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Chris 21 May 2006 16:29

but region 2 is uk tho?

dottie 21 May 2006 19:22


Originally Posted by Chris
but region 2 is uk tho?

sorry :oops: meant region 1:oops: :shock:

Gez 21 May 2006 20:21

hi bye naw aye

The Flying Mouse 21 May 2006 22:08

:twisted: Somedays, there just ain't enough bandages :roll:

Ankie 21 May 2006 22:27


Hope this helps?

dottie 22 May 2006 11:34

things don't change do they?

L96 22 May 2006 11:46


Originally Posted by dottie
things don't change do they?

They do change. Inevitably for the worse, though. Have a scotch.

dottie 22 May 2006 11:49


Originally Posted by lotus96
They do change. Inevitably for the worse, though. Have a scotch.

cheers my dears -;)

L96 22 May 2006 12:32


Originally Posted by dottie
cheers my dears -;)

For you, anytime.

May I take this opportunity to add: all men are *******s.

dottie 22 May 2006 17:35


Originally Posted by lotus96
For you, anytime.

May I take this opportunity to add: all men are *******s.

ditto ditto as penny drops and rolls across the floor.......

Gez 22 May 2006 20:32


Originally Posted by lotus96
They do change. Inevitably for the worse, though. Have a scotch. Scotch.......want me :retard: :retard:

L96 22 May 2006 22:18


Originally Posted by Gerry Scotch.......want me :retard: :retard:


Are you postage paid?

dottie 23 May 2006 11:50

suffering from post holiday blues - I want some sunshine and warmth and I want it now:? is it summer or spring/winter?

L96 23 May 2006 12:34

It's ****ing freezing here. I suggest you stay where you are.

And as for the holiday blues..... try getting a high powered water rifle and squirting random strangers. Doesn't lessen your longing for a holiday (again), but does liven life up considerably.

dottie 23 May 2006 17:47

And as for the holiday blues..... try getting a high powered water rifle and squirting random strangers.

What a wonderful idea lotus..........:D to oblige - whoosh..........

Gez 24 May 2006 15:15


Originally Posted by lotus96

Are you postage paid?

special delivery :cool:

dottie 24 May 2006 21:00


Originally Posted by dottie
What a good little angel, but then aren't they always for Nanny....... very, very enjoyable day with my little one......Liam is going to Great Ormond Street Hospital on the 9th May with regards to his breathing problems, I hope Liam is okay, I won't be able to go with my daughter as I am flying out the following morning very early......

Kaz has attended Great Ormond Street, but the Consultant said he is still to small to carry out a windpipe examination, Liam is due back on the 25th July when they hope he will have grown a little more, he now weighs 6lb 10ozs, a gigantic leap from 3lb 40zs, as of then it was so far so good, but the troublesome cough Liam has lived with since birth is now getting worse and Liam is finding it extremely hard to keep his milk down which isn't such good news, and after a visit to the local doctors today, (Where they informed Kaz they couldn't "do anything" excuse me!) Kaz was asked to ring Great Ormond Street herself tomorrow and have Liams appointment bought forward urgently.... we shall see......... I'm rather perturbed with the attitude of Liams local doctor........... why he couldn't ring Great Ormond Street there and then I really don't know:roll:

L96 26 May 2006 19:07

I must be nucking futs.

dottie 26 May 2006 21:48

hubby on builders night out.......

so I can do exactly as I please:twisted:

raid the drinks cupboard first..........:-P

ring my sister in Australia..........:roll:

ring my old school friend in Africa.........:roll:

what else can I do, not used to this..........:lol: :twisted:

Only myself to think of tonight...........:twisted:

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 May 2006 22:11

I really do not feel happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my hand is not improving & is actually getting worse


dottie 27 May 2006 03:23

cannot sleep but really tired:twisted: might have something to do with Zeus one of my fluff balls who has been sleeping on my pillow, and apart from throwing the better half out of bed and changing it I have no choice, unless I want to end up looking like a Wookie covered in cats hair:lol:

Bren 27 May 2006 22:56


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
I really do not feel happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my hand is not improving & is actually getting worse

sorry to hear that *hug*


Tim 28 May 2006 13:09

Weekend if flying by. Booked a trip to Turkey... Lots of things happened and next week is full with training at work.... Which i don't understand cause they are firing everybody.

dottie 28 May 2006 15:48

good ones for a change.........

Bren 28 May 2006 17:58

...where did the weekend go?

can i have a weekend now?

Keab42 28 May 2006 20:59

*gives Bren a weekend*

exams all finished, don't know what to do with myself now...

probably panic about my driving test...

Ross 29 May 2006 02:00

Wow what a crazy day......

L96 29 May 2006 09:06

Please, Lord, send me a real AK47...

Caelan 29 May 2006 09:17


I hate jetlags...hihi:shock:

Tim 29 May 2006 10:39

boring... i'm totally borred at the moment.

Ross 29 May 2006 11:44


Originally Posted by Lotus96
Please, Lord, send me a real AK47...

Ross 29 May 2006 11:45


Originally Posted by Lotus96
Please, Lord, send me a real AK47...

You with an AK47? Why ever for? Aren't you mad enough?

L96 29 May 2006 11:56

If I can't have that, I'll settle for a H&K 9ml and a flame thrower.

Leah 29 May 2006 19:19

Have you ever had to bare your soul to someone that you've never wanted to hurt but yet inside it's how you feel?...

Ben 29 May 2006 19:20

sounds emotional Leah

Leah 29 May 2006 19:24

Yeah it is Ben. I just feel like i'm standing at a crossroads at the moment not knowing which way to take. But I think i'm going the right way even though I feel terrible for it...I guess time will tell.

Ben 29 May 2006 19:26

i suppose all u can do is to follow ur heart! but like you said time will tell, times a great healer too!

Bren 29 May 2006 19:28


Originally Posted by Keab42
*gives Bren a weekend*

exams all finished, don't know what to do with myself now...

probably panic about my driving test...

Thanks :mrgreen:

Leah 29 May 2006 19:30

Yes I think i'll be ok, i'm doing what my gut instinct is telling me. Millions of people have been in my shoes before and they'll be millions more to go through it. I guess its one of lifes learning curves that often gets thrown your way sometimes!

Gez 30 May 2006 00:34

away yi go ya wee timerous beastie :shock:

dottie 09 Jun 2006 04:03

:yawn: :zzz: :pray: :tired: :wave: :silence:

L96 09 Jun 2006 10:44

Does anyone know how to remove bugs implanted by the government from a building?

heat 09 Jun 2006 23:12


Originally Posted by Ben
times a great healer too!


L96 09 Jun 2006 23:14


Originally Posted by heat

Yes, those take time to heal. Apparently. ;)

Caelan 12 Jun 2006 06:03

aarrggg...bad start of the hot in bed and sleepy now at this early time of day..:roll:

Gez 12 Jun 2006 13:57

Holiday 2morrow.............Yipee

Ankie 12 Jun 2006 14:00

It looks like it is less warm there, then it is over here at the moment, Gerry ;) :D

Have a brilliant time.

Lord Kagan 13 Jun 2006 22:07

Exams arent over, mines over on the 23rd :( stupid chemistry

Ageing Bat 21 Jun 2006 08:29

Feelin' poorly :tired: ... even my aches ache :shock:

Mick Loaf 22 Jun 2006 01:09

Time for bed!

Rockette 22 Jun 2006 05:04


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Feelin' poorly :tired: ... even my aches ache :shock:

OUCH! Get well quick.

Ageing Bat 22 Jun 2006 09:18

Aaaw, thanks :heart:

Feeling much better today thanks..... have dragged myself into work. Voice rather husky though (Himself says it sounds quite sexy!! Last thing on my mind though!!).

Chris 22 Jun 2006 14:07

I think i've created a monster!

More than four years ago i posted something to pass half an hour on a wet evening. It became the thread known as "Musical Tastes" and 526 pages adn over 13,000 replies later it is still going!! Why!??!??!

I've just had occasion to look for something at the start of the thread and found some rather random conversations mixed in there!!!!

L96 27 Jun 2006 12:10

What do you say when there aren't any words?

Hypnobabe 27 Jun 2006 15:25

I need some sleep... :zzz:

Hypnobabe 29 Jun 2006 10:31

I just discovered that Corey Haim (that American actor who was in The Goonies among other things) lives near Bedford in the UK...

Caelan 29 Jun 2006 10:34

ohhh man I hate painting:(

but really should get started now before the day is gone

Rockette 29 Jun 2006 14:53

:idea: Think I'll sell my alter egos on Ebay. :twisted:

Hypnobabe 29 Jun 2006 14:55


Originally Posted by Rockette
:idea: Think I'll sell my alter egos on Ebay. :twisted:

Your alter ego's what? :lmao:

Rockette 29 Jun 2006 15:06

:D There are two of them. Which are you interested in? :D

Hypnobabe 29 Jun 2006 15:22

Not sure, tell me about them?

Rockette 29 Jun 2006 15:43

One is a cute little girl, and the other's a screaming Scot. Second thoughts, might keep them. :roll: They could come in handy one day.

dottie 29 Jun 2006 19:39

They always come in three's - Left home at 11.30am this morning for work, first bus sailed past the bus stop:shock: , second bus didn't turn up:shock: , third bus finally arrived at 12.20pm,had to stand up all the way, that included from 12.20pm until 12.55pm:evil: was I cross, just wanted to turn around and go back home again:roll:

At least these trams ran on time....

Rockette 30 Jun 2006 08:54

:roll: Just an observation, Dottie, but those trams don't appear to have sails on them either. :twisted:

dottie 30 Jun 2006 20:02


Originally Posted by Rockette
:roll: Just an observation, Dottie, but those trams don't appear to have sails on them either. :twisted:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

L96 30 Jun 2006 22:54

What type of dickhead rings the doorbell of a dark house at midnight, then runs away? AAAARGH....

MeatGrl1 01 Jul 2006 01:01


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe
I just discovered that Corey Haim (that American actor who was in The Goonies among other things) lives near Bedford in the UK...

LMAO! That is quite random!

dottie 01 Jul 2006 04:04

Sleep evades me.......:zzz: :yawn: :roll:

L96 01 Jul 2006 05:05

Want a doorbell? Grrrr......

Rockette 01 Jul 2006 10:23

Come on over to my place and we can watch "The Wizard of Oz" together. That way, you don't hear the doorbell ring.

L96 02 Jul 2006 01:43


It's the **** that has taken to Mac that I'm gonna tear the head off and disembowel.

Rockette 02 Jul 2006 15:32

:roll: There's a movie you may have heard of. Wishcraft. Maybe you could pick up some ideas from that one. :shrug: Just a thought.

dottie 02 Jul 2006 20:12

lotus be grateul you haven't got one like mine, everytime someone electronically opens there cars around here, my doorbell goes off.........

seem to spend my life trotting to the door, no wonder I'm so exh:lol:

L96 02 Jul 2006 22:22

That's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks, dottie! :lol: :lmao: :lmao:

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Jul 2006 23:31

Bren - I owe you a hug :heart:

Ageing Bat 07 Jul 2006 09:09

shhhhh........ I've got a headache

Pudding 07 Jul 2006 09:24

I like ginger nut biscuits

Pud :twisted:

Ageing Bat 07 Jul 2006 10:07

Can you not crunch them so loudly please Pud..... I've still got a headache.

AndyK 07 Jul 2006 10:10

Personally I'm more in favour of chocolate hobnobs.

Pudding 07 Jul 2006 10:12

Can't get chocolate hobnobs here. Actually I could if I paid out of my ass for them but I refuse to. They are the king of biscuits though :drool:

Pud :twisted:

AndyK 07 Jul 2006 10:13

Hmmm I can see an export business opportunity here :))

L96 08 Jul 2006 11:51

I need a new ENTER key :(:(:(

hayley 08 Jul 2006 21:11

I dont even have an enter key it disappeared one day and im just left with something that kind of resembles a nipple :? :wtf:

Rockette 09 Jul 2006 07:36

Is there such a thiing as an "exit life" key? I'll have four, thanks.

Caelan 09 Jul 2006 07:39

aarrggg cat woke me up..why can't i have a normal sleep these days:roll:

Rockette 09 Jul 2006 07:42

what's 'normal'???

Caelan 09 Jul 2006 07:44

I don't know what is normal for you.......

for me waking up at 8 am instead of 6 am

Rockette 09 Jul 2006 07:46

What a luxury to sleep that long!

Caelan 09 Jul 2006 07:48


Originally Posted by Rockette
What a luxury to sleep that long!


mostly late to bed..around 1-1.30 am so short nights :cool:

Rockette 09 Jul 2006 07:48

Long to me. lol

Caelan 09 Jul 2006 07:52


Originally Posted by Rockette
Long to me. lol

do you sleep at all??:shock:

Leah 10 Jul 2006 16:01

hey all!
Just on holiday sunning it up in cyprus!
Looks like ive missed out on loads, ive definatly missed this place and all my fellow loafers! Catch you all in a week or so!
Keep Rockin!

Pudding 11 Jul 2006 10:17


Originally Posted by Caelan
aarrggg cat woke me up..why can't i have a normal sleep these days:roll:

Try 2 kids aged 1 and 3 and a pregnant wife who gets up very regularly for a wee, then tell me about not having a normal sleep :(

Pud :twisted:

L96 11 Jul 2006 11:17

No one is god.

dottie 12 Jul 2006 03:24

so tired but cannot sleep AGAIN!:twisted:

Rockette 13 Jul 2006 03:45

You have my sympathy, Dottie. Sup, anyway?

Rockette 13 Jul 2006 11:12

When I can't sleep, I throw two house flies into my ears so they can play space invaders. :D

Devil's Son 13 Jul 2006 11:19

sleep is a good idea

Rockette 13 Jul 2006 11:22


Originally Posted by Grasshopper
sleep is a good idea

Yeah great when you can get it. :D

Devil's Son 13 Jul 2006 11:23

yeah but I can't have to work, isn't easy to get fresh air , it's hot in that country

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