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Hypnobabe 28 Nov 2006 10:49


Sue K 28 Nov 2006 10:53


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291066)
Reality bites

... YES !!!!!!! ...

t... dragging herself off to... brrr ... reality ... :( ....

Chris 28 Nov 2006 13:10

Bosses are total and utter (&()*$&(*^£*(&%"*&%"&^£%s!

LucyK! 28 Nov 2006 13:34

Claws are out

RadioMaster 28 Nov 2006 14:29

why the hell costs a train trip through Germany and back 130€ when a flight to the UK and back is only 30€??:angry:

needmoremeat 28 Nov 2006 14:36


Originally Posted by geordieloaf (Post 290904)
Sorry to hear that. I know it's a git to park there at the best of times. Well at least you had a good view or maybe not for you.
I got my nose broke a few years back and it bloody hurts. Just put some meat on and think happy thought's.

Nose wasnt actually broken. strange story actually: a couple of years ago or so I finished orthodontic treatmeant at RVI, at penultimate visit there orthodondist told me she also had me down for a nose job!:shock: Had no recollection of this, but I'd seen this other doctor a while before who must have mentioned it and it had just passed me and Mam by. Next visit, nothing had been done, so she got onto him again, and when we did get to see him he said he hadn't said any such thing even though orthodontist had it in writing! Managed to convince him I hate my nose and have problems breathing through it on a night, so he took me on. That was over a year ago now, and hear I am now recovering!
Have to laugh at the thought of a doctor taking one look at me and thinking: this girl needs a nose job!:lol:

AndyK 28 Nov 2006 14:49

People really should try to understand how to use new technology before they try to use it in the real world ...

Chris 28 Nov 2006 14:58

Technology should be simpler!

Plus it was an innocent enough mistake!!

AndyK 28 Nov 2006 15:01

No, technology users should be less simple ...

Call me darling again in a message like that that was festooned with XXX's and there'll be trouble :lmao:

needmoremeat 28 Nov 2006 15:25

Yay! Series 5 of Frasier is out now!!! At last! Thought we were never gonna get it!:cheer:
Will have to wait until Christmas for this great series, though.

Ageing Bat 28 Nov 2006 15:35


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 291101)
why the hell costs a train trip through Germany and back 130€ when a flight to the UK and back is only 30€??:angry:

Maybe you have to flap your arms to help fly? I would think so at that price!! :lmao:

L_Loaf 28 Nov 2006 16:28

argh. I'm in the middle of my exams & I cant concentrate at all. I really dont know whats wrong with me :shock: :|
but I bought Bat II : Collectors Edition, today so im rather happy haha.

geordieloaf 28 Nov 2006 18:53


Originally Posted by needmoremeat (Post 291102)
Nose wasnt actually broken. strange story actually: a couple of years ago or so I finished orthodontic treatmeant at RVI, at penultimate visit there orthodondist told me she also had me down for a nose job!:shock: Had no recollection of this, but I'd seen this other doctor a while before who must have mentioned it and it had just passed me and Mam by. Next visit, nothing had been done, so she got onto him again, and when we did get to see him he said he hadn't said any such thing even though orthodontist had it in writing! Managed to convince him I hate my nose and have problems breathing through it on a night, so he took me on. That was over a year ago now, and hear I am now recovering!
Have to laugh at the thought of a doctor taking one look at me and thinking: this girl needs a nose job!:lol:

I didn't realise. Hope you'r happy with your new nose.
I'm pretty chuffed just got my ticket's to see Steve Steinman at the tyne theatre.

needmoremeat 28 Nov 2006 20:02

Haven't seen new nose yet, it's under a mask and has splints up it and everything. all i can see is the swollen tip! Might see it on Thur when I go back to RVI to have it checked, or it could be another couple of weeks. Even then, it could be months before swelling goes down entirely and black eyes disappear:shock: Actually, theyre not black. More yellow.....:roll:


Anyway, thanks for listening:-)

Lord Kagan 28 Nov 2006 21:11

Ah well

AndyK 29 Nov 2006 11:10

It's Wednesday already.

Sue K 29 Nov 2006 11:13

... i seriously need a vacation... no... seriously ...

Hypnobabe 29 Nov 2006 18:06

I'll come with you Tink... Anywhere you fancy? The Carribbean, perhaps? See if Johnny's busy ;) ?

My thoughts...

Why me? Why now?

Chris 29 Nov 2006 19:42

It's date time.

Don't wait up.

Ankie 29 Nov 2006 20:23

If life get's more better then this, it is unlikely I will be able to handle it anymore...

LucyK! 29 Nov 2006 20:25

47 hours exactly.

RadioMaster 29 Nov 2006 20:35

is it december yet?

AndyK 29 Nov 2006 20:51

What day is it? (thought prompted by spending all afternoon thinking it was Friday tomorrow)

Sue K 30 Nov 2006 00:41


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 291447)
I'll come with you Tink... Anywhere you fancy? The Carribbean, perhaps? See if Johnny's busy ;) ?

My thoughts...

Why me? Why now?

luvvie?... i'd be happy just to be able to stay home ... lol ... and i'm nearly able to go there soon... ONE MORE HOUR !!!!!!!!! ... :pray: ... lol ...

Rockette 30 Nov 2006 00:45

This time of year is so depressing.
Another year over, but the war rages on.

geordieloaf 30 Nov 2006 00:45

Nearly midnight and i'm on here.
Got to get up at 6.

Rockette 30 Nov 2006 01:17

Great! Now Meat has cracked 'em big league! And all because of the divisive dissenters here who are spoiling for fight.

Sue K 30 Nov 2006 01:31


Originally Posted by Rockette (Post 291600)
Great! Now Meat has cracked 'em big league! And all because of the divisive dissenters here who are spoiling for fight.

i'm just spoiling for some FOOD... i wanna go home and eat my dinner ... :( ...

Rockette 30 Nov 2006 02:05


Originally Posted by tink (Post 291611)
i'm just spoiling for some FOOD... i wanna go home and eat my dinner ... :( ...

:D Thanks for putting the smile back on my face. HA HA HA HA

mszee 30 Nov 2006 02:09

I'm all out of thoughts...I'm so lost without you...

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 10:23

Thursday morning, and it's all quiet ...

RadioMaster 30 Nov 2006 13:35

I COURSE German Railways, they´re the biggest felons in the world!:angry:

The Flying Mouse 30 Nov 2006 14:08

:twisted: Well had a few days off the forum 8)
Good to be back in the mad house again :lol:

But as I always say, if you never leave, you can never come back :wink:

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 14:25

How can you have a meeting about collaboration, when none of the attendees can agree a time to hold the meeting?

The Flying Mouse 30 Nov 2006 14:49


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291728)
How can you have a meeting about collaboration, when none of the attendees can agree a time to hold the meeting?

:twisted: Ice cream.Offer them ice cream :up:


mszee 30 Nov 2006 15:05

Who am I? Why am I HERE???

The Flying Mouse 30 Nov 2006 15:43

:twisted: Why does it always take me ages to get ready to go ANYWHERE? :shock:

Right, got to run now, and hurry to get back to my PM box once i'm done.

needmoremeat 30 Nov 2006 20:12

Don't feel too good:(
Went outside today as had to go to hospital to check everything was OK after op, couldn't breathe due to the wind and nose being blocked. At least I know I won't be walking over the Wearmouth Bridge to uni any time soon, I'd die!
Also, item on ebay I'm bidding for looks like it could go right down to the wire in a fight after me being only bidder for over a week!:shock:

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 20:18

The things people put themselves through ...

Chris 30 Nov 2006 20:18

Why does it always rain in Manchestershire?

mszee 30 Nov 2006 20:29

According to Ace of Base...

Every time it rains...I get wet...:wtf:

mszee 30 Nov 2006 20:29


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291777)
The things people put themselves through ...

You can say THAT Again...on the other hand...don't...

needmoremeat 30 Nov 2006 22:06

AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Only 20 mins until item I'm bidding on ebay finishes, I'm terrified the other bidder will jump in at the last minute and claim it!:shock: :panic:

needmoremeat 30 Nov 2006 22:28

I lost!:( :evil:

duke knooby 30 Nov 2006 23:06

i thought about what to post

geordieloaf 30 Nov 2006 23:13

Why can't they cut the working week to i don't know 1 day?

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 23:33

I've got more socks than radiators!

LucyK! 30 Nov 2006 23:35

Your socks aren't as nice as my socks :))

RadioMaster 30 Nov 2006 23:35

is it december yet?

duke knooby 30 Nov 2006 23:36

gettin mighty close mr master

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 23:40

I've solved the sock to radiator ratio problem!

geordieloaf 30 Nov 2006 23:41


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291861)
I've solved the sock to radiator ratio problem!

Buy more radiator's or throw out some socks?

LucyK! 30 Nov 2006 23:42

Now take off the wet socks and find space on the radiator....honestly....

AndyK 30 Nov 2006 23:48

simpler solution than either of those two ... remembered the radiator in the bedroom!

geordieloaf 01 Dec 2006 00:19


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291866)
simpler solution than either of those two ... remembered the radiator in the bedroom!


AndyK 01 Dec 2006 00:21

it just proves my theory that every problem is a solution waiting to be found

Mick Loaf 01 Dec 2006 00:23

I'd like to not have to go to work tomorrow.

geordieloaf 01 Dec 2006 00:24


mszee 01 Dec 2006 00:25


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 291879)
it just proves my theory that every problem is a solution waiting to be found

So...if you can't find Coupe De Ville on the bottom of the Cracker Jack box...find another radiator???

Why haven't I thought of it earlier??? :shock:

Rockette 01 Dec 2006 04:41

Who would have thought newborn babies can actually talk to you?


AndyK 01 Dec 2006 10:05

Friday ... at last

Chris 01 Dec 2006 13:19

Since when did you need a valid passport to fly within a country!!!

AndyK 01 Dec 2006 13:21

If it's this country you need valid photographic ID. If your poassprt has expired then it's not a valid form of ID ...

Chris 01 Dec 2006 13:26

I asked if i could use my photo driving card and was told no, it must be a valid passport!!

AndyK 01 Dec 2006 13:32

It does depend on the individual airline, but the vast moajority (BA included) do not require a passport, and it's not a legal obligation.

Lord Kagan 01 Dec 2006 17:32

Shouldnt have got up so early

mszee 01 Dec 2006 17:40

Men are very strange creatures...:shock:

RadioMaster 01 Dec 2006 17:44

is it december yet?

mszee 01 Dec 2006 17:44


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 292063)
is it december yet?


RadioMaster 01 Dec 2006 17:47


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 292064)




december is the best month of the year!
starts with a three day weekend, several days off school, end of semester, birthday, cristmas, new years eve..................


Lord Kagan 01 Dec 2006 18:24

What you getting me for christmas then RJ? :p

RadioMaster 01 Dec 2006 19:16


needmoremeat 01 Dec 2006 20:03

Mmm...Cadbury's advent calendar!:drool:

mszee 02 Dec 2006 22:43

Is it May yet???

Sue K 03 Dec 2006 00:49


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 292106)

... hahaha... you got nosey me... lol... good one ... :faint: ...

geordieloaf 03 Dec 2006 00:51

Why am i not drunk on a saturday night?

JanT 03 Dec 2006 02:46

It's Saturday? Gawd I'm sooo drunk.

Sue K 03 Dec 2006 02:51

... i'm drinking too ... :coffee: ... lol ...

Rockette 03 Dec 2006 11:49

:shock: I have a drinking problem!
I drink more, but get drunk less. :shock:

:idea: Think I'll have another drink to think about this. :!:

Sue K 03 Dec 2006 12:09

... cheers ! ... :coffee: ...

Rockette 03 Dec 2006 12:11


Originally Posted by tink (Post 292651)
... cheers !

:D Is that back on TV??? :D I loved that show!

Sue K 03 Dec 2006 12:15


Originally Posted by Rockette (Post 292654)
:D Is that back on TV??? :D I loved that show!

i'm sure SOMEwhere in the world it is ! ... lol ...

Rockette 03 Dec 2006 12:20

Think I've slipped a rib earlier, mulching the garden debris.
6 rum and cokes, and 4 heavy duty pain killers aren't keeping the pain at bay for long either.
Who can I sue? I refuse to take responsibility for this travesty!

firefly 03 Dec 2006 13:37

Staying up until 2.30am is no good!
Soooooo tired!
Especially when you got to go to work at 5.30am.

Lord Kagan 03 Dec 2006 15:13


RadioMaster 03 Dec 2006 16:00

cold???? it´s ****ing warm for december the third!:nuts:


mszee 03 Dec 2006 16:20

Is it May yet?

Sue K 03 Dec 2006 16:25

... sunday ...

Rockette 04 Dec 2006 07:59

How do you get "Mondayitis" when you don't know what day it is?

AndyK 04 Dec 2006 16:00

If objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are, how come when you're looking straight ahead through the windscreen, those things in front of you seem so far away?

mszee 04 Dec 2006 16:01

And as I always said...if objects in a rearview mirror may appear closer than they are...aren't we all in deep crap???

JanT 04 Dec 2006 16:14

Wonder if it will snow on Christmas Day.

LucyK! 04 Dec 2006 18:52

Bah Humbug.

Lord Kagan 04 Dec 2006 19:00

Huffy :p

geordieloaf 04 Dec 2006 19:10

I'm getting into the crimbo spirit. My jingle bells are now ringing! :lol:

mszee 04 Dec 2006 19:52


Originally Posted by geordieloaf (Post 293006)
I'm getting into the crimbo spirit. My jingle bells are now ringing! :lol:

Jeez...and all this time I thought those are voices in my head...:-)

AndyK 04 Dec 2006 20:02

When the phone isn't being connected until tomorrow, how an earth can it ring this evening with someone on the other end offering to sell me double glazing?

The Flying Mouse 04 Dec 2006 20:03


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 293033)
When the phone isn't being connected until tomorrow, how an earth can it ring this evening with someone on the other end offering to sell me double glazing?

:twisted: They have ways Andy :bleh:

mszee 04 Dec 2006 20:04


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 293033)
When the phone isn't being connected until tomorrow, how an earth can it ring this evening with someone on the other end offering to sell me double glazing?

:oops: I didn't do it...I promise you...wasn't me...:oops:

LucyK! 04 Dec 2006 20:06

Someone's protesting too much...

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