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chairboys 01 Feb 2012 11:48

Had my ears micro-sucked yesterday. I can now hear what Mrs. Chairboys is saying :lol:

duke knooby 01 Feb 2012 13:39


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 562993)
Had my ears micro-sucked yesterday. I can now hear what Mrs. Chairboys is saying :lol:

whats that involve??

think i might need it too

Sue K 01 Feb 2012 13:50

I think I may be one step closer to believing in God ... :shock: ... lol ... This morning, some how or other, I managed to thunk myself in the side of head when opening closet door to get my coat. The thunk knocked my NEW glasses off my face and onto the floor. When I picked them up, the right arm (is it called ?) was sticking out straight as opposed to in the regular position ... I think I went into shock... and then the thoughts started ... "omg, I still owe the doctor money.. omg... when will I find time to go there... omg... how can I go back to those ugly glasses... omg... I'm glad I kept them " and with that... I folded the arms of the glasses over each other and put them on the kitchen table while I went to put on my old glasses and when I unbent the arms... WAAAHLAAAH ... lol ... like it never happened... CloseAsThisToTears I was ... and yeah... I gave a bit of a nod to whomever above ... :lol: ... whew... I mean... BIIIG time "WHEW" ... I feel extra blessed right now ... I can't believe they're okay ... omg... I'm so ... lucky ... lol ...

chairboys 01 Feb 2012 14:03


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 563010)
whats that involve??

think i might need it too

I have had my ears syringed many times by the surgery nurse , but this time was refered to an ear specialist. He basically inserted a small tube down the lugholes which then sucked out all the wax. It was a really weird sensation (but rather enjoyable) as you feel the wax being sucked up. It's not painful - except when he gets a bit too close to the drum! It took him about 20 mins as there was a bit of a clog. But, the result was unbelievable.
I now have HD hearing.

samurai7 01 Feb 2012 14:31


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 563014)
I have had my ears syringed many times by the surgery nurse , but this time was refered to an ear specialist. He basically inserted a small tube down the lugholes which then sucked out all the wax. It was a really weird sensation (but rather enjoyable) as you feel the wax being sucked up. It's not painful - except when he gets a bit too close to the drum! It took him about 20 mins as there was a bit of a clog. But, the result was unbelievable.
I now have HD hearing.

I think I might need this procedure! I'd never previously suffered with earwax until about 3-4 years ago when I started to use in-ear monitoring during my show. I had my ears syringed (about 7 months ago) but I know there's hearing loss, because me and a couple of mates were watching Paranormal Activity 3 the other night, and right before some of the 'incidents' a really high-pitched noise would blast out, and have my friends wincing, whilst I'd be oblivious to it! They were like "Seriously, you can't hear THAT!?" :shock:

Sue K 01 Feb 2012 15:03

I'm getting concerned about the unseasonable warmth of this winter on the East Coast of the States. Although I am enjoying it immensely, I think it's confusing the insect world. There were a couple flies buzzing about on Sunday and this morning a moth was bashing itself against my kitchen window begging to get in... :shock: ... I thought I was seeing things, but no ... It was a moth alright.

duke knooby 02 Feb 2012 01:26

if facebook users get shares i might have cocked up

melon 02 Feb 2012 02:50

ha ha, I guess I get shares, what'll it be, 0.0001 of a share each.

chairboys 02 Feb 2012 14:04

why do i always blind drivers on full beam when all i am trying to do is a 'quick flash of appreciation' in recognition of their kindness for allowing me to turn right?

duke knooby 02 Feb 2012 14:07

you probably have xenon lights, which i'm pretty sure can't be flashed in the normal way of ye olde halogen lights

duke knooby 03 Feb 2012 15:25

not going to get any snow :(

duke knooby 03 Feb 2012 17:54

well done motorola :D

i'm glad someone is able to give apple a bloody nose after their recent bullying and legal threats

BostonAngel 04 Feb 2012 09:10

It is Super Bowl weekend! MY New England Patriots are playing The New York Giants Sunday night. Of course I am rooting for THE PATS! Go Pats. Looking forward to having a victory parade thru Boston. We do know how to pary. Then after the Super Bowl, The Voice is on. Tony Vincent, husband of Aspen Miller Vincent, is one of the contestants. I hope he does well. I certainly will be rooting for him and voting for him. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

melon 04 Feb 2012 11:22

I just watched the Patriots play the Ravens, being that it was onTV in Australia, I have no idea how old the game is. Simply put, I dodn't really understand the game lol.

chairboys 04 Feb 2012 15:47


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 563137)
not going to get any snow :(

snow a couple of hours away :D

chairboys 04 Feb 2012 18:11

snow is falling all around us
children playing having fun

SW31 04 Feb 2012 18:25

glad its dark outside this train cant see the heavey snow falling

chairboys 04 Feb 2012 18:39

chairboys children outside for 5 mins and decide it's too cold!
we are going to build an igloo in the morning.

chairboys 04 Feb 2012 18:54


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 563164)
It is Super Bowl weekend! MY New England Patriots are playing The New York Giants Sunday night. Of course I am rooting for THE PATS! Go Pats. Looking forward to having a victory parade thru Boston. We do know how to pary. Then after the Super Bowl, The Voice is on. Tony Vincent, husband of Aspen Miller Vincent, is one of the contestants. I hope he does well. I certainly will be rooting for him and voting for him. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend

Hope your team wins, unless there are Giants fans on here. Then may the better team prevail.
But, I have to say, it's a game unique to you!!!!!!!!! :-)

Sue K 04 Feb 2012 20:26

I didn't read the story, but a headline on AOL popped up saying that a day celebrating being white has been proposed... lol ... I told husband I thought that day was Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving the tale is told of the pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock and getting through storms and harvest... and I bet there wasn't a darkened skin amongst them ... lol ... Good gravy davy in the morning ... Let It Be ... lol ...

Monstro 04 Feb 2012 23:40

Snow + motorbike = Bloody scary ride home!!!!!!!

lyn 04 Feb 2012 23:53

Oh, how I can't wait for Meat to start HIAHB promotion this year, release his new DVD, and hopefully go on tour again!!!! It is just so quiet around here with out him :(

BostonAngel 05 Feb 2012 01:58


Originally Posted by melon (Post 563167)
I just watched the Patriots play the Ravens, being that it was onTV in Australia, I have no idea how old the game is. Simply put, I dodn't really understand the game lol.

That game was played about 2 weeks ago, January 22nd. I like football cause you get to watch hot looking men run around in very tight pants. LOL. That's not the only reason I watch though.

Sue K 05 Feb 2012 06:18

Happy Superbowl Sunday, meatie peeps !

Originally Posted by lyn (Post 563211)
Oh, how I can't wait for Meat to start HIAHB promotion this year, release his new DVD, and hopefully go on tour again!!!! It is just so quiet around here with out him :(

QUIet ??? .... :shock: ... I think we've all been yappin' up storms !!! ... :lol: ...

Sue K 05 Feb 2012 06:22


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 563214)
I like football cause you get to watch hot looking men run around in very tight pants. LOL. That's not the only reason I watch though.

Of course not ... There's also the long, blonde hair ala' Clay Matthews of the Packers ... ;) ... GIMME A HEAD WITH HAIR... LONG BEAUTIFUL HAAAIR ~ SHININ' GLEAMIN' STREAMIN' FLAXEN WAXEN ... lol ... Hey ... Can you believe... and I just think this is SO funny ... that the calendar on my wall here in the kitchen has today marked as "Super Bowl Sunday"? ... lol ... That's craziness, isn't it ? ... lol ...

RSG 05 Feb 2012 12:23

@ fan club

<frantic> they're reading my thoughts, they're reading my thoughts! hehe ;)

melon 05 Feb 2012 14:40


Originally Posted by BostonAngel (Post 563214)
That game was played about 2 weeks ago, January 22nd.

Good to see we are keeping current then.

Sue K 05 Feb 2012 15:08

Well, I didn't know who I was supposed to root for but the decision has been taken out of my hands ... lol ... A newspaper customer of mine passed away last year, but his son and wife still get the paper. This morning, Young Joe met me at the door and I asked, "Who the heck can we root for?" and he came back with "The Giants" ... EEK !!! Pholks in Philly HATE the Giants and I look at him AGHAST !!! and then he said... "My dad loved the Giants" ... SO ! There you have it... In memory of Big Joe ... GOOO GIANTS ... (that kinda hurts to say, actually... hahaha ....) ... xo

duke knooby 05 Feb 2012 17:52

awww ffs... i preferred the half time score :(

Monstro 05 Feb 2012 19:36

I liked the full time one!!!

duke knooby 05 Feb 2012 23:35


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 563252)
I liked the full time one!!!

for which match?

Monstro 06 Feb 2012 00:42

Chelsea.............oh and the Newcastle one lol

duke knooby 06 Feb 2012 01:06

ahh right, thats ok then

allrevvedup 06 Feb 2012 20:09

just overheard bat out of hell being played at anfield when they interviewed one of the commentators on Sky Sports for the match tonight

chairboys 06 Feb 2012 20:16


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 563301)
just overheard bat out of hell being played at anfield when they interviewed one of the commentators on Sky Sports for the match tonight

it beats "you'll never walk alone"

BEST football chant: "It's just like watching Brazil" - The Pontefract Road End (The Ponty) at Oakwell

Battybarb 07 Feb 2012 15:30

Just decided Hell is travelling on a train from Euston to Lime Street full of Spurs fans..OMG !!

Battybarb 08 Feb 2012 10:40

Is dreading this phone call this morning

Sue K 08 Feb 2012 12:25

Happy Wednesday, meatie peeps !

Originally Posted by Battybarb (Post 563365)
Is dreading this phone call this morning

I hope it doesn't turn out as badly as it sounds ... :( ... I have a similar feeling when opening the email box I use for the day job when I've been out ... Fortunately, all is running smoothly in my absence... or maybe that could be an unfortunate thing ... WHAT ??? YOU DON'T NEEEED MEEE ? ... lol ... Take care, luvvie ...

chairboys 09 Feb 2012 08:46

cheerio fabio

chairboys 09 Feb 2012 13:51

cheltenham festival tickets just arrived. :D:D:D

mtaylor315 09 Feb 2012 14:23

Have a talk to give at Uni tomorrow. Bit nervous - sure it'll be alright though :-)

chairboys 09 Feb 2012 15:17


Originally Posted by mtaylor315 (Post 563417)
Have a talk to give at Uni tomorrow. Bit nervous - sure it'll be alright though :-)

don't envy you, but good luck!

mtaylor315 09 Feb 2012 15:23


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 563427)
don't envy you, but good luck!

Thank you :-)

I'll be happy once its over :lol:

BostonAngel 10 Feb 2012 08:25

Life is a lemon.....and i want my money back. Yes, I had a bad day. LOL

RSG 10 Feb 2012 14:05

my friend shares that she given up the search for her missing kitty. This is a bummer, but the odd thing is she taking posters down cause a creepy call came in from a lady who was talking about cats and hunting!

JennaG 10 Feb 2012 14:22

I'm debating on whether to go out or not? It looks too cold out there.

mtaylor315 10 Feb 2012 16:05

Had my Uni talk just over an hour ago, it went great :-) I was shaking, but apparently nobody noticed :lol:

melon 10 Feb 2012 16:17

I'm not one to wish ill on people, but really, that couldn't have happened to a nicer person (Sarcasm intended)

duke knooby 10 Feb 2012 21:55

when the record shops all disappear cause of amazon and play etc etc where will the public get the opportunity to meet the artists apart from gigs and concerts? :twisted:

i wonder would meat sign someone elses album?? :-)

as meat will be over in person, i wonder what other promo appearances have been lined up?

duke knooby 12 Feb 2012 02:27

im surprised to read of whitney houstons death

Battybarb 12 Feb 2012 02:30


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 563648)
im surprised to read of whitney houstons death

i know just heard that too,well shocked

Sue K 12 Feb 2012 19:48


Originally Posted by Battybarb (Post 563650)
i know just heard that too,well shocked

Re: Whitney H's death ... It was an "omgoodness" moment for me ... but I wasn't that surprised ... Doesn't drug abuse cause issues with body organs and such ? I think they may find she died of a heart attack ... I have to say what I do find irritating is the talk about fame killing her and blah blah blah ... I know every one is different and every one can or can't handle issues that pop up in life ... but I've had lots of unhappy issues happen in my life and I've come through them ... On two occassions I remember that I did get intoxicated ... The binge lasted one night each ... and I was done with it ... pretty much done with alcohol altogether, actually ... and I don't have much money-wise and the like and have faced troubles such as an abusive marriage first time around... and troubles with the job and paying back tax money ... and I just dealt with it all, y'know ? ... When I see someone in the biz continually abusing themselves via drugs and/ or alcohol... it pisses me off, really ... In fact... they need a good smack in the back of the head... If I can get through tough times... any one can ...

The Flying Mouse 13 Feb 2012 19:18


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 563591)
when the record shops all disappear cause of amazon and play etc etc where will the public get the opportunity to meet the artists apart from gigs and concerts? :twisted:

:twisted:An excellent point :up:
I for one will be fighting for physical releases and high street record shops till the bitter end :mrgreen:

And one day in the future, when the record shop is a thing of the past and the CD is only to be found in an antique shop (an online antique shop) then i'll sit in the corner of a pub with a flat cap on, drinking mild and playing domminos, and telling anyone I can get to listen "when I were a lad.........." :lol:

samurai7 13 Feb 2012 20:22


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 563743)
...then i'll sit in the corner of a pub with a flat cap on, drinking mild and playing domminos, and telling anyone I can get to listen "when I were a lad.........." :lol:

don't you do that already? :twisted:

AndyK 13 Feb 2012 20:40


Originally Posted by samurai7 (Post 563746)
don't you do that already? :twisted:

No. He drinks cider...

duke knooby 14 Feb 2012 02:14

i dont know what they put in those pizzas, but without a doubt i'm an addict

ive been clean now for 3 days, but it was unbelievably hard tonight between 11.30 and midnight

but ive made it too tuesday at least

it was cheaper smoking (and probably better for me)

Battybarb 16 Feb 2012 17:53

quite an eventful day

chairboys 16 Feb 2012 18:57

computer had a funny turn
forgot my password and had a mare trying to log back in!
on top of this my bank card got rejected at the supermarket this afternoon on a possible fraud transaction!

AndyK 16 Feb 2012 21:53


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 563911)
computer had a funny turn
forgot my password and had a mare trying to log back in!
on top of this my bank card got rejected at the supermarket this afternoon on a possible fraud transaction!

See what happens when you mess with an admin :lmao:

chairboys 17 Feb 2012 14:38

Yorkshire Dales seem a long time ago now.
No better reality check than a kid's birthday party. :mad:

mtaylor315 17 Feb 2012 20:27

Got an A for my talk at Uni :-)
Very happy! The confidence I've gained in the last few months is unreal! x

samurai7 18 Feb 2012 12:04


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 563747)
No. He drinks cider...

My bad! :twisted:

Sue K 18 Feb 2012 12:33

Happy Saturday, meatie peeps ! ... xo
and of COURSE the Republicans (nonono ... we will NOT extend that... no no no... a MILLION times no) voted to extend the unemployment benefits and payroll tax cut ... It's election year, stupid !!! ... lol ... They don't want to lose those WE'VE GOT THE POWERRRR, cushy jobs !!! GAWD, what a bunch of phonies... yap yap yap ...

chairboys 18 Feb 2012 18:33


Originally Posted by mtaylor315 (Post 563969)
Got an A for my talk at Uni :-)
Very happy! The confidence I've gained in the last few months is unreal! x

well done.

chairboys 18 Feb 2012 21:18

Just read in the paper "Freddie" Flintoff was the Preston U10 chess champion.
Well, I was the High Wycombe U10 champion. Fancy a game Fred?

duke knooby 18 Feb 2012 22:30

i told them they'd have no trouble selling my car... 1 week later it's wearing SOLD

Monstro 18 Feb 2012 22:53

Nice one, ours is on Ebay (the knackered one, not the new to us one)

duke knooby 18 Feb 2012 22:57


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 564063)
Nice one, ours is on Ebay (the knackered one, not the new to us one)

i hope it aint advertised as knackered lol...

Monstro 18 Feb 2012 23:16

Yup, been honest lol, got three bids on it at £430 lol

Monstro 19 Feb 2012 20:40


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 564066)
Yup, been honest lol, got three bids on it at £430 lol

£475 now lol

duke knooby 19 Feb 2012 22:47

whats with all the (2) threads???

mr monstro, are you including any rare vinyl albums with the sale of your old vehicle??? :sherlock:

The Flying Mouse 19 Feb 2012 22:55


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 564144)
whats with all the (2) threads???

:twisted: Recently some threads that have been started that have done before.

We could merge the threads but that is a bad thing.

Apparently (I don't really understand it, but i'm used to that) it's something to do with new information being wrapped up with old information, and when the new information is looked at it drags a load of stuff out of storage to do it and plays merry hell with the database.

That's why we prefer not to have bumped threads if we can help it (and I know you know about that :wink: ).

I've linked the threads together so you can see where they come from and go to without merging the threads.

duke knooby 19 Feb 2012 23:04


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 564146)

That's why we prefer not to have bumped threads if we can help it (and I know you know about that :wink: ).

who??? me???


duke knooby 22 Feb 2012 02:23

thats the first time i haven't ordered a two for tuesday in ages

mtaylor315 22 Feb 2012 03:34


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 564013)
well done.

Thanks :-)

Really realised today that I need to make a change in my life. When your not happy with something you should strive to improve it, not simply wish that it would improve by itself.

duke knooby 22 Feb 2012 23:41

car has either too much power, or not enough grip, or isn't being driven properly lol

Sue K 23 Feb 2012 11:23

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see that the whinging didn't go further than it did because I was about to whinge back and really, that's an AWFUL way to start the day ... lol ... It gives me an arseache, quite frankly ... lol ...

duke knooby 23 Feb 2012 23:45

ive been on oxford street 3 times already this week :)

hayley 24 Feb 2012 08:58

the lurker returns

hope all are well :)

mtaylor315 24 Feb 2012 09:18

Decided not to go into Uni today. Never missed a tutorial class before, so its fine :-)

Have an essay due Monday and need to make time to get it to a standard I'm happy with :lol: x

melon 24 Feb 2012 12:03

Dog just dug up all the garden beds and had a good chew on all the solar lights....

He's never gone THAT far before... he digs holes, but never like that.

I love my doggy-dog.... but I am sooo angry. He'll be spending the night outside tonight, whether mum likes it or not.

melon 24 Feb 2012 13:17

Ok, dog taken for a massive walk. I don't think he's ever had to walk so fast in his life. Hopefully he is too sore & tired tomorrow to dig again!

On the other hand, (Literally) I now have a lovely blister on my pinky finger from hauling his sorry ass along, and I will probably be pretty sore & tired tomorrow too, after a 24km bike ride & a fast walk like that lol

chairboys 24 Feb 2012 20:01

chairboys children have banned me from here for the weekend :(

Battybarb 24 Feb 2012 21:53

just when you think things cant get any worse !

duke knooby 25 Feb 2012 01:36

ive worked very hard, and now i need lots of sleep

Sebastian. 25 Feb 2012 02:10

3 days until the signing! Can't wait. :bunny:

AndyK 25 Feb 2012 07:20

Hello Saturday! You've started earlier than expected.

Sue K 25 Feb 2012 16:11

I was just wondering where Saturday is going when I was distracted by snow flurries out the window !!! ... NOOOOOOoooooo ... lol ...

mtaylor315 25 Feb 2012 16:26

Nearly 1050 views for my post about the free Meat track. Hopefully translates into a few more buys :-)

I don't have a clue what to do when I haven't got essays to write, so used to it now :lol:

Sue K 25 Feb 2012 16:51


Originally Posted by Sue K (Post 564767)
I was just wondering where Saturday is going when I was distracted by snow flurries out the window !!! ... NOOOOOOoooooo ... lol ...

This probably would be funny if I didn't have to errand outdoor today... So... I check those "flurries" a bit closer to find that it's not snow... but seeds blowing off the trees because of the high winds we're experiencing today ... I barely got the words out my mouth to husband of my error when... KABOOM... It's snowing to cover the AntArtic out there right now !!! ... lol ... Where the BOOH did THAT mess come from ??? ... lol ...

duke knooby 26 Feb 2012 02:57

after filling with fuel today i went on a bit of an economy run, and im well impressed :D

(though i did get overtaken by a bus lol)

duke knooby 26 Feb 2012 22:24

why are flights to london so damn expensive??

Sebastian. 26 Feb 2012 22:49


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 564871)
why are flights to london so damn expensive??

Where from, and who with?

duke knooby 26 Feb 2012 22:54

from belfast and with all of them lol

Sebastian. 26 Feb 2012 23:28


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 564874)
from belfast and with all of them lol

Both Aldergrove and City? British Midland may do some pretty good rates from city. Even at short notice you can get London for around £130 rtn.

duke knooby 26 Feb 2012 23:42


Originally Posted by Snafu (Post 564882)
British Midland may do some pretty good rates from city. Even at short notice you can get London for around £130 rtn.

aye, bmi are cheapest... £175 i make it just on flights... still makes it an expensive signed cd lol

but thankyou for looking into it :D

Sebastian. 26 Feb 2012 23:50


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 564887)
aye, bmi are cheapest... £175 i make it just on flights... still makes it an expensive signed cd lol

but thankyou for looking into it :D

No, probs. I'm a bit of an airliner/aviation nerd.

I'm flying with them Tuesday, managed to bag £70 RTN from MAN.

Beats BA's £200+ :shock:

duke knooby 26 Feb 2012 23:55

i must confess, i dislike flying anywhere... but not cause of the flying, cause of the standing around waiting, and the security, and the waiting, and the waiting

duke knooby 27 Feb 2012 00:04


Originally Posted by Snafu (Post 564891)

I'm flying with them Tuesday, managed to bag £70 RTN from MAN.

Beats BA's £200+ :shock:

i was puzzled why you're flying with them on tuesday... good job my flights were damn dear, or i'd have booked for flights tomorrow... At least Lucy knows what day its happening

in my defence, it's my birthday tomorrow and im obviously getting confused in my old age :?

Sebastian. 27 Feb 2012 00:05

I hate waiting as well. Unless I'm in a lounge.

I love however being on the aircraft. Especially as I always seem to get a flightdeck visit when on the gorund. The pilots are normally a laugh, especially with BMI.

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