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Bren 26 Jan 2005 17:38

been quite a good went well :D

...must go cook evening meal.........

back later methinks......

dottie 26 Jan 2005 18:55

thought for the day..........

definetely feeling better today........

still barking like a bloodhound, but hopefully the meds wil sort that out eventually.........

Tim 26 Jan 2005 20:50

i'm going slightly mad

Bren 26 Jan 2005 23:42

thinking....don't think Tim's going mad....

glad Dottie's feeling a bit better......

....need sleep

Biter 27 Jan 2005 03:03

Tired...JD's and coke made my head hurty.
No...falling over while under influence of JD's and coke make my head hurty.

Ugh....gotta work tomorrow...not goooooood. got new book to read....yay!

Went out tonight with the mad rocker girl and her gorgeous best friend *drools*, saw ex on other side of pub and totally ignored him, yay for me!
Laughed so much that my ribs now hurt AND managed to get a creme egg at 11:45 in deepest romford.

Mood - happy

Bren 27 Jan 2005 10:18

...thinking of a friend...and hoping all is well....

...must go to work now...not loking forward to that today :roll:

dottie 28 Jan 2005 00:35

thought for the day........

feeling better.......... still barking like crazy but getting there :)

hope your keeping well my parent bat Bren we keep missing each other, and airhead sorry haven't chatted for a while :) keep happy

Gez 28 Jan 2005 09:42

Bed please :zzz:

Bren 28 Jan 2005 21:13

'tis lonesome tonight...... :(

thinking about a friend.......

so tired......but need to stay awake....waiting for a phone call.from daughter..... :roll: :zzz:

hope Dotties feeling better.....

Gez 28 Jan 2005 21:42

oh well, may as well have a beer then :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 29 Jan 2005 08:52

better get ready to go shopping

Gez 29 Jan 2005 11:28

:cheer: Saturday :cheer:

DIZZY DRUMMER 29 Jan 2005 12:22

Where's me drum music - have to practice before this afternoon

Gez 30 Jan 2005 14:26

Better get the washing on :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 14:43

Gerry do mine too please - aleady done 4 loads :twisted:

Shell I practice me drums now or later

dottie 30 Jan 2005 15:09

Feeling better now......... :)

back to work tomorrow :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 18:20

My throat is killing me & I'm starting to cough - hope I'm not coming down with anything - AGAIN :twisted:

dottie 30 Jan 2005 21:31


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
My throat is killing me & I'm starting to cough - hope I'm not coming down with anything - AGAIN :twisted:

Don't like the sound of that FA :( ..........

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 21:41

Me either Dottie :cry:

Feeling shattered too :zzz:

I must take some paracetamol & have an early night :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 07:17

My voice is crooky & I have a headache ........... before I get to work :cry:

It'll be fun answering the phones today

Gez 31 Jan 2005 10:00

monday :cry:

Pixie 31 Jan 2005 11:15

Hope Dottie and FA are feeling a bit better...

Working well under pressure at the moment (time for a mini collapse around lunchtime probably :lol: )

Better get on with it then.

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 11:41

Thanks Pixie - but no - I am feeling worse - coughing & sound really horse - just want to sleep - but at work

Wonder if I can make it through the day :?

Pixie 31 Jan 2005 11:49

No you can't FA! Go home and get better - tell them they don't need you spreading germs etc. 8O

Can I get my surgeries done in time today - oh please, I really want to be able to eat those cheese 'n' tomato sarnies in peace today.. :lurk:

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 12:09

Pixie - stop coming on here & get them done :wink: Then you can spend lunch eating your sarnies & catching up on here :lawl:

Can you be my boss please - so you can send me home 8)

Gez 31 Jan 2005 16:47

Does this mean Fa's off the drink 4 noo 8O

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 22:32

Yes Gerry - don't mix pills & alcohol

Pixie 01 Feb 2005 09:31


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Pixie - stop coming on here & get them done :wink: Then you can spend lunch eating your sarnies & catching up on here :lawl:

Can you be my boss please - so you can send me home 8)

I did as I was told (by you) FA but I still didn't get chance to eat my sarnies?

Did you go home and how are you feeling today? :up:

Skeleton 01 Feb 2005 10:12

I donīt know why but Iīm really :angry: ...

I was in the school cafeteria and in my mind I was yelling at people... And I really donīt know why I did that.. But we had meatloaf :lol: at dinner...

Pixie 01 Feb 2005 10:32


Originally Posted by Skeleton
I donīt know why but Iīm really :angry: ...

I was in the school cafeteria and in my mind I was yelling at people... And I really donīt know why I did that.. But we had meatloaf :lol: at dinner...

Meatloaf FOR dinner or Meat Loaf AT dinner? :D :D

Gez 01 Feb 2005 15:18

TAX BILL :pray:

Pixie 01 Feb 2005 15:19

God, Gerry, haven't you sent it in yet love? You're in trouble if not, eh?

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 Feb 2005 17:25

Pixie - no I did not go home - but have had today off - feel rough :sick:

Gez 01 Feb 2005 18:24

Gonni be skint a while I think :yep:

Pixie 01 Feb 2005 18:27


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Pixie - no I did not go home - but have had today off - feel rough :sick:

Poor FA, take it easy tonight and get hubby to spoil you - bubble bath, massage, the works :oops:

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 Feb 2005 22:32

Pixie - I said I felt sick - that would make it worse :lawl:

Think I will have an early night :zzz: :sick:

Skeleton 02 Feb 2005 07:42


Originally Posted by Pixie

Originally Posted by Skeleton
I donīt know why but Iīm really :angry: ...

I was in the school cafeteria and in my mind I was yelling at people... And I really donīt know why I did that.. But we had meatloaf :lol: at dinner...

Meatloaf FOR dinner or Meat Loaf AT dinner? :D :D

:lmao: Meatloaf for dinner... Of course... :mrgreen: You must remeber Iīm not native english..

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Feb 2005 07:55

Feel abit brighter today - at least the groin pain has subsided ....................... just coughing up green gunk now :sick: - hope I'm not getting a chest infection :cry: ......... going on my holidays in 2 weeks :evil:

OH well off to work - I suppose

Pixie 02 Feb 2005 10:30


Originally Posted by Skeleton

Originally Posted by Pixie

Originally Posted by Skeleton
I donīt know why but Iīm really :angry: ...

I was in the school cafeteria and in my mind I was yelling at people... And I really donīt know why I did that.. But we had meatloaf :lol: at dinner...

Meatloaf FOR dinner or Meat Loaf AT dinner? :D :D

:lmao: Meatloaf for dinner... Of course... :mrgreen: You must remeber Iīm not native english..

It's o.k. Skeleton, I was only joking, and perhaps dreaming that you actually had the big man at your dinner table.... :D :D

Pixie 02 Feb 2005 10:31


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Pixie - I said I felt sick - that would make it worse :lawl:

Think I will have an early night :zzz: :sick:

That's a shame FA :wink: Still at least your feelin' better today - just think, counting down 'til the holiday....ahhh :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Feb 2005 14:54

I am doing Pixie - although at the moment coughing like an old fart :oops:

Pixie 02 Feb 2005 15:04


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
I am doing Pixie - although at the moment coughing like an old fart :oops:

Ha ha, at least that gives you something in common with Gerry then :P (apologies to both!).

Why do I feel as if I have not done much today even though I have?

Bren 02 Feb 2005 16:43

..too tired to think.... :roll:

Rob The Badger 02 Feb 2005 18:42

what do I do with so much life?

Tim 02 Feb 2005 19:46


Gez 02 Feb 2005 20:18

c'mon the rangers

Bren 02 Feb 2005 20:59

...what to do that is the question........

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Feb 2005 22:14

guess Gerry watching football 8)

Pixie 03 Feb 2005 10:33

...think the lyrics to Why Isn't That Enough just wouldn't be the same if anyone else was singing it...always makes me shed a tear

Gez 03 Feb 2005 19:14

gone on the rangers :D

Tim 03 Feb 2005 19:24

... just can't stand some people... Tomorrow must up very early to open the building....

Fred 03 Feb 2005 19:24

I often wonder if stand some people can. Oh I see. Why must you up very early to open the building?

Tim 03 Feb 2005 19:36


Originally Posted by Fred
I often wonder if stand some people can. Oh I see. Why must you up very early to open the building?

Well, i must do it, cause the rest is ill or got a day off.

thought.... wish i had another job hahaha.

Keab42 03 Feb 2005 19:50

hmm, Fred seems to be a very quick typer.

Fred 03 Feb 2005 19:50

I see you are one of those people who writes "Hmm" with 2 m's. Thanks for the information: Keab42 said I seems to be a very quick typer.

Keab42 03 Feb 2005 19:50

You do seem somewhat odd Fred.

Fred 03 Feb 2005 19:51

Not really that much. Am I a smart robot or what?

Keab42 03 Feb 2005 19:51

i'd say no!

Gez 03 Feb 2005 19:52

wheres ma fone :?

Keab42 03 Feb 2005 19:52

try ringing it!

DIZZY DRUMMER 03 Feb 2005 22:11

Why ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

Fred 03 Feb 2005 22:11

There is no one else here.

R. 03 Feb 2005 22:13


Originally Posted by Fred
There is no one else here.

How did you know? Anway, I'm impressed! :up:

Gez 04 Feb 2005 10:15

:bicker: WORK

DIZZY DRUMMER 04 Feb 2005 13:39

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Fred 04 Feb 2005 13:39

What do you do in your spare time?

Gez 04 Feb 2005 13:48


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh poor FA :boohoo:

Bren 04 Feb 2005 18:21

....must go do the weekly shopping :roll: .......

not my favourite occupation :lol:


Fred 04 Feb 2005 18:21


Gez 04 Feb 2005 20:45

weekend :bunny:

Bren 05 Feb 2005 15:26

spiders... 8O ....*shudders*

Gez 05 Feb 2005 18:50

off out soon :D

Skeleton 05 Feb 2005 20:22

I really should read for English test īcause I donīt remember everything... Itīs about business letters...

Tim 05 Feb 2005 22:39

.... still thinks it is strange... got myself into a huge problem... again

DIZZY DRUMMER 05 Feb 2005 22:48

Why Tim - if you don't mind me asking

Tim 05 Feb 2005 22:52


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Why Tim - if you don't mind me asking

mmm, can talk about it, but not on the forums. :D

Fred 05 Feb 2005 22:52

I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time. Are you really a "it"?

Bren 06 Feb 2005 09:36


Originally Posted by Tim
.... still thinks it is strange... got myself into a huge problem... again

ahh Tim......if you need a friend to talk to you know where i am

Tim 06 Feb 2005 10:59

Thanks Bren, i know that :D

.... very tired... still. Need some more sleep haha...

Bren 06 Feb 2005 17:41 need of cup of tea.... :lol:

long day...glad to be home......will cook tea and come back later, methinks.....

thinking also...hi Tim, :D ...hope all is okay......

Tim 06 Feb 2005 18:47

Hello bren, all okay, also with you?
It was a very boring day. Yesterday was more exciting :D

Bren 06 Feb 2005 19:10

what happened yesterday?

i am ok :D

Bren 06 Feb 2005 19:22

:roll: .....well guess i'll go then one wants my company :cry:

Keab42 06 Feb 2005 20:41

mmmm food!

Bren 06 Feb 2005 21:35

....don't know what to think any more.........

DIZZY DRUMMER 06 Feb 2005 22:28

if i do not get rid of this cough soon - my ribs are going to ache like hell - i already have a sore sternum

dottie 06 Feb 2005 23:21

Sadness, nothingness, whats the point............ :(

maybe tomorrow I'll find that elusive emotion that'll make me smile again...

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Feb 2005 07:30

Big hug for Dottie :wink:

OH well must get ready for work again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fred 07 Feb 2005 07:30

Compare that to small hug for Dottie wink [img]httpwebzoom.

Pixie 07 Feb 2005 10:34

Come ON you reds! Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, we're second place, glory glory Man United!! :D :D

Gez 07 Feb 2005 10:49


Ageing Bat 07 Feb 2005 15:57

Got the monday morning blues, big time (it's even run into the afternoon). Even the sunshine today doesn't seem to cheer me up.

Fred 07 Feb 2005 15:57

Try asking the Milk Mystic.

Tim 07 Feb 2005 16:13

just back from work... tired now.

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Feb 2005 17:24

Bat - it is something that seems to be affecting the whole country :cry:

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Feb 2005 17:26

fred can you cheer us all up please

The Archangel Gabriel 07 Feb 2005 18:43


Originally Posted by dottie
Sadness, nothingness, whats the point............ :(

maybe tomorrow I'll find that elusive emotion that'll make me smile again...

Maybe i canst make thee smile, my dear friend.There is always a point to it all, thou art an amazing lady Dottie,the angelic one and much loved,thou hast so many friends that love thee, that in itself gives meaning to it all.You bring happiness wherever you go.

Yours Faithfully

sherrie87 07 Feb 2005 19:42

The Archangel Gabriel speaketh:

thou art an amazing lady Dottie,the angelic one and much loved,thou hast so many friends that love thee, that in itself gives meaning to it all.You bring happiness wherever you go.
I have to give a big thumbs up agreement to that statement! (Though who would dare contradict Gabriel?) As I have said before, Dottie Rocks! You are the coolest Dottie, and I hope you are feeling better today. If you need to cheer up, come to Florida on holiday and I'll take you out on the town!


DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Feb 2005 19:53

Need some TLC

dottie 07 Feb 2005 20:01


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Got the monday morning blues, big time (it's even run into the afternoon). Even the sunshine today doesn't seem to cheer me up.

Me too ageing bat, lifes a crock of shit at the moment, cannot seem to find my smile anywhere :(

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