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original sin 25 Oct 2003 01:20

this is great to see introductions :lol: welcome I hope you enjoy

Shellyb01 25 Oct 2003 01:28

Thanks for the welcome .... met loads of fab people .... :D

CarolM 25 Oct 2003 03:26

shelly ,were about in merseyside are you from?just being nosey hope you dont mind mate.

heat 25 Oct 2003 09:27


Shellyb01 25 Oct 2003 13:33

Mrs Mouse (cute picture!! awwww! :D ) hiya .... well I live in a place called Maghull which is about 1/2 hour drive from Liverpool, it's about 1/2 hour drive from Southport and 1/2 hour drive from Wigan, so we're sort of in the middle of it all!!! :lol: I originally come from a planet .... sorry ... from a town called Ormskirk, which is about 15 minutes drive from here ... very pretty town, very old fashioned, and I love it!! Me and my husband only moved to Maghull about a year ago with our goldfish (called Fish) and our budgie (Milo), and now we've adopted a cockateal (Poppy) ...... before that we lived in Orrell Park which is not far from Aintree (by the racecourse!! - neigh!! clip clop etc....:lol:). Erm .... and that's my life history!!! tee hee! :lol: Bet you wish you never asked now! and no, I don't mind you asking, it's nice that someone took some interest in me!!!!! :wink: So there you go ..... :D

CarolM 25 Oct 2003 13:47

Hi Shelly :D was just asking, cos me and my fella the flying mouse are in Anfield Liverpool. :D Im originally from Birkenhead. Moved over here 4 years ago with mousie, :lol: we do the karaokes in the pubs in Liverpool, :lol: mostly we do the Meat and Patti duets together. 8) so theres a bit about us, :wink: hope you are all enjoying it here. :wink: I Love it here at MLUKFC its coooooooollllll. :wink: 8)

Shellyb01 25 Oct 2003 14:03

So I didn't need to explain everything then Mrs Mouse!! Doh! :roll: We're pratically neighbours!!! Hee Hee!!! :lol: Oh well, for those who didn't know where Maghull is they do now!!! :lol:

Hey, maybe one day I'll see you and your fella doing Karaoke in a pub somewhere!!! That'd be strange!! I love karaoke but I haven't got the guts to do it! Bit shy! :oops: My car is my karaoke machine - my fella says I'm just waiting to be discovered at the traffic lights!! :D I'm always making me own lickle songs up when I'm wondering 'round the house! Think I get it from my Mum's side!! She's always making up wierd songs! :lol:

Sorry, I know I whaffle, I always do ... sorry! :?

CarolM 25 Oct 2003 14:08

dont be silly you dont waffle, :roll: anyway its good to talk :lol: ,if you go on postwhores, well have a natter there now if you want. :wink:

dottie 05 Nov 2003 11:32

Welcome goodnplenty and all the other newbies that have joined us over the past few weeks - have a great time posting here and may you stay Forever Young

Testify 05 Nov 2003 13:10

hello to all the newbies, theres so many of you. Have fun on the forums...

Dawn 07 Nov 2003 00:12

hi im new to here

im dawn i come from cheshire
ive been a fan of meatloafs for years.

ive seen meatloaf twice live now and he is one of the best ive seen :D :D
im goin to see him in manchester next thursday (woohoo), anyone sitting in block A

dottie 07 Nov 2003 12:01

Hi All you newbies, Welcome to the forum, have fun posting, we're just one big family here, all nations, all creeds, all ages, all with one thing in common, our love for Meat Loaf and his music

Bigmomma 07 Nov 2003 14:27

hi Dawn :)
wellcome to the forum, lovely part of the country cheshire
used to live there many moons ago...youll have fun here :wink:

Tim 08 Nov 2003 19:26

Hello newbies, young and old.

Please use the search function he... don't forget that...

Hope you will have fun here.


dottie 12 Nov 2003 18:00


Originally Posted by dottie
Hi All you newbies, Welcome to the forum, have fun posting, we're just one big family here, all nations, all creeds, all ages, all with one thing in common, our love for Meat Loaf and his music

So many newbies welcome to you all lovely to see you all here

A Slice Of English 12 Nov 2003 18:07

Well, I'm new to the MLUKFC but have been a Meat fan since age 12 (So 10 years now). Its great to come across such a huge gathering of like minded people.

Its like coming...



[RDH]draconia 12 Nov 2003 21:40

well i am about to say hi also :D

been a fan of meatloaf for 32 years :twisted:
infact i wasnt even born yet :twisted:
so through my mother i who also LOVED him i got to LOVE him too

plus i also like the mluk chatroom which you meet such weird people :twisted: :twisted:

angelj242003 12 Nov 2003 23:02

LOL...... lonley.......
Í´m new here too, but i posted in the forums..... :P
I be a fan since over twenty years, I love his music and I think he is a man with a big heart..... :lol:

My Kids say we have a lot of things in common... 8O .. :lol: I´m Libra too and we both had a loud voice....... and sing the whole day..... at least I doing it.... :wink:

This year, I became from my 17 year old son two cards for the concert in Munich to my birthday in september....... and yeahhhh it was great..... I´ve waited so long to see him live.....

I think this fanclub is not so boring than others and the members are in my age.... so come on.... give me and the other rookies a chance.... (joke)

Greetings to all of you

ChrissybabezNI 21 Nov 2003 02:05

I'm just new but posting too, I want to try and get to know other Meat fans

Asha 21 Nov 2003 04:03

Welcome then, have fun getting to know us....

angel eyes 21 Nov 2003 04:25

:lol: I have been browsing the sight for quite a while now but had never dared join in. Not sure what all the words mean like "threads" etc. I have never been on a site before this one. But when Meat was taken ill I just had to join in. Everyone seems really friendly and helpful and of course we all have one thing in common - Meat and his wonderful music!!!



dottie 21 Nov 2003 11:15


Originally Posted by dottie

Originally Posted by dottie
Hi All you newbies, Welcome to the forum, have fun posting, we're just one big family here, all nations, all creeds, all ages, all with one thing in common, our love for Meat Loaf and his music

So many newbies welcome to you all lovely to see you all here

Testify 21 Nov 2003 11:40

how many newbies have we had this week??

anyway..hello to you all, jump in n enjoy.... :P

Rob The Badger 25 Nov 2003 20:36

New Member, Hi!
Hi, I'm a new member here. I've been a Meatloaf fan sice I heard I would do anything for love in 1993. I bought the album and have been hooked ever since! :D :D :D :!:


The Flying Mouse 25 Nov 2003 20:41

:twisted: erm, are we not giving you enough attention Eyeore? :roll:

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