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Battybarb 03 Apr 2011 12:44

really wish people would mind their own business !

samurai7 03 Apr 2011 13:12

Happy Mothers Day to all the UK mums on the site

melon 04 Apr 2011 08:21

Massive weekend....... now my 3 month drinking ban has begun!

Battybarb 04 Apr 2011 23:49

someone is really pushing the wrong buttons right now !!

MeatGrl1 05 Apr 2011 00:07

I'm sleepy :zzz:, got to find my bed first :roll: !!
Also really into this book atm, just finished reading about Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in the UK, call it a morbid fascination but such things interest me !!

Battybarb 07 Apr 2011 03:31

really must stop being a night owl

melon 07 Apr 2011 13:38


Originally Posted by Battybarb (Post 542090)
really must stop being a night owl

Lol, I'm hearing you there

Battybarb 07 Apr 2011 18:25


Originally Posted by melon (Post 542132)
Lol, I'm hearing you there

it well catches up during the day though Melon...:lol:

Battybarb 07 Apr 2011 18:26

what a really horrible day..gotta be better tomorrow,having my fellas nephews for the day

BostonAngel 08 Apr 2011 07:08

People that delibrately lie piss me off and I have no respect for them

MeatGrl1 08 Apr 2011 10:46

Looks like it's all go again today, got an appointment this morning and another this afternoon... Hopefully I can get some more light as to why my ear is playing up though it seems that the infection has spread to the right as that's been a bit achy recently too :( !! I think I'm falling apart :shock: :lol: !!
Also hopefully I can get my Aspects Of Love logo printed onto a t-shirt if the place I am thinking of does it, that would be incredibly sweet and it'll be in very good time for my RAH concerts in June :cool: :heart:.

No rest for the wicked, should get dressed now...

Battybarb 08 Apr 2011 19:57


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 542194)
People that delibrately lie piss me off and I have no respect for them

totally agree with you there Cathy...

Battybarb 08 Apr 2011 19:58

OMG Sam has just seen an orb in her flat !

duke knooby 09 Apr 2011 00:57

somebody forgot to re torque the pedals, and the inevitable stripped threads resulted, complete with a long walk home and a less than 100% bike :whistle:

melon 09 Apr 2011 02:46

Presentation night #2 in 2 nights, gah.

Battybarb 09 Apr 2011 20:44

what a brilliant day

Battybarb 09 Apr 2011 22:35

my kids and grankids are really just the best ever

Sue K 10 Apr 2011 13:36

Nothing much up there in my head this morning. Glad to be alive... Glad I woke ... Glad it's Sunday... Glad it's not snowing... lol ... A wee bit of sprinkle and I THINK I can get away with a light jacket on the paper trot... so off I am ... (but then... who didn't know that ? ... lol ... )

Battybarb 10 Apr 2011 17:18

lovely sunny day,so why do i feel like crap

The Flying Mouse 10 Apr 2011 20:58

:twisted: Nice day working hard in the garden, and now sitting here with a nice cold drink.
Sweet :mrgreen:

Battybarb 11 Apr 2011 00:58

invasion of the body snatchers !

MeatGrl1 11 Apr 2011 02:48

Doctors today to get swob done.. Ear ach is now driving me round the bend, it's been going on now for over 4 weeks :shock: :( !!!!!!!!!!

duke knooby 12 Apr 2011 18:48

would love to know how i got a bruised and cut nose last night

allrevvedup 12 Apr 2011 18:51


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 542481)
would love to know how i got a bruised and cut nose last night

fought mike tyson?

RSG 12 Apr 2011 20:04

'Like the mysterious wing of the bat
flapping mystically away and that!

Its points cut moonbeams into
the shape of brilliant dreams.'


AndyK 12 Apr 2011 20:39

Somebody is extremely deluded and if they're not very very careful they'll find out for themselves the hard way.

Battybarb 12 Apr 2011 22:06

think i have got a killer goldfish lol

duke knooby 13 Apr 2011 01:40

real ale is ok, but it just aint guinness

MeatGrl1 13 Apr 2011 11:22

I find out today if I need to be refered to the nose and ear clinic at the hospital... I really hope it's just an infection as I am quite sick of hospitals now !!

Having said that ear aches right now :( !!

melon 13 Apr 2011 12:34

Nothing any good on the telly at the moment

Battybarb 14 Apr 2011 01:07

got a few important decisions i need to make very soon...stress

The Flying Mouse 15 Apr 2011 12:23

:twisted: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah! :mrgreen:

melon 15 Apr 2011 14:58

Why do people have to be so offensive & nasty about someone they don't even know???

allrevvedup 15 Apr 2011 15:00


Originally Posted by melon (Post 542691)
Why do people have to be so offensive & nasty about someone they don't even know???

I agree, the treatment of your most recent ex Cricket Captain was terrible...oh wait that's not what you were talking about:D

duke knooby 16 Apr 2011 15:40

too much dancing hurts

Battybarb 16 Apr 2011 19:29


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 542801)
too much dancing hurts

you must have got too close to the pole...:lmao:

Battybarb 16 Apr 2011 19:30

brilliant night last night..suffering today though...ouch..:hic:

BostonAngel 17 Apr 2011 04:40


Originally Posted by melon (Post 542691)
Why do people have to be so offensive & nasty about someone they don't even know???

YOu took the words right out of my mouth! My thoughts exactlly, Mel

melon 17 Apr 2011 06:29


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 542692)
I agree, the treatment of your most recent ex Cricket Captain was terrible...oh wait that's not what you were talking about:D

No its not, but also true!! I never liked Ponting too much until probably the last few years of his captaincy ha ha

melon 17 Apr 2011 06:30


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 542889)
YOu took the words right out of my mouth! My thoughts exactlly, Mel

Speaking of Took the words, it was on the radio not long ago!

duke knooby 17 Apr 2011 18:21

why do we need a like button?

Evil One 17 Apr 2011 18:24

Is there a conveyor belt somewhere producing a never ending stream of morons? :nope:

The Flying Mouse 17 Apr 2011 19:58


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 542919)
why do we need a like button?

:twisted: I think a like button idea because it would save posts that quote other posts with no other purpose than to add "CHSIB" "you took the words right out of my mouth" or "thanks Meat".

AndyK 17 Apr 2011 20:14


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 542935)
:twisted: I think a like button idea because it would save posts that quote other posts with no other prpose than to add "CHSIB" "you took the words right out of my mouth" or "thanks Meat".


Wario 17 Apr 2011 20:44


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 542937)

CHSIB. You are right, I was wrong. sunshine wheres heaven. for crying out loud. hot patootie - bless my soul, I agree.

The Flying Mouse 17 Apr 2011 20:46


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 542937)

:twisted: You're welcome, but it could have gone unsaid :p

Monstro 17 Apr 2011 22:08

ten seconds after Anji goes out my youngest deposits what can only be described as chemical warfare in her nappy

MeatGrl1 19 Apr 2011 12:28

I have a new found respect for Russel Brand, in this day and age we are so quick to judge without giving someone a chance to explain why they did something or their reasons behind it. If we all had a bit more of an open mind and listened to the other side of the coin before passing judgement and condemning people then I think we'd have a much better world !!

The Flying Mouse 19 Apr 2011 15:36


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 543055)
I have a new found respect for Russel Brand, in this day and age we are so quick to judge without giving someone a chance to explain why they did something or their reasons behind it. If we all had a bit more of an open mind and listened to the other side of the coin before passing judgement and condemning people then I think we'd have a much better world !!

:twisted: I still think he's an ill mannered tit :shrug:

AndyK 19 Apr 2011 15:58

He politely said ...

Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 543065)
:twisted: I still think he's an ill mannered tit :shrug:


allrevvedup 19 Apr 2011 16:15


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 543065)
:twisted: I still think he's an ill mannered tit :shrug:

it's good that you hold back at times...that anger management course is paying off!

The Flying Mouse 19 Apr 2011 16:32

:twisted: I tend to treat people with respect until they prove themselves unworthy or respect.

Russel Brand has always been an irritating git, but taking part in leaving those answer machine messages made him beneath respect.

Hense, he's a tit :shrug:

Celebs make very good livings for what they do.THey are role models to many.The least we should expect from these overpaid role models is to (at least appearto be) decent people.

There was no excuse for the Ross/Brand "practical joke" so they should no longer be able to work in an industry that puts them in the public eye.

The apologies Brand and Ross made were completley insincere, and their puishment was to go and get better paid jobs :nuts:
They should never be allowed near a TV, radio, or cinema again.See how they like working a regular job for a regular paycheck.
There are no shortage of celebrities to replace them.

That was my opinion at the time, and it's still my opinion now.

melon 19 Apr 2011 16:39


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 543070)
:twisted: I tend to treat people with respect until they prove themselves unworthy or respect.

Russel Brand has always been an irritating git, but taking part in leaving those answer machine messages made him beneath respect.

Hense, he's a tit :shrug:

Celebs make very good livings for what they do.THey are role models to many.The least we should expect from these overpaid role models is to (at least appearto be) decent people.

There was no excuse for the Ross/Brand "practical joke" so they should no longer be able to work in an industry that puts them in the public eye.

The apologies Brand and Ross made were completley insincere, and their puishment was to go and get better paid jobs :nuts:
They should never be allowed near a TV, radio, or cinema again.See how they like working a regular job for a regular paycheck.
There are no shortage of celebrities to replace them.

That was my opinion at the time, and it's still my opinion now.

See, I need a like button for this!!!!

duke knooby 19 Apr 2011 21:32

what a difference a gel seat pad makes, my poor arse has been needing one of them for weeks

allrevvedup 19 Apr 2011 22:28


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 543088)
what a difference a gel seat pad makes, my poor arse has been needing one of them for weeks

that's certainly something i never expected to see you post

Battybarb 19 Apr 2011 23:17

first barbecue of the year today...lovely

MeatGrl1 19 Apr 2011 23:30

Wether you like him or not I will admit that my estimation of Russel went right down after the 'prank calls' but for him to sit there and say that he takes full responsability and that he's tried to make things right shows to me that Russel was misguided and his estimation was very wrong.

RUSSEL: It was my fault totally.
PEIRS: Are you just saying that to take the wrap ?
RUSSEL: No, it was The Russel Brand show and I'm Russel Brand so..

and he talked a bit more about it but you could tell he was genuinly sorry for what had happened how many years ago was that now and still people penelise (sp?) him for it.
This interview was brilliant, I personally enjoyed it and personally I have a new found respect for him after it, there was also moments where he made me laugh but can we stop with the name calling, it's kind of childish now lets just agree to disagree !!

duke knooby 20 Apr 2011 00:24


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 543096)
that's certainly something i never expected to see you post

lol, why so, ive always been used to stiff suspension, but my arse was suffering on this! though i must admit, we still aint got the gearing right... we're not quick enough on the straights

MeatGrl1 20 Apr 2011 00:34

I feel totally shattered, think it's bed time in a bit !!
Also feel totally clensed, all messages deleted and unsubscribed to alot of groups on FB and have also blocked a certain someone as I don't ever want to hear from that someone ever again !!

Yes it's brilliant !! Onwards and upwards :)) !!

Steve6 20 Apr 2011 01:19

I love Tea and a Mars Bar late at night.

duke knooby 20 Apr 2011 12:46

its ages since ive been edited, and then 2 disappear at once lol

melon 20 Apr 2011 14:41

Well, I've been under paid at work for the last 9 months, I get back paid tomorrow & will be enough (After a little more saving) to go back to Bali towards the end of the year, YAY

Steve6 22 Apr 2011 01:32

I'm eating some load of chocolate lately. :shock: I mean loads and loads.

duke knooby 22 Apr 2011 13:44

lemon juice in me hair

to do, or not.... :sherlock:

Steve6 22 Apr 2011 15:26


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 543414)
lemon juice in me hair

to do, or not.... :sherlock:

Do what?

Steve6 23 Apr 2011 02:04

I'm now sweating chocolate and it's only Saturday morning....hahahahaha

melon 23 Apr 2011 11:45

Very happy camper here, just won a good amount on a bet, on the Aussie Rules Footy, team is brand new this year, lost their first 4 games, odds at $12, so I put on a bet and low and behold, whatta ya know? They won ha ha, they were a good 20 pts behind at half time too!

duke knooby 24 Apr 2011 02:57

i cant put into words my thoughts on the last few posts in the closed thread right now...

but a lyric springs to mind... "and still, their mocking laughter"

AndyK 26 Apr 2011 11:56

I love it when everyone takes time off work and I don't.

It's like getting two holidays ... this week is dead because no one is in, and then I get to take the time off for myself sometime in the future! Win/Win :up:

RSG 26 Apr 2011 13:29

Hmm, I rarely post here. Too many thoughts in my noggin' I should expel some here from now on... here's a start...

Is it possible to pee in five states at one time?

Hypnobabe 26 Apr 2011 13:38


Originally Posted by RSG
Is it possible to pee in five states at one time?

I should think so, my mate peed in her ex-boyfriend's swimming pool one Christmas and she wasn't even there!

RSG 26 Apr 2011 14:11


Steve6 26 Apr 2011 14:18

Is missing the Easter Eggs already. The sun is shining so brightly. I'm just loving this weather.

Wario 26 Apr 2011 14:48


Originally Posted by RSG (Post 543699)
Is it possible to pee in five states at one time?

go to a miss America pageant and let it rip on five of the ladies

RSG 26 Apr 2011 14:52

Surf's Up!!!

Steve6 26 Apr 2011 15:05


Originally Posted by RSG (Post 543699)
Is it possible to pee in five states at one time?

It is from space I'd say. But you'll end up hitting different countries instead of different states.

RSG 26 Apr 2011 15:07

I wouldn't wanna pull out in Space thank you much ;)

duke knooby 26 Apr 2011 18:54

~~~~~~, forgot derren brown was on last night

LucyK! 26 Apr 2011 19:59

15 years ago today I was at my first Meat show...feels like a lot more than that!!

duke knooby 27 Apr 2011 00:41


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 543737)
15 years ago today I was at my first Meat show...feels like a lot more than that!!

the no. of shows you've seen, i bet it does

Benny 27 Apr 2011 00:45

Nearly at 3k posts!

Benny 27 Apr 2011 00:45


Monstro 27 Apr 2011 16:12

Finally a productive day, been feeling like I'm banging my head against a brick wall lately

melon 28 Apr 2011 00:56

Training course today & tomorrow for work, Portable Appliance Testing.... me & electricity, I wonder if my work realise how dangerous this is? lol

Monstro 28 Apr 2011 12:34


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 543802)
Finally a productive day, been feeling like I'm banging my head against a brick wall lately

Didn't last long, back to :wall:

Steve6 28 Apr 2011 16:34

Is feeling too lazy to cook.....Could be the chipper tonight.

duke knooby 28 Apr 2011 18:39

the weather has been spectacularly awesome :D

Steve6 28 Apr 2011 20:09


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 543888)
the weather has been spectacularly awesome :D

It has, but that means the grass grows quicker and needs to be cut more often. :wall: :angry:

duke knooby 29 Apr 2011 00:40

is there a big wedding tomorrow?

Monstro 29 Apr 2011 02:59


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 543902)
is there a big wedding tomorrow?

Only if you ask nicely hun XXX

Steve6 29 Apr 2011 03:41


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 543905)
Only if you ask nicely hun XXX

HAHAHAHAHAHAH...go on the Monstro :lol:

Will I be watching the wedding? Not sure to be honest. It'll be all over the TV, so it'll be hard to miss.

Steve6 29 Apr 2011 03:47

Football as we know it, is being ruined by cheating, diving, and off the field nonsense. Mourinho you should be ashamed of yourself to say the game was fixed to favour Barcelona. That is a disgrace.

All that man wants his for the attention to be on him, and not the game of football. If I wanted to see theatrics, I'd go to the theatre or the cinema.

Monstro 30 Apr 2011 19:07

Copying 39,611 items

About 14hrs remaining

duke knooby 30 Apr 2011 20:12

the indian gentleman got annoyed with me and hung up after only 11mins 52 secs, didn't even say goodbye... just cause i wouldn't answer his questions about anti virus, internet provider, or turn on the pc and read out info to him.

"what are you doing now?" he asked at about 10 mins in
"drinking a cup of tea" was my reply

ah well

duke knooby 01 May 2011 01:57

its my new game.. keep the unwanted sales callers on for as long as possible, without giving them any useful information

melon 01 May 2011 15:43

My uncle got one of them..... Watch this to hear what he said, he recorded the whole thing lol

AndyK 01 May 2011 20:59

They're spam callers ... talk you into reading out perfectly normal system info and convince you that the info you're reading is indication that you have malware on your PC. They then try to sell you completely useless AV software.

They usually hang up on me when I tell them I work in IT security.

Battybarb 01 May 2011 23:28

really looking forward to tuesday

melon 02 May 2011 02:24


They're spam callers ... talk you into reading out perfectly normal system info and convince you that the info you're reading is indication that you have malware on your PC. They then try to sell you completely useless AV software.

They usually hang up on me when I tell them I work in IT security.
lol, my uncle is so sick of them he just leads them on a merry chase.

Battybarb 02 May 2011 13:59


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 543737)
15 years ago today I was at my first Meat show...feels like a lot more than that!!

where does the time go Lucy ? how scary is that :panic: 15 years does not seem possible

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