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Pudding 08 Apr 2004 14:30


Originally Posted by Heli

Go back to your cabbage patch please!!!!!!

You have to realise that noone thinks the same as you, therefore your veiw on Emily's remedie for making herself feel better, does not have to be true!!
Some people may think its true to say that, but guess what spud...........EVERYONES DIFFERENT!!! Suprising i know!!

So please, if you havn't got anything constructive to say, please keep it to yourself, or PM's!! :roll:

Oh I'm sorry Mein Fuhrer!

I thought this was a board where ALL opinions counted, not neccessarily agreed upon but counted anyway.

If somebody doesn't want somebody to comment on anything at all to do with their personal life then they should learn to keep their mouth shut on an open and public forum.

I don't expect you to understand because you're only a child, pretending to be an adult but still only a child at the end of the day. If you'd bothered to read fully what I wrote then you would understand that there's actually some sound advice in it. But hell what the f*ck do I know I've got a kid giving out lectures :nuts:

Spud :twisted:

Emily 08 Apr 2004 22:20

Oh dear....
I didnt mean to cause so much commotion with this thread...all I wanted was a paul crook pick :cry:


AndyK 08 Apr 2004 22:28

and that Emily is exactly what this thread should be about, and will be about from now on... won't it people? (YES is the answer I'm looking for here).

Who amongst us in our younger years has become a little infatuated with someone we're unlikely to have? It's hardly the end of the world is it? Cut Emily some slac here please, she's posted a serious request about something, now let's see who can help her?

Thank you

Heli 08 Apr 2004 22:30

Didn't you wonder why i've been on here for the past hour or so and havn't replied!!

I just havn't the strength to argue!!

All i want is Emily to have one of Paul's picks! :wink:

Emily 08 Apr 2004 22:30


Originally Posted by Sheriff Spud
We all go through sh*t times now and again and fantasising on what will never be isn't going to get you through it. You need to focus and appreciate what have got in the here and now and not what you'll never get in the future.

If you'd stop living in cloudcuckooland for a day or two, you'd probably realise that life isn't that bad after all!

Spud :twisted:

What are you talking about???? This thread is just about trading picks...( WAS about trading picks...) So why are all you people saying this to me??

R. 08 Apr 2004 22:42


Originally Posted by AndyK
and that Emily is exactly what this thread should be about, and will be about from now on... won't it people?


Emily 08 Apr 2004 22:53

You all go on about how much I and talk about Paul Crook like it's such a BAD thing....
You all go on about how much you love Meat, so why can't I do the same thing about Paul? Its not like he's nothing to do with Meat....
I'm sure Paul doesn't why do you?!
If it annoys you when I even mention the man, then ignore me...


Pudding 08 Apr 2004 23:12


Originally Posted by Emily
You all go on about how much I and talk about Paul Crook like it's such a BAD thing....
You all go on about how much you love Meat, so why can't I do the same thing about Paul? Its not like he's nothing to do with Meat....
I'm sure Paul doesn't why do you?!
If it annoys you when I even mention the man, then ignore me...


Andy's right and we all have had our infatuations or something with someone in our past but I was 14 when I last had mine!

You do have a valid point by saying that if someone is in love with Meat Loaf then why can't you be with Paul - Good point and no reason really. Except this is a Meat Loaf forum and not a Paul Crook forum, perhaps you could email Paul about setting up a forum on his website and you could moderate it for him.

I personally don't see the physical attraction in Meat Loaf but I can see why someone would find Paul Crook attractive. Which doesn't mean I don't like Meat Loaf and less or Paul Crook any more but I certainly wouldn't mention it in every 2 out of 3 posts!

Spud :twisted:

Emily 08 Apr 2004 23:21

Holy moly....lets just get back to topic, huh?


Pudding 09 Apr 2004 01:28

OK, Back on topic

No, I don't have a Paul Crook picture I'm afraid but I do have one of Frank Bruno if you want to trade :mrgreen:

Spud :twisted:

24K 09 Apr 2004 02:49

You all need to calm down and accept each other as individuals :roll: [/url]

24K 09 Apr 2004 02:54

By the way Emily i do have a picture of Paul if you like i will send it on to you. :D

Oriel 09 Apr 2004 03:32

You have a new reason to be a big fan of Paul's - Brian May and Roger Taylor from Queen have picked him to play lead guitar in the American version of Queen's "We Will Rock You" musical :-)

LostSoul 09 Apr 2004 05:30


Originally Posted by 24K
By the way Emily i do have a picture of Paul if you like i will send it on to you. :D

Emily is looking for a guitar plectrum not a picture... 8)


Emily 09 Apr 2004 11:00

24K you can send that picture to me if you want!

Yes, it's a pick im looking for........................ (plectrum!)

I heard about paul being picked for "We Will Rock You"
Congrats to him!


Emily 10 Apr 2004 19:16


Originally Posted by Sheriff Spud
I was 14 when I last had mine!

I'm not that young...

And thanks everyone for looking out for guitar picks..... those of you who have been taking it seriously, have been cheering me up.......
Thanks again,


AndyNI 11 Apr 2004 01:23

I've actually been using mine to play guitar, it's starting to wear out. I think I'll use one of those two Meat Loaf one's I have instead,

Rob The Badger 13 Apr 2004 01:03

I can assure you I am indeed somebody. Somebody who's utter distain for all carpet haters is insurmountable.
Indeed, this is the first time I've picked up on Emily's supposedly remedial fascination with Caul Prook.
I am not obsessed with that ghastly figure or Emily herself. I am if fact obsessed whith nothing except cheese omlette's and 18th century beurau's.
And as for going through a "sh*tty" time, believe me, if Emily had to live five minutes of my life she'd strangle herself with the nearest piece of cord.

Er. . .um. . .ho-hum.

Emily 13 Apr 2004 04:18

Rob, don't you DARE judge me when you have no idea what goes on in my life.....

Rob The Badger 13 Apr 2004 11:12

Pish-posh. I'm sure it's just as bad as everyone elses problems. Possibly worse. . .but still, I'd rather live life than worry about it. All pain is temporary.

Gez 13 Apr 2004 11:27

C'Mon Badger, Emily's saying politely to BACK-OFF.
How do you know that her probs are nothing compared to yours??
Maybe Emily's probs are WORSE than most people's , who knows, NOT YOU ANYWAY!!

I need to admit, if I'd posted like Emily and got a reply from someone like your replies.....I'd be a wee bit pissed off!!

Rob The Badger 13 Apr 2004 14:22


Originally Posted by Gerry
C'Mon Badger, Emily's saying politely to BACK-OFF.
How do you know that her probs are nothing compared to yours??
Maybe Emily's probs are WORSE than most people's , who knows, NOT YOU ANYWAY!!

I need to admit, if I'd posted like Emily and got a reply from someone like your replies.....I'd be a wee bit pissed off!!

You're probably right.

Emily 13 Apr 2004 14:29

Rob, if you don't have paul crook guitar picks to trade then maybe you should just stop posting in this thread altogether...............Thats what it is supposed to be about...... :cry:

And Rob, my problem is very big.......One which I dont think is like EVERYONE else's at the minute......... I certainly wouldn't wish it on anyone. Now just leave it....


Lizziebaby 13 Apr 2004 17:56

Emily, there is a Paul Crook pick on ebay, auction due to end in 4 days...not sure its really worth the AU $500 starting bid though...


Sapphire Lady 13 Apr 2004 18:06

AU $500 ?? Good God. That's just over £200.

What a total rip off considering the person selling got it for nothing at a concert.

Surely no one will buy it at that ridiculous price.

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