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Keab42 16 Mar 2005 16:05


Originally Posted by Gerry

Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
I PASSED !!!!!!!!

What can I say - another string to me bow 8)

You must be up to the Harp by now :keke:

harps don't have bows.

Gez 16 Mar 2005 17:31

........wheres your spirit.........strings, bows...u getta picture :whistle:

DIZZY DRUMMER 16 Mar 2005 19:12

Gerry - you are as good with musical instruments as me :lmao:


heat 16 Mar 2005 23:51

I'm a happy camper!!!!!

Pixie 17 Mar 2005 10:56

Can't believe we're all contributing to a thread called PANTS! :lol:

Tim 17 Mar 2005 19:55

don't know what i must do with the things that are happening or going to happen... just one big crisis at the moment.

Bren 17 Mar 2005 21:20

i'm here if you need a friend to talk to Tim

Hug for Tim

DIZZY DRUMMER 17 Mar 2005 21:49

Tim - hope you are feeling better :(

Keab42 17 Mar 2005 22:34

Hmmm Fred is such scintillating conversation.

Ja 17 Mar 2005 22:48

IM thinking about this girl that i love! her names lucy! i really wanna be with her, but she don't like me in 'THAT' way :roll: :( :nag: bloody women... sometimes it just isn't worth bothering :?

heat 18 Mar 2005 00:15

Stick with it, Ja...

Can't decide if i have toothache or not...

DIZZY DRUMMER 18 Mar 2005 07:13

I have a sore throat AGAIN - feel as if I am getting a cold - BUT i can't - scheduled for surgery soon :cry:

Caz 18 Mar 2005 11:44

:roll: just because I actually have a rare day off from work, did it really mean I had to sit and converse with the Southern Comfort last night
:nuts: :hic: :tard:

Bren 18 Mar 2005 13:04

:roll: bad headache....can't concentrate on anything.....

Tim 18 Mar 2005 16:26


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Tim - hope you are feeling better :(

wish i could FA, wish i could.

And bren.. now that :D Thanks.

Tim 19 Mar 2005 14:19

Horrible saturday... nothing is going as planned.

heat 19 Mar 2005 17:19

Hubbs is watching Rugby....hope IRELAND win..... Shhhhhhhhh !!!

Tim 19 Mar 2005 18:37

...all revved up with no place to go...

Bren 19 Mar 2005 20:46

Hello Tim, good to see you

...hmmm just about got hang of posting now haha....smilies very limited, unless i'm just doing something wrong haha

Feleena 19 Mar 2005 20:50

im a goddess and treated like a slave!

R. 19 Mar 2005 20:51


Originally Posted by Bren
...smilies very limited, unless i'm just doing something wrong haha

UserCP->Edit Options->scroll down to the bottom and select a different message editor.

Bren 19 Mar 2005 21:01

thanks R....for the information

Keab42 19 Mar 2005 21:17

Really do not like the new forum interface.

am amused by the number of people logging on first thing this morning. i'm assuming its a bug, or were people really that deprived last night???

Tim 19 Mar 2005 21:19

Okay... found it. :twisted:

DIZZY DRUMMER 19 Mar 2005 21:22

DIZZY - MY head is spinning

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