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DIZZY DRUMMER 13 Apr 2005 07:54

Must take the dog to the vets

Ageing Bat 13 Apr 2005 10:05

Think you got that wrong FA - sure it's not the dog taking you to the vets?!! ;)

Hope he's OK though

Pixie 13 Apr 2005 13:06

Rob - cause they're stressed out and they want you to be the same...:?

Bren - glad you had a good day yesterday - how is today goin? :D

"Working At Home" today so will now go out and mess around in the garden for a while...:lmao:

DIZZY DRUMMER 13 Apr 2005 15:52


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Think you got that wrong FA - sure it's not the dog taking you to the vets?!! ;)

Hope he's OK though

What you calling me BAT :shock: :lmao:

Think he has sprained one of his hind legs - chasing his ball :(

Tim 13 Apr 2005 21:51

...very tired... must study, must help a friend...wish a day had sometimes more hours in it hahah...

Keab42 13 Apr 2005 22:00


Originally Posted by Tim
...very tired... must study, must help a friend...wish a day had sometimes more hours in it hahah...

i've been contemplating a 28 hour day for some time now.

Tim 13 Apr 2005 22:06


Originally Posted by Keab42
i've been contemplating a 28 hour day for some time now.

Hahha, how do you do that? At work i think that the days must be shorter, and nights longer, but when i've got a lot to do, some hours extra would do the trick.

Keab42 13 Apr 2005 22:08

thats the problem with the idea. how to implement it...

Bren 13 Apr 2005 23:45

...happy to have computer working again... :D

Pixie 14 Apr 2005 11:41

Wondering whether I can fit in/afford a trip to Australia this year...or any year come to that! :|

Ageing Bat 15 Apr 2005 00:15

Tired..... still working ....... Oh, how I hate the tax year end...... why do they have to keep changing the forms every year???? Waste of paper.... poor rain forests.

...... it can wait 'till tomorrow.... off to bed....... zzzzzzzz

Keab42 15 Apr 2005 21:20


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Tired..... still working ....... Oh, how I hate the tax year end...... why do they have to keep changing the forms every year???? Waste of paper.... poor rain forests.

...... it can wait 'till tomorrow.... off to bed....... zzzzzzzz

can you not do it online these days?

Tim 15 Apr 2005 22:39

...two weeks of training, two more to go.... think i'm brain dead by then... :P

DIZZY DRUMMER 15 Apr 2005 22:40

Why is there nowt desent to watch on TV - although who's on Johnathan Ross tonight

DIZZY DRUMMER 16 Apr 2005 08:38

have to spend money today - :shock:

Need a new kettle - set of glassware - camera & turntable

Keab42 16 Apr 2005 13:28


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Why is there nowt desent to watch on TV - although who's on Johnathan Ross tonight

two ronnies and have i got news for you. perfect viewing.

Bren 16 Apr 2005 22:01

...thinks :roll: ....will go back to the studying, as no one is about......

Tim 16 Apr 2005 22:28

... hope i will sleep beter tonight...

Bren 16 Apr 2005 23:42

sleep well Tim....

thinking...need cup of tea and some sleep.....must be up early in morning.....

DIZZY DRUMMER 17 Apr 2005 00:25


Bren 18 Apr 2005 00:50

why is it when any product has a label saying " new and improved" actually means they've ruined what was good? :roll:

in need of sleep.......

Pixie 18 Apr 2005 12:29


Originally Posted by Bren
why is it when any product has a label saying " new and improved" actually means they've ruined what was good? :roll:

in need of sleep.......

I think for the same reason they say 25% discount, when they mean we overpriced by 25%, now we are producing a price which is still not a good bargain! :D :shock:

SuperLoafMan 19 Apr 2005 00:07

Does anyone know where i can get the full interview of Meat Loaf when he was on Patrick Kietly.

It was very good the bit that i have seen and would love to watch the whole Interview i missed it when it was on BBC 1.

SuperLoafMan 19 Apr 2005 01:05

Never mind my last post....i have answered my own question :D

Biter 19 Apr 2005 04:51

I have amnesia. Again. I have read the DaVinci code again and am not that convinced...he figured it out too easy...Dan Brown's other book is good tho...called Deception Point...god knows why im rambling on about books...I seem to be addicted to brushing my hair this week...its looking good, albeit a little bit greasy due to me playing with it and experimenting with various 80's glam hairstyles including a semi mullet (i have bad layers)...need to start the exercise part of my new diet tomorrow...determined to stick with it this time...everyone wish me luck!!
Love to you all...Jen xx

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