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mszee 07 Nov 2006 14:35


Originally Posted by Pudding (Post 284414)
Being touted on is the same as being dobbed in, grassed upon, some f*cker snitched on you, you've been banged to rights etc etc etc

Pud :twisted:

Thanks...the only one I got was snitched on...but that was enough...

mszee 07 Nov 2006 14:36


Originally Posted by rick (Post 284426)
what about being banged to left's .we live in a pc world lol

Bang means something entirely different in can get pregnant from THAT if you're a woman...

mszee 07 Nov 2006 14:36


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 284403)
I feel sick:(:barf:

Well, then feel better!!!

dottie 07 Nov 2006 18:29

Optimistic....... I'll let you know why eventually

mszee 07 Nov 2006 19:07

I miss Chris weird...I hardly ever talk to him...hmmm...

L96 08 Nov 2006 09:05

I just want to rant (AGAIN), rather than start another thread about it, about the sheer incompetence of Universal Music in Australia.

No singles.
No singles to the public.
No singles to the radio stations.
No TV ads (in SA, at least).
No radio ads (in SA, at least).
No newspaper or magazine adverts (in SA, at least).

The album goes into the charts by word of mouth ALONE at number 9. It drops to number 19 in a week.


How ****ing hard can be, with an advertising budget, to promote a freaking album, ffs?

BOOH: number 1 in Australia first
AFL: number 1 in Australia first (followed by TWENTY EIGHT other countries)
BOOH II: number 1 in Australia first
BOOH III: Meh, let's forget about, because the Aussies won't like it.

And if you visit their website (yes, they've managed to update it) and check out their careers section, these mongrels get paid a fortune, their perks are enormous, and WHAT DO THEY ****ING WELL DO TO EARN IT?



Erm, I think I'm done for now. :oops:

AndyK 08 Nov 2006 13:13

If I was still there I wouldn't even be awake yet, in fact there's a chance I wouldn't even have gone to sleep.

Hypnobabe 08 Nov 2006 13:16

I want to go back to my fairy tale land... :(

mszee 08 Nov 2006 14:04


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 284794)
I want to go back to my fairy tale land... :(

Welcome back!

Lord Kagan 08 Nov 2006 18:08

Need money for party on friday :( hate being broke

roo 08 Nov 2006 20:11

where is your fairy tale land?

Rockette 09 Nov 2006 01:47


Originally Posted by roo (Post 284920)
where is your fairy tale land?

If anyone finds it, I'll be there!
And Patti will be back in the band.

Can someone please clean my rose-coloured glasses for me? :twisted:

dottie 09 Nov 2006 11:16

And Patti will be back in the band.

Can someone please clean my rose-coloured glasses for me? :twisted:[/QUOTE]

in total agreement:D I would be too..........

AndyK 09 Nov 2006 12:26

I left my mind sometime somewhere before I left my camera in Hertfordshire ...

MeatGrl1 09 Nov 2006 12:30

I really need to wash my hair :shock: !

Chris 09 Nov 2006 13:59


Someone get a gun, there's gonna be a newsagent going postal!!:evil::evil:

mszee 09 Nov 2006 14:37

Hey, Chris!!! WB!!!

Missed you!!!!

Now..about that much are you willing to pay? Just checking...

Hypnobabe 09 Nov 2006 15:11


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 284799)
Welcome back!

Thanks hon, {{{{{Zina}}}}}


Originally Posted by roo (Post 284920)
where is your fairy tale land?

It's a place where fairy tales happen....

mszee 09 Nov 2006 15:12

Ahhhh...good to see you here again, Hypnobabe!!!

Hypnobabe 09 Nov 2006 15:18

Still trying to catch up with all the unread posts since I've been away....

How are you? How was the show? Did you meet lots of lovely Brits?

Devil's Son 09 Nov 2006 15:32


mszee 09 Nov 2006 15:34


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 285244)
Still trying to catch up with all the unread posts since I've been away....

How are you? How was the show? Did you meet lots of lovely Brits?

We will talk about it...maybe will catch you on a weekend...

Caelan 09 Nov 2006 16:19

I..I..just ..ohh man..was looking at the "one for the girls thread..:drool::drool::drool::heart::heart:

AndyK 09 Nov 2006 16:38


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 285244)
Still trying to catch up with all the unread posts since I've been away....

How are you? How was the show? Did you meet lots of lovely Brits?

Of course she did :))

Isn't a month too long to wait for a phone to be connected?

mszee 09 Nov 2006 17:05


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 285278)
Of course she did :))

Isn't a month too long to wait for a phone to be connected?

Awww...shucks...break down and get a skype...they are reputable enough by now...

RadioMaster 09 Nov 2006 18:08

Just heard today that my Last a level exam will be on May 13th! :D :D :D :D :D

Hypnobabe 09 Nov 2006 18:12

Yeah, come on Andy, get Skype - goodness knows you spend long enough attached to a keyboard.... :roll:

AndyK 09 Nov 2006 18:17

Some people aren't thinking ... which makes me wonder why they're posting in the post your thoughts thread :lmao:

To use Skype ... you need to use an internet connection ... to use an internet connection ... you need a phone line ... do you see where this is leading? :))

Hypnobabe 09 Nov 2006 18:19

But I do happen to know you were piggybacking on your neighbour's wireless connection..... :p See, I'm not as silly as you think I am.... :lmao:

AndyK 09 Nov 2006 18:22

Shhhh ;-)

I think that works fine when it works, but it doesn't work fine when it doesn't work, and at the moment it doesn't work more than it works ...

LucyK! 09 Nov 2006 18:30

Andy Andy Andy...Super're such a bad example to us all...

AndyK 09 Nov 2006 18:36

I am merely showing what happens when you try to get something for free ... thereby, trying to be a good example :)) ... do what I say not what I do ;-)

mszee 09 Nov 2006 18:44

Wasn't thinking of phone lines...thought lines...but it was long ago and it was far away...

mszee 09 Nov 2006 18:45


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 285292)
Just heard today that my Last a level exam will be on May 13th! :D :D :D :D :D

Does it mean????????????????????????????????

RadioMaster 09 Nov 2006 19:07


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 285304)
Does it mean????????????????????????????????

As far as I can say that now....



mszee 09 Nov 2006 19:11


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 285313)
As far as I can say that now....



Oh my dear lord...we won't have to carry your cardboard thingie...yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chris 09 Nov 2006 19:48


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 285234)
Now..about that much are you willing to pay? Just checking...

Not sure but it looks like we will need an even bigger one!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

currently trying to book tickets to go back to Toronto for another family do.

L96 09 Nov 2006 20:05


RadioMaster 09 Nov 2006 20:13


L96 09 Nov 2006 20:16

You want to be an uncle? :D:D:D:D

RadioMaster 09 Nov 2006 20:21


Chris 09 Nov 2006 22:11

What if your dreams and fears,were found in the same place?
What if,to get to heaven you had to brave hell?
What if everything you ever dreamed cost all you ever achieved?
Would you still go there?

mszee 09 Nov 2006 22:15

In short...

On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses...


JanT 10 Nov 2006 03:46

Can't sleep, feet too cold, nose too cold, can't stick nose under covers 'cause feet smell. :shock:

Sue K 10 Nov 2006 10:23

... thank the powers it's friday ... :D ...

needmoremeat 10 Nov 2006 11:34

Can't wait for this week to end.
Last Friday night, computer broke.
Wasn't well over weekend.
Hour and a half on phone to India on Monday trying to get computer sorted, said they'd pick it up Tuesday.
Waited in all day Tuesday when I could have been out doing uni work for them not to come and pick it up. Another half hour on phone to India finding out why.
Wednesday, learned the hard way Jessops don't open until 9.30. Was only waiting 10 mins to open, but still, it was chilly!
Thursday, just when I thought my week would get a bit better/calmer, when something far worse happened: phone call from hospital asking if I could go in for a rhinoplasty on 22nd Nov, meaning I'll miss a couple of weeks of uni. In tears, completely stressed all morning.
Today, learned one of my uni instructors hadn't got a piece of work from me even though I had handed it in, so had to print it out again, and when he marked it I got a lower mark than I expected to get for it.:evil:

I want this week to end and I want my computer back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am doing this on uni computer, gonna get bus to other uni campus now.

Devil's Son 10 Nov 2006 12:42

time is slipping away

mszee 10 Nov 2006 14:32

Two weeks left!!!

MeatGrl1 10 Nov 2006 15:12

#So what happens now
So what happens now
Where am I going to
Where am I going to...#

mszee 10 Nov 2006 15:50

2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Caelan 10 Nov 2006 16:14


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 285968)
2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



mszee 10 Nov 2006 16:19


Originally Posted by Caelan (Post 286012)

Thanksgiving!!! Time off!!! Vacation!!!

Caelan 10 Nov 2006 16:21


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 286032)
Thanksgiving!!! Time off!!! Vacation!!!

that's always good...

no vacation for me untill christmas

mszee 10 Nov 2006 16:34

Oh for Christmas I will have yet another vacation...

Caelan 10 Nov 2006 16:35


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 286065)
Oh for Christmas I will have yet another vacation...

you lucky woman..
ahh well I just had a week off..

mszee 10 Nov 2006 16:45

True...I sacrificed RAH for this week...

Oh well...hopefully going to Wembley...

Caelan 10 Nov 2006 16:50


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 286067)
True...I sacrificed RAH for this week...

Oh well...hopefully going to Wembley...

would be great to meet you there..
and talk some in real life

roo 10 Nov 2006 16:52

It's a place where fairy tales happen....[/QUOTE]

wish fairy tales could come true

RadioMaster 10 Nov 2006 16:52

real life?:confused:


mszee 10 Nov 2006 16:58


Originally Posted by Caelan (Post 286068)
would be great to meet you there..
and talk some in real life

We will...

mszee 10 Nov 2006 16:59


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 286070)
real life?:confused:


Oh I am real...I will even let you touch me with one finger to prove it to you...

roo 10 Nov 2006 17:00

[QUOTE=RadioMaster;286070]real life?:confused:

yes thats the only problem fairy tales dont happen if they did id have everything i needed instead of sharing

needmoremeat 10 Nov 2006 17:01

I HAVE MY COMPUTER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer:

RadioMaster 10 Nov 2006 17:02


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 286074)
Oh I am real...I will even let you touch me with one finger to prove it to you...


RadioMaster 10 Nov 2006 17:04


mszee 10 Nov 2006 17:04 maybe it didn't come right...I will let you touch my hand...ok?

roo 10 Nov 2006 17:04

I HAVE MY COMPUTER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer:

angels are singing so beautifully:D

The Flying Mouse 10 Nov 2006 17:07


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 285396)
What if your dreams and fears,were found in the same place?
What if,to get to heaven you had to brave hell?
What if everything you ever dreamed cost all you ever achieved?
Would you still go there?

:twisted: Now THAT is pretty damn deep 8)

Like it :up:

mszee 10 Nov 2006 17:08


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE (Post 286085)
:twisted: Now THAT is pretty damn deep 8)

Like it :up:

Did you see my response to that???

The Flying Mouse 10 Nov 2006 17:10

:twisted: Well put 8)

roo 10 Nov 2006 17:13

miss understood
:? what does it take to get them three little words u crave to hear? And when u do can u beleive what they say?

roo 10 Nov 2006 17:22

can u love someone two much? how does one cope when the other is not yours to truly have? even if they say there loyalty lies with u? do u beleive them? questions that noone can answer should u follow your heart or your head. HELP:(

mszee 10 Nov 2006 17:26

Follow your heart...when you think too just tend to ruin things...

Caelan 10 Nov 2006 17:58

follow your heart is the only right to do..even if it hurts someone else..
it is you who has to happy in the future

mszee 10 Nov 2006 18:00

And as I always say...out of 2 or 3 unhappy people...might come out 4 happy ones...

roo 10 Nov 2006 18:40

thanks guys:D

RadioMaster 10 Nov 2006 20:06

my stomach hurts and I got diarrhoea, think I ate something wrong...

mszee 10 Nov 2006 20:08


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 286144)
my stomach hurts and I got diarrhoea, think I ate something wrong...

ouch...poor baby...feel better!

RadioMaster 10 Nov 2006 20:21

btw, why the hell am I telling people I´ve never met about diarrhoea?:nuts:

mszee 10 Nov 2006 20:39


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 286153)
btw, why the hell am I telling people I´ve never met about diarrhoea?:nuts:


Rockette 11 Nov 2006 02:00

I hate cancer with so much passion right now!
Belinda Emmet was way, way, way too young to die.
My heart bleeds for her hitherto fun-loving husband as he comes to terms with his recent loss.

L96 11 Nov 2006 10:20

I'm bored.

Devil's Son 11 Nov 2006 10:39

weekend, yeah

Lord Kagan 11 Nov 2006 19:18

Fecking beer and shots

Sue K 11 Nov 2006 19:36

... i like hawaiian pizza..... or how elt it's spelt.. lol...

mszee 11 Nov 2006 19:39

I hate beauty and nails and stuff...argh...

Sue K 11 Nov 2006 19:53

... *** ...

RadioMaster 11 Nov 2006 20:11

is it already december?

Sue K 11 Nov 2006 20:20

... no.. lol. but in the States it's almost Thanksgiving Day ... :shock: .. where in the heck did the year go ?????.. I WANT IT BACK... !!... lol..

needmoremeat 11 Nov 2006 21:04

Bought a lava lamp today! Could watch it all night, it's addictive!:shock: Only £7.49 in Homebase, also got a little cabinet with three drawers in to go beside my bed as a sort of bedside table, I haven't got one and the space between bed and wall is only 28cms, so was pretty hard finding anything smaller, but this one is only 22cm and so I can still get to the plug socket behind it!:D

Sue K 11 Nov 2006 21:11

... lava lamps are kewl ... :D ...

Chris 11 Nov 2006 21:30

YouTube Video

Lord Kagan 11 Nov 2006 21:44

Need headache pills

Chris 11 Nov 2006 23:23

Любо́вь зла́, полю́бишь и козла́

JanT 12 Nov 2006 00:23

bless you. <passes Chris a handkerchief>

duke knooby 12 Nov 2006 00:24

rj with a dose of the skitters, carl with yet another hangover, and emmas gone awol. quite a weekend. lmao, no offence to anyone mentioned.

MeatGrl1 12 Nov 2006 00:28


Originally Posted by Knobby1666 (Post 286374)
rj with a dose of the skitters, carl with yet another hangover, and emmas gone awol. quite a weekend. lmao, no offence to anyone mentioned.

Well thanks.. I think;)!

mszee 12 Nov 2006 00:58


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 286364)
Любо́вь зла́, полю́бишь и козла́

k takomy vivodu prishla koza

Did you have somebody in particular when you quoted this verse?

mszee 12 Nov 2006 00:59


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 286373)
bless you. <passes Chris a handkerchief>

Jan, that was for's in Russian...

L96 12 Nov 2006 03:40


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 286373)
bless you. <passes Chris a handkerchief>

:lmao: :lmao:

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