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Steve6 11 Oct 2010 16:24


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 525225)
If you posted that an action figure looks totally like a girl and then straight after that I posted well I think you look exactly like it, wouldn't you take offence? I think your ignorant post is quite insulting and the fact you haven't apologised it doesn't surprise me you get threats like you did, you totally deserve it. If you had said that about my girlfriend I would most likely be banned by now and on my way to Ireland to find you I shit you not.

Are you being serious Andrew??? FFS lighten up man, if anyone takes what I said as an insult then they really need to cop on with themselves. Apoligise!!!! you must be having a laugh. If it was so offensive then why wasn't it removed??? because it wasn't offensive. If Lucy is offended then so should Patti and Celion Dion.

LucyK! 11 Oct 2010 16:29

And how you do you know that when Patti logged onto Facebook and saw that someone tagged the images of those dolls as her she wasn't offended?! You don't know that, but yet again you assume you do.

Steve6 11 Oct 2010 16:37


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 525237)
And how you do you know that when Patti logged onto Facebook and saw that someone tagged the images of those dolls as her she wasn't offended?! You don't know that, but yet again you assume you do.

Well whoever tagged her in those photos really needs to get a life for themselves, because it looks absolutely nothing like her. They are only action figures anyway, it's not as if it's a quadruply deformed monster that she's being compared to. It's a toy for crying out loud. I wish I came across an action figure that looked like me. I'd happily buy it, with a massive smile on my face.

LucyK! 11 Oct 2010 16:54

It's almost funny...several people here have told you that whilst perhaps you didn't mean to cause any offence with your post, you did. There's a page of posts about how awful those dolls are and still you find it appropriate to persist in comparing them to someone here, even when people have pointed out how that comes across, and you're shocked at the reaction?! :shock:

Now someone had better come up with something productive to say about these action figures before I really start typing and get myself banned.

Rage Against 11 Oct 2010 18:01


LucyK! 11 Oct 2010 18:05

:up: I agree, I've had quite enough of being a transvestite action figure.

Rage Against 11 Oct 2010 18:14


Originally Posted by WarioLoaf (Post 525105)
Why? Obviously people take shots at steve cause he has a sense of HUMOR. hes a big boy.

Andy is far from a personal attacker. hes got the brass balls to stick up for Lucy.

I wanna be like Andy when I grow up

Lets stop this and get back on topic

Because anything that is said about the action figure is going to ultimately affect Lucy until Steve retracts and apologizes for what he said. I can understand Lucy being upset and I don't think anything productive is going to come from this thread continuing. As a matter of fact, it was made worse after my post that you and others are dismissing.

R. 11 Oct 2010 18:30


Originally Posted by Rage Against (Post 525267)

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