![]() |
Life is a lemon and I want my money back - ML
...travis tritt..on VH1 Country...
i like travis...ALOT... |
... the dixie chicks...READY TO RUN...
i aint banning them..i DIG the chickies.. :-) .... |
I'd do anything for love - ML
...Country Vids...Crazy Little Thing Called Love...Dwight Yoakum...(had to dash to see...knew the voice..DANG if i could think the name...lol...)
Love you out Loud - ML
... Country Vid Station...no idear who tho....
good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere - ML
...the Country Vid station...still..no idear who...lol...
i've been a bit OUT of it...with my country following..there's so many newbies!!!! |
back to Sorrento,Pavorotti with Meat ,brilliant.
paradise by the dashboard light - ML
Midnight at the Lost and Found - Meat Loaf
Twister, on ITV1
The nieghbours ,having a party outside in the garden
Bren |
Testify - ML
Mariella |
Life is a lemon and i want my money back - ML
Out of the frying pan - Meat Loaf
dead or alive - Bon Jovi
The Vault
Paradise, Live Around The World
Testify - ML
Mariella |
The Great Song:
DO IT! - Meat Loaf |
keep the faith - Bon Jovi.
heard some of his songs on VH1, so i decided to give me cd a listen :D |
Don't Speak - No Doubt
always - Bon Jovi
The Climb - No Doubt
Optimistic Thought - Blues Traveler
And watching an episode of Dark Angel!!! Pretty cool |
Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi
Shut Your Mouth - Garbage
hmph, how bout no. lmao :lol: :wink:
someday i'll be saturday night - Bon Jovi |
All in the Groove - BLues Traveler
hehe wasn't talking to you T :D
You Look So Fine - Garbage |
why thankyou :oops: :lol:
lay your hands on me - Bon Jovi |
lol :D
Supervixen - Garbage |
Oh.... allright... sorry that i said something :? Blues Traveler - Mountain Cry |
you give love a bad name - Bon Jovi
Stupid Girl - Garbage |
Living on a prayer - Bon Jovi
ok album gettin borin time to switch back to meat! :D |
Walking On The Sun - Smashmouth
Crazy in Love - BEyonce Knowles
The sweet sound of blessed silence :D
... cartoons on very low on the telly...they've lulled my visiting grandies to sleep...
so to quote Meat.... shhhhh .... lol.... |
The Sunday Hotline - swansea sound
Janet Jackson Concert. She is pretty amazing.
Everything louder than everything else - ML
... still the cartoonies...
nothing but silence. bliss.
Maybe Tomorrow - the 'phonics
Theres nooo silence in this house!!
CHSIB - ML (loud) :D |
Love in an elevator (live) - Aerosmith
Children of the Revolution - T. Tex
Final Fantasy 7 - Wonderful blissful
the opening music of coronation st :oops:
... Music for Relaxation... sounds of nature..enhanced with music...
Summer Evening Serenade... crickets and birds...loverly... |
...Sounds of the Everglades...from Music for Relaxation..it's very nice....
Testify - ML
Mariella |
... Song of the Whales....sans musical enhancement...just ocean..and whales...very niiice...
Barbra Streisand - Guilty
...sounds of Golden Pond...sans music...cicadas and crickets...and OH there goes a fly...lol....
Make me an Island - Barbra Streisand
Keeping my faith in you - Luther Vandross
Mariella |
... actually NOW it's sounds from Golden Pond...the other was .. Sounds of the Everglades.... lol ...
I know - Luther Vandross
Mariella |
I'd Lie For You (live) - ML
Who wants to Live forever - Queen
Another One Bites The Dust - Patti Russo & Queen
NP: Babylon Zoo - Spaceman [05:40]
"I can't get of the carrousel I can't get of the carrousel I can't get of this world..." |
Koln bootleg 2003 from Meat Loaf
Did I Say That - Meat Loaf |
I'd do anything for love - ML
Connels - '74-'75
Love you out loud - ML
You Never Know - Dave Matthews Band
"..don't lose the dreams inside your head......" Bren |
Life is a lemon - ML *it sure is*
Did i Say That
NP: Dream Theater - Pull Me Under [08:14]
"And every day sends future to past Every breath leaves one less to my last" |
Man of steel - ML
End of the road - Boyz II Men...
Because of you - ML
Its my party - Lesley Gore
Listening to them again, Patti has got a great voice, can't listen to it enough :D |
... a loverly little cd i picked up for 2.99...of my favorite classical composer...The Best of Bach...ahhh..the harpsichord...loverly....
Man Of Steel - ML
Vicki |
... yet another nifty little cd picked up for 2.99... baroque Classics...
Now I'm listening to Because Of You ... the CD is on permanent replay in my other computer, and I've lost track of how many times I've listened to it today :)) Vicki |
NP: Jim Steinman and Karla DeVito - Dance in my Pants (edit) [04:59] |
Midnight at the Lost and Found - Meat Loaf
Not A Dry Eye In The House.-Meat 8)
... a film on the telly about a journalist that was kidnapped in beirut in 1984...
Two out of three aint bad - ML :D
NP: Opeth - Deliverance - 01 - Wreath [11:10]
"Watching myself in a pool of water Wearing the mask of a ghost" |
Love You Out Loud - Meat - LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Give A Little Bit - Super Tramp
....and now Even in the Quietest Moments - Super Tramp Bren |
Polyphonic Spree - Sun
Heaven Can Wait - ML :D
Because of you - ML
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