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SuperLoafMan 01 Jun 2005 21:14


Cathie 01 Jun 2005 23:07

My Dad doesn't get back til 4.30 in the morning! Apparently he could have caught a ferry 2 hours earlier but it would have cost him an extra Ģ70! :shock:

Skeleton 03 Jun 2005 19:07

When I was going to babysitting.. I ride my bike and I saw that someone comes towards to me I nod my head to say hello.. And he nod his head to me.. When he was closer I noticed that he is completely stranger... I thought that he is a boy from my high school.. He was smiling to me when he passed.. :D

Since then Iīve been glowing..
He was very cute guy thou.. :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 04 Jun 2005 08:27

should I go into town this morning ?? Suppose I should really have a few things to do :?

Tim 04 Jun 2005 16:59

...tired... very tired....

SuperLoafMan 05 Jun 2005 17:02

Alot happier today....though i had lost my phone last night....was really p****d off....but this morning my driving instructor rang up and said it was in his a relief.....:D:D

Tim 05 Jun 2005 21:09

no thoughts....

Rob The Badger 05 Jun 2005 21:09


DIZZY DRUMMER 06 Jun 2005 08:53

my eye is inflamed again - must get some eyedrops :shock:

Ageing Bat 06 Jun 2005 09:36

Perhaps if you tried not poking your finger in your eye it wouldn't be so sore? :D

Skeleton 06 Jun 2005 10:26

Tomorrow morning at 8 oīclock Iīm going to Virolahti (Donīt know where it is) as nightguard for a week. I canīt have access to the internet.. :( So I hope that you donīt send too many post in one word threat.. ;) Just joking.. I hope that it would be nice weather.. I think I go to swim in a lake..

dottie 06 Jun 2005 10:32

I've just carried out my good deed for the day - but its a secret ;)

You should always try and do something and say something pleasant for others at least once a day......

DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Jun 2005 08:40

:bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

**cking computer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pixie 08 Jun 2005 13:16

Jesus, my parking ticket just ran out!! :mad: *Pixie rushes outside convinced a meter person will be slapping a ticket on car*

Rob The Badger 08 Jun 2005 17:51

Argh! My back!

dottie 08 Jun 2005 20:36

What have you been doing Rob?

Seems to be catching, my Sacro -Illiac Joint has been giving me some jip these past few days......

Tim 08 Jun 2005 21:39

...need weekend.... :?

Rob The Badger 08 Jun 2005 22:56

Alas my injury was self inflicted. Trampolining...yeah.

Bren 08 Jun 2005 23:47

:roll: ...back to work tomorrow....

Keab42 08 Jun 2005 23:51


Cathie 09 Jun 2005 17:59


Originally Posted by Keab42

Sounds goooood

SuperLoafMan 09 Jun 2005 18:28

Why is life such a B*****d?? :evil:

Cathie 09 Jun 2005 18:33

There's no answer to that...

Life's a bitch :evil:

Hope you feel better soon hun x

SuperLoafMan 09 Jun 2005 18:33

Thanks Cathie!! ;)

Tim 09 Jun 2005 20:39

...just one crazy day in this crazy week...

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