batcity |
20 Feb 2013 22:49 |
The new approved and (hopefully happier if tablets work) Batcity Returns
Hi all, well been and long time, Thank you to Monstro And Andy for letting me back on; let the just say Sorry to anyone I offended or upset, i guess loads of people lost their trust in me!!!.. understandably... For me being back is kinda a godsend... I have depression and been on loads of tablets, although latter the tablets don't seem to be working (one day they'll get it right), my psychologist had gave me all this rubbish and cds to listen too to calm me, didnt work, did diaries and stuff... in the end, she discharged me saying theirs nothing wrong with me (funny why am I on anti depressions tablets then and have been for nearly five years), anyway, Mandy (my wife is fine) and Laurieann is great (she's 4 this year).. me, Still work at Argos, put dont go much on the customer service side as I get stressed and make mistakes.. so i'm upstairs and make mistakes instead (not really!!!). Whats major has happen well last year on our 1st wedding anniversary I was out walking with my dad, and I fell 25ft from the cliff (could of been worse as 200ft drop, but I managed to grab hold of something), didnt need emergency services, I was dazed, and climbed back up... my dad asked me if I wanted to continue.. we'd already done 6 miles... so We continued... but, I drove 50 miles home in pain as (ribs hurt like a ~~~~~~, and couldnt really moved my right foot, guess strained the tendon) with my dad in the passenger seat.. I hid the fact I was in pain, dropped my dad off, mandy didnt tell me off she was concerned... took some parcetmols and went to bed, went to A&E, next day, yep three bruised ribs and strained tendon..... anyway ok now... anyway been boring you for a while now, its good to be back... yes going to see meat at nottingham for the last time, reason I thought I d go is because I'll regret it if I dont... anyway hello again