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Tim 10 May 2003 19:13


Originally Posted by Michel
No, dutch is a lot easier then english.

But here I've also more then 700 posts. :lol:

But I did 1600 posts in 6 months. You 600 posts in one month on this forum. :lmao:

Well,.................... 8O

That's not true Michel. hahahah Funny guy he is...
And R. good!

dottie 10 May 2003 19:16

I think you lot are the worst post whores of all :lol:

Satan 10 May 2003 19:22

Tim 10 May 2003 19:28


Originally Posted by Satan

Welcome back Satan!

Michel 10 May 2003 19:28

Hi Satan, has R. released you again? :lol:

heat 10 May 2003 20:06

so would....

heat 10 May 2003 20:07

...this be...

heat 10 May 2003 20:08

...considered as....

heat 10 May 2003 20:09

postwhoring then?



R. 10 May 2003 20:10


heat 10 May 2003 20:19

R - You say the nicest things :wink:


Tim 10 May 2003 21:18


Originally Posted by heat
R - You say the nicest things :wink:


Man, never see anyone begging to be called a postwhore!

But okay:

Heat Is A PostWhore
Heat Is A PostWhore
Heat Is A PostWhore
Heat Is A PostWhore
Heat Is A PostWhore
Heat Is A PostWhore

batloaf 11 May 2003 01:44

:) This is definitely not my first post but here it's the best way, to say hi to all Meat fans in the world

it's always good to discuss the music you like with the rest of the world

greets from

heat 11 May 2003 13:33

Hiya Batloaf,

Welcome to the boards, hun :D


Michel 11 May 2003 15:23

Welcome to the boards, Batloaf.

And you see, this is a postwhores topic. :lol:

Guppie 11 May 2003 17:06


Originally Posted by Michel
Welcome to the boards, Batloaf.

And you see, this is a postwhores topic. :lol:

So... did I come to the right place? :D

dottie 11 May 2003 17:35


Originally Posted by batloaf
:) This is definitely not my first post but here it's the best way, to say hi to all Meat fans in the world

it's always good to discuss the music you like with the rest of the world

greets from

Welcome Batloaf - It helps a bit if your crazy here :)

dottie 11 May 2003 17:36


Originally Posted by heat
postwhoring then?



Is this what I am supposed to be doing :??: :lol:

love dottiexxxx

Michel 11 May 2003 17:41


Originally Posted by Guppie

Originally Posted by Michel
Welcome to the boards, Batloaf.

And you see, this is a postwhores topic. :lol:

So... did I come to the right place? :D

You did, Gup.

Tim 11 May 2003 18:39

yes you all did come to the right place...

Welcome new members.

Guppie 12 May 2003 00:11


Originally Posted by Michel

And you see, this is a postwhores topic. :lol:


So... did I come to the right place? :D

You did, Gup.
Cool 8) :lol:

Michel 12 May 2003 19:59


Originally Posted by Guppie

Originally Posted by Michel

And you see, this is a postwhores topic. :lol:


So... did I come to the right place? :D

You did, Gup.
Cool 8) :lol:

I know.
That was a:

Guppie 12 May 2003 22:49

Oh... so I can be one too... I'm really moved... touched by this...
* Guppie is looking for tissues... :D

aussielovesmeat 13 May 2003 15:30

Another new member popping in to say hi to all :D
As you can all tell by my name I'm Australian :lol:
I like a wide variety of music, but Meat Loaf is by FAR the best !!!!

I can still remember the day when I first heard his BOOH album, stopped me dead in my tracks, thought WOW who is this :D

20+ years later, still listening and loving it !!!!
I've been lucky enough to see him twice in concerts, sure hope he comes down under for his final one !!

Ben 13 May 2003 16:12

hi ya aussielovesmeat, and welcom to the forum

dottie 13 May 2003 16:13


Originally Posted by aussielovesmeat
Another new member popping in to say hi to all :D
As you can all tell by my name I'm Australian :lol:
I like a wide variety of music, but Meat Loaf is by FAR the best !!!!

I can still remember the day when I first heard his BOOH album, stopped me dead in my tracks, thought WOW who is this :D

20+ years later, still listening and loving it !!!!
I've been lucky enough to see him twice in concerts, sure hope he comes down under for his final one !!

Welcome Aussielovesmeat - you've certainly come to the right place
my sister lives in Merriwa N.S.W. where abouts are you :??:


Bart 13 May 2003 16:21

he Dottie, tell us about last nite? :D

mariella 13 May 2003 16:54

Please Dottie, we want to know!
I am sure it's a great story, knowing you. :lol:


dottie 13 May 2003 18:34


Originally Posted by Bart
he Dottie, tell us about last nite? :D

Oh yes its a great story alright - once I have the ok from Diane on a few things i will submit a brief passage, as I need to see the complete programme on Friday for my sons part to be played out.

Suffice to say my head is in a spin - but yesterday as cool as a cucumber :P

I promise Bart all will be revealed as soon as humanly possible

love dottiexxxx

Tim 13 May 2003 18:37

Hahah, Dotster in action!!! Clear the Way!!! :lol:

dottie 13 May 2003 18:37


Originally Posted by mariella
Please Dottie, we want to know!
I am sure it's a great story, knowing you. :lol:


Oh yes Mariella it is alright - At the moment I am awaiting a reply from a pm I sent to Diane - and also I must be able to see the video Friday to gauge my son, and hubbys reaction - but believe me all good things come to those who wait - and it will be worth it. :D

love dottie

dottie 13 May 2003 18:38


Originally Posted by Tim
Hahah, Dotster in action!!! Clear the Way!!! :lol:

Ha HaTim - are u aware of what went on last night - if not I wont fill u in just yet - I believe Flying Mouse is going to post sometime before me.

o.k. Love dottie

Tim 13 May 2003 18:43

No i don't, cause i'm very busy, now some time to post. read some mails.. etc... But i will see the posts or pm's i think....

Jen 13 May 2003 21:14

Hi to aussielovesmeat, and anyone else that I haven't already said hello to.

Tim 13 May 2003 21:17

Hello you all!!!

heat 14 May 2003 07:01

Hiya to all you newbies :D

PLEASE completely ignore everything they have told you about me...none of it's true...just complete fabrications...well..ish.... :oops: :D


aussielovesmeat 14 May 2003 12:17

Thanks Ben, dottie, termin8orjen, Tim and heat for your warm welcome :D

This board is wicked, I've found out more about what Meat is doing, since I joined a couple of days ago, than in the past 5 years :lol:

dottie, I live near Adelaide in South Australia

heat I don't know how to put your quote in, but I sure laughed when I saw your post :lol:

Bren 14 May 2003 12:51

Hi folks ,was having a cup of tea and had a few minutes spare so couldn't resist the temptation to visit the forums.
I've not visited SITE FEEDBACK. before Now you can all kill yourselves laughing at my expense.....ithought it was somewhere just to deal with technical problems a place where only the Mods. and Admin hang out!!! :lol: :oops: :lol:
i obviously got that wrong .i've been crying with laughter reading the welcome new members....especially Heat's comment;s!!!
I missed out on the welcome when i joined then!
Mind you you're probably fedup with me by now..especially Tim.

Some years back .i bought my son the Bat2 cd at his request ,he never got a look in!!!! I played it non stop. done job ,i've been a Meat Loaf fan ever.i'm an artist.If you'r e an artist people tend to think you're
odd .i always listen to Meat Loaf when i work, it's inspirational
ps i hate spiders too Tim!!

Bren 14 May 2003 13:31

Tim will tell me off for being a postwhore now but i wanted to say.....

Ican understand new members being intimidated by the thought of posting.
I'myself,visited this site regularly for over a year before i summoned up the courage to register and actually post anything,
Now look at me!!!!!! :lol:
I love this site ,i love the forums,it really brightens my day to visit here.
You couldn't wish for a nicer bunch of people everyone is so friendly and welcoming.
I appreciate that a lot of time and hard work goes into the running of this site ,so much praise and thanks to those of you that do.

Chris 14 May 2003 21:56

Welcome to new member YellowPeril!!!

A fellow Smart car fanatic!!

heat 14 May 2003 23:53

Hiya Yellow peril :D

Hope you enjoy it here with us.... :twisted:


Ben 14 May 2003 23:59

hello and welcome Yellow peril,

Jen 15 May 2003 00:02

Welcome all new people.

Tim 15 May 2003 00:39

Well, you all are postwhores haahhaha :lol:

Ben 15 May 2003 12:46

Were only being friendly and polite, welcoming the new members to the site, aint we gang. :D :wink:

The Flying Mouse 15 May 2003 15:00

:twisted: Hi to all the new members :D .
Sorry it's a little late :oops: .I haven't had much time on the forums this week.I'm only just getting up to speed again,and with all these postwhores it's taking a f...... long time :lmao:
Have fun 8) .

dottie 15 May 2003 16:41


Originally Posted by Bart
he Dottie, tell us about last nite? :D

Go look Bart at General Messages - Rock and Roll Dreams do come through - read and enjoy
love dottie

Tim 15 May 2003 17:03


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
:twisted: Hi to all the new members :D .
Sorry it's a little late :oops: .I haven't had much time on the forums this week.I'm only just getting up to speed again,and with all these postwhores it's taking a f...... long time :lmao:
Have fun 8) .

Flying mouse... offcourse you are late hahaah, You are always late LOL!!!! And indeed 3 topics of postwhores.

Michel 15 May 2003 20:01

Welcome to all the new members.

I'm also late. :lol:

Tim 15 May 2003 21:05

Thanks to flying mouse i saw also a new member:

Sara Douglas.....!!!!!!!!!

Is this THE Sarah Douglas, the background singer from Meat Loafs latest tour??? Please let it be true!!!
Hello Sara, Welcome here, and hope you will enjoy it!!

And if you are that Sarah, i'm your biggest fan :lol: :lol:

The butcher, Tim

heat 15 May 2003 21:57

Take it the engagements off then, tim??? :evil:


original sin 15 May 2003 23:49

:cry: awww shucks :cry: Does this mean my dress has to go back :??: :cry:

batloaf 16 May 2003 00:12

:P Just wanted to Say "Thank You" for your warm welcome
this is a great board.

heat 16 May 2003 00:19

Tis our pleasure, Batloaf :D


Ben 16 May 2003 13:18


Originally Posted by batloaf
:P Just wanted to Say "Thank You" for your warm welcome
this is a great board.

Your Welcome!! :D

Tim 16 May 2003 16:33


Originally Posted by batloaf
:P Just wanted to Say "Thank You" for your warm welcome
this is a great board.

Well, to be honest... i wasn't happy with you but he.... Hahahah Just kidding... nice to have you here... Keep Rockin'.

the butcher, Tim

Terri 16 May 2003 20:13

Yet another new member here!!!!!!!!!

Great site, don't quite know where to start as there is so much going I thought I'd just start by saying Hi to everyone!

Asha 16 May 2003 20:14

Well hello to you too.

Welcome to this great forum.


Jen 16 May 2003 20:25

Hello :)

But be warned, everyone is crazy :wink:

original sin 16 May 2003 20:45

Hi Terri

don't believe it .....crazy is good...........

Ben 16 May 2003 20:53


Originally Posted by terri
Yet another new member here!!!!!!!!!

Great site, don't quite know where to start as there is so much going I thought I'd just start by saying Hi to everyone!

hiya terri, and welcome! :D

Tim 16 May 2003 23:49

Hello Teri,

Hope spelled your name correctly. Hope you will like it here!!

The Butcher, Tim

heat 17 May 2003 00:15

'ello Terri,

Nice to have you here, hun.

Whatever they tell you about's all true :P


Tim 17 May 2003 11:30

Oh and Terri, don't listen to Heat! She is just crazy.... and fooling around with everybody.... :P Right Heat??? :P

heat 17 May 2003 12:53 know me too darn well, Tim :D


Mr.Skulls 17 May 2003 16:31


son of Sin here i joined a while ago but can never get on the computer 8O

Jen 17 May 2003 16:51

Hello there son of Sin :)

Guppie 17 May 2003 16:52


Originally Posted by Mr.Skulls

son of Sin here i joined a while ago but can never get on the computer 8O

Hi, Son of Sin. Tell Sin she should buy more computers, build a network so you can both be online simultaneously. 8)

Ben 17 May 2003 17:06


Originally Posted by Mr.Skulls

son of Sin here i joined a while ago but can never get on the computer 8O

hiya. so i wonder why the reason is that u cant get on the computer??!!?? :lol:

Terri 17 May 2003 20:30

Thanks for the welcome ........ still trying to find my feet but enjoying every minute........great site. :lol:

dottie 21 May 2003 17:41

Can we welcome Leather Lady here please

Tim 21 May 2003 17:44

Okay Dottie, Welcome Leather Lady!!

heat 22 May 2003 05:29

Helloooo Leather Lady :D

Hope you enjoy our humble abode!!!!


ABH 22 May 2003 11:24


I just saw this topic. I have to say I signed in a year ago, but due to several things, I forgot about the forum untill recently.

Now, however, I have written my opinion and comments a few times, and I've been welcomed by dottie :D, so I think I will use this forum a lot more in the future.

I think it's great that we share the same taste in music, 'cause not many agree with me in Norway :(

AnneBeth :oops: :D

heat 22 May 2003 13:22

Hiya AnneBeth,

Nice to see you here :D Hope you enjoy


Ben 22 May 2003 13:43


Originally Posted by ABH

I just saw this topic. I have to say I signed in a year ago, but due to several things, I forgot about the forum untill recently.

Now, however, I have written my opinion and comments a few times, and I've been welcomed by dottie :D, so I think I will use this forum a lot more in the future.

I think it's great that we share the same taste in music, 'cause not many agree with me in Norway :(

AnneBeth :oops: :D

Yeah hi annebeth, welcome back. Have Fun here!! :D

badger 22 May 2003 15:03

Welcome Anne Beth :D

ABH 22 May 2003 16:02


Thank you so much for the warm welcome :D

AnneBeth 8)

Michel 22 May 2003 20:27

Welcome, AnneBeth

Jen 22 May 2003 20:55

Hello AnneBeth, and any of the other new members that find this topic.

Testify 23 May 2003 11:15

hello everybody. could you guys help me out a little and tell me wot goes on?? i'm a bit dense like that. :?

original sin 23 May 2003 14:54

Hi AnneBeth welcome :lol:

Hi Testify like wise welcome :lol: Not sure what you mean what goes on, just browse the forums and threads if there is something you want to add to the in the words of Meat DO IT! :lol: You can use the variuos topic areas to find out info or sharethoughts and ideas.......If you want to let your hair down the visit off topic 8O
Most of all what ever you do have fun and enjoy...I know I do!!! :twisted:
And don't consider yourself dense I watched and waited for ages before i posted and now i'm addicted :twisted:

heat 23 May 2003 17:52

Hiya Testify :D

Hope you enjoy it here, hun :P

Only one word of warning - posting can become addictive, and you may well become a POSTWHORE :twisted: !!!!

Now that's not nessicarilly a bad thing.... :wink:


Tim 23 May 2003 17:54

Hello to all new members.... forgot the names :? But still welcome, see you on the forum!!!

Michel 23 May 2003 19:48

Welcome on the forum, Testify.

Testify 24 May 2003 23:46

Thanx guys. You're just one big family aint ya!! Im sure i will have fun. I'v bin speakin to Dottie abit an shez helpin me out so i shud work things out ok. I must say i had been watchin this site for a while before i dared vecome a member, sad i know but hey thats me hehe. Sorry if im on abit of a down, exams are takin there toll, and gettin v stressed!! but as long as i have this then im ok!! :lol:


dottie 26 May 2003 17:37

Welcome Twilight to the forum - it helps if your're mad :lol:

Tim 26 May 2003 18:26


Originally Posted by Testify
Thanx guys. You're just one big family aint ya!! Im sure i will have fun. I'v bin speakin to Dottie abit an shez helpin me out so i shud work things out ok. I must say i had been watchin this site for a while before i dared vecome a member, sad i know but hey thats me hehe. Sorry if im on abit of a down, exams are takin there toll, and gettin v stressed!! but as long as i have this then im ok!! :lol:


Good luck with your exams, know you are gonna make them good!!! And pass!

Testify 27 May 2003 11:55

Thankyou very much. i need to pass em otherwise i dont get into 6th form. i need five c's to do so n i already have 3 definets so if i do ok in science n my english then im ok. i already have a C at intermediate level in maths n now i have to do the higher, FUN!! but i know i have good in my art. im n artist!! :lol: :wink:

original sin 27 May 2003 18:53


Originally Posted by Testify
Thankyou very much. i need to pass em otherwise i dont get into 6th form. i need five c's to do so n i already have 3 definets so if i do ok in science n my english then im ok. i already have a C at intermediate level in maths n now i have to do the higher, FUN!! but i know i have good in my art. im n artist!! :lol: :wink:

Good luck for me too!!!!and as you are an artist i'll have to checkif you replied to my "any budding artists" thread in off topic :wink: :twisted:
I've been called an artist.....howver i think there was another word in front of it 8O

Testify 27 May 2003 19:30

i looked at it sin n im thinkin of ideas

Ben 27 May 2003 19:44


Originally Posted by Testify
Thankyou very much. i need to pass em otherwise i dont get into 6th form. i need five c's to do so n i already have 3 definets so if i do ok in science n my english then im ok. i already have a C at intermediate level in maths n now i have to do the higher, FUN!! but i know i have good in my art. im n artist!! :lol: :wink:

You Can Only Do Your best, So Good Luck, Testify


Testify 27 May 2003 19:46

thanx Ben, ur v nice person! :D

dottie 28 May 2003 17:59

Welcome Flower and Sabine to the Meat Loaf Forum have fun


Testify 28 May 2003 18:05

welcome flower n sabine.

im a copy cat n do most things dottie does!! :lol:

at least i think i do... :?

The Flying Mouse 28 May 2003 18:13

:twisted: Welcome to all the new members I havn't said hi to yet.(it's been a busy weekend and i'm only just catching up with the forums :( )
Hope you have fun here. :D

Michel 28 May 2003 19:57

Welcome Flower and Sabine.

Tim 28 May 2003 20:43

welcome everybody :lol:

dottie 29 May 2003 00:49

Welcome ABH

Asha 29 May 2003 04:04

Welcome to everyone who joined this here forum after me :lol: :lol: :lol:


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