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~Helen~ 13 May 2008 02:53

The list can be kinda handy though. Sometimes it takes me ages to work out what song someone's talking about if it's an acronym for a song we don't hear too often. And in fact if I don't call the song by an acronym ever it can confuse me for a while too. :?

Maybe I am just easily confused!

But people will still always talk in acronyms whether writing actual words is easier or not (personally I type 'Paradise' a lot faster than I type 'PBTDBL' even though the acronym is actually shorter, because I don't have to think of each word as I type each letter!) so the list as far as I'm concerned is good! :up:

No I don't refer to it often or even think to come here some of the times I'm being confused :doh: but occasionally I venture back here and refresh my memory :-) so thank you to those who have been taking the time to compile it :-) good effort! :up: :-)

djfierce 13 May 2008 11:01

i just dont see the need for some of them, especially ones that arent talked about often, i use the really regular ones like chsib but only ones that i know other's will know, if it's something i think that won't get understood then i take the extra few seconds to type the full thing. That last page really stuck out to me as acronyms for the sake of, acronyms for things that in my time here have never been mentioned and prob wont ever or for a long long time.

~Helen~ 13 May 2008 13:04


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 411254)
i just dont see the need for some of them, especially ones that arent talked about often, i use the really regular ones like chsib but only ones that i know other's will know, if it's something i think that won't get understood then i take the extra few seconds to type the full thing. That last page really stuck out to me as acronyms for the sake of, acronyms for things that in my time here have never been mentioned and prob wont ever or for a long long time.

Definately get your point :-) and acronyms just for the sake of it is, well, pointless, especially if they are being created into acronyms that aren't actually in regular use (or use at all as I got the impression from your post) - but people still do seem to use a lot of acronyms - so the list is great for people like me who are confused easily :?. Although perhaps there should be a list of commonly used acronyms...and then separately a list of confusing/not-often-used/why-couldn't-you-have-just-typed-out-the-words acronyms :??: ;)

I'm probably tying myself in knots. I agree that acronyms for the sake of it is pointless (and confusing!) but I am also exceedingly grateful to the people who have taken the trouble to put the list together because I am confused easily and sometimes don't recognise the acronyms (just to demonstrate my dumbness, it took a while before it clicked that AFL was Anything For Love! [was probably during my more-or-less constant blonde moment ;))

djfierce 13 May 2008 13:43

I def agree, and that is how this thread started out as a useful list of commonly used accronyms.


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 411272)
I'm probably tying myself in knots.

that could be avoided by using some accronyms :twisted: :lmao:

sorry lol silly humour kicking in now lol

mszee 04 Oct 2008 20:43

I can't find GGGTH...what's that???

SamCat 04 Oct 2008 20:48

Good Girls Go To Heaven?!!!!

mszee 04 Oct 2008 21:12


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 440753)
Good Girls Go To Heaven?!!!!

Oh dear...LOL...thank you...

carolegledhill 15 Oct 2009 14:45

I may of overlooked it but 2 songs come to mind
HP - hot patootie
KP - kickapoo ( from pick of destiny feat tenacious D )
plus you have the early stuff from Stoney and Meat loaf ( record in the attic)
if you want to go way way back.

mlbf 29 Dec 2019 21:44

TTW - You Took The Words

I think now would be a good time to tell you that 3/4 of these are initialisms not acronyms, an acronym is a proto-combination of words while an initialism is a combination of two or more characters. E.g. Lemon is an acronym and MATLAF is an initialism.

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