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Fire Ball 25 Sep 2012 01:12

Check this out
His pitch is not perfect and he is still great

Fire Ball 25 Sep 2012 01:15

Just agreeing with you, Yep Same old stuff !!!!


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 577159)
Why did you quote my post? Obviously you and I don't criticize the same thing.

loaferman61 25 Sep 2012 01:17


Originally Posted by Ollie241189 (Post 577190)
Meat, please, please, please dont make a decision whilst you're heated or upset because, someone once said to me, "Ollie, when you're heated or upset or angry, you dont ever, ever, ever make a drastic decision because it will be the one and only decision you will ever regret making." And Meat, I would like you to promise us you will calm down, away from this forum and seriously have a good think about it all, because quite frankly millions of people, worldwide, love you and respect you.
Take care Meat! Xx

I don't claim to know, but if I had to hazard a guess, I doubt Meat makes career decisions with a certain date named over a negative post on a message board.

Fire Ball 25 Sep 2012 01:17

No I think it should be a case of beer !!!


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 577172)
:twisted: :lol:
Meat, with your next release, do a box set of a DVD and a 6 pack of beer.
No better way to stop overanylising stuff than to just have a f*cking good time :mrgreen:

Very true.

Unless you're talking about me because i'm so goddam awesome :mrgreen:

Some people will do that.
But it doesn't mean they should

See my earlier comment regarding beer and rock n roll.
We call this concept "Fun" :mrgreen: (<-----this guys getting quite the outing this post).

Again, true.
We are here for honest opinion posted in a respectful manner.
OK "sounds far from perfect" isn't the nicest thing you could say, but i'll lay whatever odds anyone wants to throw down that it's nowhere near the worst thing he's had said to him in the last 35 years.

Quoted for truth.

Again, if you listen to it for the purposes of "Fun" you'll have a great time, i'm sure.
Listen to it as some sort of homework project and the fun sort of flies away.

Get tanked and sing along :cheers: (I should have been in advertising :bleh: )

And the vast majority of our minority have been nothing but positive.

Who could ask for anything more without the building of a gulag? :shrug:

Before - :D :? :mrgreen: :bunny: :bicker: :metal: :twisted: 8)

After - :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Fire Ball 25 Sep 2012 01:20

Tell me where you heard it ?


Originally Posted by MarkS (Post 577177)
*"Screaming" Mayor may not have been the best choice of words for the matter. But when I listen to the clip of hot patootie that's what I feel it sounds like. And what I have said on this thread being labeled as right or wrong does not change how I feel about the product. Simply expressing what I feel about this product and this product only

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Fire Ball 25 Sep 2012 01:22

I think you are correct !!


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 577201)
I don't claim to know, but if I had to hazard a guess, I doubt Meat makes career decisions with a certain date named over a negative post on a message board.

Ollie241189 25 Sep 2012 01:24


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 577201)
I don't claim to know, but if I had to hazard a guess, I doubt Meat makes career decisions with a certain date named over a negative post on a message board.

No I know that but the point I was trying to make was not to let things get to you because you do find yourself making decisions that really, at the time, you shouldn't. We're all human and we've all done it and most probably will do it at some point

olblueeyes 25 Sep 2012 01:31


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577204)
I think you are correct !!

I read that as though you said it like you did on the MSO DVD - "I think you hit the note a little bit early".

Well it made me chuckle anyway. :)

"Cut - let's go back!"

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MarkS 25 Sep 2012 01:58


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577203)
Tell me where you heard it ?

On iTunes, they have a minute and a half previews of each song. Hot patootie begins at the first verse and ends at the end of the second chorus. The clearest example of what I'm talking about is when you go into "hop in the backseat, really had a good time"

I will probably get lambasted for saying this, but it sounds like more of a yell than a note, To the point that by the time you hit the word time, it sounds like your voice cracks On that word both times.

In my opinion, the version of hot patootie that was released alongside the "if I can't have you" single was a much stronger version of the song, Featuring a much stronger vocal performance than what I am hearing from the guilty pleasure offering.

I apologize if I offended you with what I said, I was simply trying to say what I thought about that particular song

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Dave 25 Sep 2012 02:06


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577202)
No I think it should be a case of beer !!!

I'd take it...usually a tequila fan, but a good Meat Loaf beer would be pretty awesome. Random question....Meat, the rumor is you are a tequila you have a fave brand?

Sarge 25 Sep 2012 02:14


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577200)
Just agreeing with you, Yep Same old stuff !!!!

:shock: In this case I must have done something wrong, because I don't agree with you - at least not with regard to the accusation that we are eager to insult you. Sorry.

I referred to the overall discussion culture on this forum, the tendency to play the blame game and to make each other feel guilty. I'm tired of it. Apparently it's not about music and exchanging ideas anymore, it seems to be more about egos.

Sorry if you don't like this post but that's how I have been feeling about this forum for quite a while now.

Kathy 25 Sep 2012 05:21

He is great.. I had never heard him before, sorry for my ignorance. But when he sings at the beginning, from about 2:20 to 3:30, tears came to my eyes, because I could feel the pain he was singing about.

Meat, you have exceeded my expectations every time I've seen you. And that's a lot of times. There's always a surprise, always something new that thrills me or takes my breath away or makes me cry. You always make me laugh, too :)

That young guy in Bossier City was right (it's funny how this has come to mind a bunch of times since then) when he said "Once in a lifetime!!" because that's what your shows are! Each and every one is a once in a lifetime experience.
Love, Kathy


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577199)
His pitch is not perfect and he is still great

JennaG 25 Sep 2012 10:41


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 577201)
I don't claim to know, but if I had to hazard a guess, I doubt Meat makes career decisions with a certain date named over a negative post on a message board.

That is what is worrying me and this is not the first time that 2013 has appeared as a significant date. If there is something going on in September 2013, will it be announced before then? Could it be what the previously mentioned October announcement is all about?

Ollie241189 25 Sep 2012 10:44


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 577218)
That is what is worrying me and this is not the first time that 2013 has appeared as a significant date. If there is something going on in September 2013, will it be announced before then? Could it be what the previously mentioned October announcement is all about?

What was the previously mentioned october announcement?

JennaG 25 Sep 2012 10:59


Originally Posted by Ollie241189 (Post 577219)
What was the previously mentioned october announcement?

It doesn't really give out many details on what the announcement is about but it has now crossed my mind that it may be an announcement that we may not like:

Ollie241189 25 Sep 2012 11:04


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 577220)
It doesn't really give out many details on what the announcement is about but it has now crossed my mind that it may be an announcement that we may not like:

Oh dear

carole 25 Sep 2012 11:48


Originally Posted by Fire Ball (Post 577133)
yep !! same old stuff. I can get insulted all over the internet , but I just come here when I need a good insult. So it will really hurt my feelings . You have to go to a place where it says Fan Club for it to hurt like it should. I always know some one will have a good one here. Let me say this to all who say positive things I really thank you, you don't go unnoticed . Hope I can always live up to
your expectations , I will give you everything I have to give. Again, Thank you very much.

You have always lived up to my expectations and then some Meat. I'm really looking forward to the DVD and trying to spot myself in the crowd.


Sue K 25 Sep 2012 13:08

Happy Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuesday, meatie peepPeeps ... xo

Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 577218)
That is what is worrying me and this is not the first time that 2013 has appeared as a significant date. If there is something going on in September 2013, will it be announced before then? Could it be what the previously mentioned October announcement is all about?

Well... in Sept 2013 Meat will be 66 and able to collect Social Security... if there IS still monies in the SS funds by then... lol ... Maybe he's going to r r r r retire ... :shock: ... lol ... xo

LisaT 25 Sep 2012 15:37


Originally Posted by JennaG (Post 577218)
That is what is worrying me and this is not the first time that 2013 has appeared as a significant date. If there is something going on in September 2013, will it be announced before then? Could it be what the previously mentioned October announcement is all about?

That's what I have also been thinking, Jenna. After what Meat said earlier about being out of our hair in September 2013, it makes it seem even more likely that he is about to announce his retirement from the music business. Then there's the recent move back to his home state of Texas to consider. I, for one, am going to be GUTTED if this is the case. :(

LisaT 25 Sep 2012 15:41

Although, of course, the guy HAS to retire sometime! Was just hoping it wasn't going to be just yet.

Kev 25 Sep 2012 16:52

ooooooooooooooh I have it in my hand! :) Busy in the office though so can't give it a listen to yet! booooooooooooooo. Pic anyone?!

Sebastian. 25 Sep 2012 17:23


Originally Posted by Kev (Post 577236)
ooooooooooooooh I have it in my hand! :) Busy in the office though so can't give it a listen to yet! booooooooooooooo. Pic anyone?!

Please! :D

PanicLord 25 Sep 2012 17:36


Originally Posted by Kev (Post 577236)
ooooooooooooooh I have it in my hand! :) Busy in the office though so can't give it a listen to yet! booooooooooooooo. Pic anyone?!

As long as you mean the DVD ;)

roomster 25 Sep 2012 18:13


Originally Posted by PanicLord (Post 577238)
As long as you mean the DVD ;)


Kev 25 Sep 2012 18:16 - Shipping Friday! - not ordered yet? link below :)

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