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SuperLoafMan 26 May 2005 15:21


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
It's going to be a lovely day & I have to go to work ................ WHY?? :(

Life is a B*@!h Sharon.... :lol:

Rebel 1 26 May 2005 16:07

Maybe this is some help for the nice days to come! Try to give this to your boss.

Fill in this form completely and send it at least 14 days before the date you want to start your sick leave to inform your boss so the company can function properly.

Name.................................................................. ..................................
First name ...................................................................... .......................
Address ...................................................................... .............................
Zipcode ..................... City ..................................................................

Type of disease ...................................................................... .............
Date you want to the disease to start ....-....-20.....
Did you apply earlier for the same disease Yes/No
If so on what date ....-....-20....

How do you want the disease to be?
Kindly/Severe fever/contagious/Incurable/permanent disabled/deadly

If it is a deadly disease do you wish the management to be
represented at your funeral? Yes/No

Place you wish to be sick?
At home/Centre Parks/French Riviera/Spain/Greece.

If you want the disease to be contagious, to who should this be?
Management/manager/the one in charge/colleague
Who? Name ...................................................................... ...............
Do you wish your partner to be informed? Yes/No

As medication I want: Interest/Love/Massage/Soda/Beer/gin.
Time to be sick: ... days/ .....weeks/......months/ ........ years.

I declare to have filled in all the necessary answers where possible, as much as to be truth.
Place ....................................
Date ....-....-20....


Chris 26 May 2005 21:28

Time to go in search of food!!

Anyone wanna volunteer to cook my tea for me!!

SuperLoafMan 26 May 2005 21:38

I would suggest my mum....she can rustle up a lovely chillie...yummy ;) :D

Keab42 26 May 2005 22:12

try the guy in the takeaway down the road

Skeleton 27 May 2005 11:13

YES! My school is over I can go home! :D We have exam on Monday and then my school is over for 2 and half months.. We have school party on Friday but we don´t have to go there.. I will go.. But we have to come back on August.. :(

Keab42 27 May 2005 17:52

too hot
too many belongings

but i'm going home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Gez 28 May 2005 00:49

.....where am I........who r u??? :shock:

Keab42 28 May 2005 01:02

still too hot.
belongings finally packed.
going home in under 12 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SuperLoafMan 28 May 2005 16:08

Just got a text message of Sharon (Fallen Angel 1000) and she has told me to tell you that her computer has had to go in for repair and that she wont have access to these boards from home.

She has told me that if you want to chat to her PM her and she will answer them ASAP when she has access to the computers at work.


Tim 28 May 2005 17:01

my angry, depressed and very agressive at the moment...

SuperLoafMan 28 May 2005 17:02

why is that Tim.... :??:

Bren 28 May 2005 20:56


Originally Posted by Tim
my angry, depressed and very agressive at the moment...

sorry to hear that...i'm here if you need a friend to talk to...

Keab42 28 May 2005 22:30

...mmmmmm home....

Ja 29 May 2005 14:12

my thoughts, depressed and in agany with mi tooth ache :(

Tim 29 May 2005 18:25

...mmm tonight the Indi 500. 3 hours of racing... wow!!

Gez 30 May 2005 00:29


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
Just got a text message of Sharon (Fallen Angel 1000) and she has told me to tell you that her computer has had to go in for repair and that she wont have access to these boards from home.

She has told me that if you want to chat to her PM her and she will answer them ASAP when she has access to the computers at work.


Believe that you'll believe anything..........SHAZ GET THE KETTLE ON :shock: (that give you an idea where she is ;) )

SuperLoafMan 30 May 2005 00:38

LMAO....:lmao: .....Thats good Gerry.....I think i am on your wave-length :lol:

Skeleton 30 May 2005 09:47

I woke up 6 o´clock because I tought that our exam was 11 o´clock but when I arrived at school (I´m at school now) I heard it starts at 12 o´clock.. :angry: I came here in vain.. :bicker:

Cathie 30 May 2005 19:35

Grrrrr...that's a pain Skeleton

Hope the exam went well in the end x

Bren 30 May 2005 23:58

hmm...must work extra hours tomorrow :roll: .....

Pixie 31 May 2005 10:02

Hope the exams went o.k. for everyone! :D

Can't believe the weekend went so quickly - well it was Bank Holiday I suppose....:!:

Just back after 3 days...but after today Half Term for the kids so will be torn away from my computer for another 5 days...sob :roll:

Skeleton 31 May 2005 12:10

I´m in library (it´s my school town´s) and there is iMacs.. I can´t use this..

Cathie 31 May 2005 22:37

Bad day :(

Chris 31 May 2005 23:10


Originally Posted by Cathie
Bad day :(

Quoted for truth.

At times the world sucks :(:(:(

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