of scrapes on mine late last week is related

Sebastian. 07 Jul 2017 02:44

Yeaaaah let's bring politics into the forum... that's exactly what it needs.

Julie in the rv mirror 07 Jul 2017 06:16


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 621826)
Yeaaaah let's bring politics into the forum... that's exactly what it needs.

As long as people can discuss it reasonably, I don't see anything wrong with it.

PanicLord 07 Jul 2017 08:06


Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror (Post 621829)
As long as people can discuss it reasonably, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Yes that's always the catch

duke knooby 08 Jul 2017 12:43

the a team are back on tv :)

And not a remake, the original series!

duke knooby 09 Jul 2017 04:16

beautiful moon tonight

duke knooby 10 Jul 2017 19:26

the A team is still brilliant :)

stretch37 11 Jul 2017 00:53

Did a cover of HCW Had a lot of people I know die lately so seemed fitting. Sometimes the song just flows out of you

tonyloaf 11 Jul 2017 11:41


Adje 17 Jul 2017 02:36

So Dr Who is female now.

Tbh for me the show stopped after Peter Davison left as the fifth Doctor.

chairboys 19 Jul 2017 16:34

Over a decade of doing the school run ends tomorrow.

tonyloaf 19 Jul 2017 23:27

new sernia album rocks

duke knooby 22 Jul 2017 03:18

winter spiced beer, i should probably have drunk it sooner

meanwhile, dukes forthcoming new album is based solely on poetry... and poetry is lost on me, but i have faith in the duke, so should i order vinyl or cd???

duke knooby 23 Jul 2017 18:59

Vinyl it is

duke knooby 23 Jul 2017 19:02

Meanwhile, I've managed to do my back in, by washing my hands... dunno how, but it was a crawling on hands and knees moment afterwards

AndyK 26 Jul 2017 13:48


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 621871)
Meanwhile, I've managed to do my back in, by washing my hands... dunno how, but it was a crawling on hands and knees moment afterwards

Easily done, I injured my knee while asleep a few weeks ago.

JamesH 28 Jul 2017 21:58

What part of my body hurts the most video
So after watching the musical I thought I would love to hear how meat would sing What part of my body hurts the most... realising this may never happen I gave it a go myself in the style of meat... so you can either say screw you or god he gave it a good try!!! Here's the vid-

duke knooby 31 Jul 2017 22:36

Which one of you guys outbid me on the picture disc?

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