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Ageing Bat 07 Dec 2006 15:04

Flipping bored rigid...... loads to do, but can I be bothered?...... nah!

Lord Kagan 07 Dec 2006 15:56


Hypnobabe 07 Dec 2006 17:56

Okay... results are in...

VERY slight intolerance to cheese and yeast, and slightly lacking in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin c...

Basically, I've been told to cut down on the carbs and sugar, cut out yeast and cheese, (so that means alcohol too) and eat more veg....

Sounds like I'm in for a fun Christmas :(

mszee 07 Dec 2006 18:26


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 294267)
Okay... results are in...

VERY slight intolerance to cheese and yeast, and slightly lacking in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin c...

Basically, I've been told to cut down on the carbs and sugar, cut out yeast and cheese, (so that means alcohol too) and eat more veg....

Sounds like I'm in for a fun Christmas :(

My condolences...hope you're all better by May!!! Need a drinking partner!!!

mszee 07 Dec 2006 18:26


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 294186) :shock:

And you would know this for a fact because....????

AndyK 07 Dec 2006 18:48


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 294273)
And you would know this for a fact because....????

She knows.

Trust me you'll know when you've been moderated ... anyone remember the Tango adverts? :twisted:

mszee 07 Dec 2006 18:56

Addressed to nobody in particular...

This place is full of mind readers...hmmmm...

LucyK! 07 Dec 2006 18:57

Zina that's aimed at me and you know it.

Grow up.

mszee 07 Dec 2006 18:59


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 294281)
She knows.

Trust me you'll know when you've been moderated ... anyone remember the Tango adverts? :twisted:

I understand...or do I??? ;)

I do prefer though to hear from a person who my post was most obviously addressed to...and speaking about moderation...preferably from a moderator...

As it is, of course, it was a joke and didn't deserve ANY answer...much less a serious one...

Don't know anything about Tango adverts...I am not from around to elaborate?

mszee 07 Dec 2006 19:00


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 294284)
Zina that's aimed at me and you know it.

Grow up.

Actually, it wasn't...I am not afraid to aim things to whoever I am aiming them I would kindly suggest that you refrain from being rude...

AndyK 07 Dec 2006 19:02

Which is why, if you were being moderated you would be notifed via the appropriate methods.

The end of the bickering!

As for Tango, google is your friend until I've walked the dog

LucyK! 07 Dec 2006 19:04


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 294286)
Actually, it wasn't...I am not afraid to aim things to whoever I am aiming them I would kindly suggest that you refrain from being rude...

Zina, you asked me how I knew something for a fact and then posted that the place is full of mind readers, please don't insult my intelligence

mszee 07 Dec 2006 19:06


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 294289)
Zina, you asked me how I knew something for a fact and then posted that the place is full of mind readers, please don't insult my intelligence

Actually...I am not...and no, post STILL wasn't about you...

Since I've started "preserving the peace" thread...let me listen to my own advice and walk away from this a better and bigger person...


needmoremeat 07 Dec 2006 20:01

My nose is hurting so much!:( Has been alright for a few days but is killing me now. It's not even 7 o clock and I'm already on my last allowed dose of painkillers for today. Maybe another half hour before I take any should carry me through to midnight. Roll on next Thursday when I get mask and splints off my face.:|

Chris 07 Dec 2006 20:06


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 294267)
Okay... results are in...

VERY slight intolerance to cheese and yeast, and slightly lacking in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin c...

Basically, I've been told to cut down on the carbs and sugar, cut out yeast and cheese, (so that means alcohol too) and eat more veg....

Sounds like I'm in for a fun Christmas :(

The cheese allergy is a right beggar to deal with.

Especially given the number of restaurants where you specifically say no cheese, they bring the burger (for example) with cheese, you point it out and they go back to the kitchen and merely scrape the cheese off. :?

L96 07 Dec 2006 20:41


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 294291)
Actually...Let me listen to my own advice and walk away from this a better and bigger person...


What, you don't want a goldfish?


mszee 07 Dec 2006 20:42


Originally Posted by L96 (Post 294315)
What, you don't want a goldfish?


NO...goldfish freaks me out...:oops:

L96 07 Dec 2006 20:52

Do they really? :shock:

You're right, there really should be an alternative choice... how about a fluffy teddy bear? :D

mszee 07 Dec 2006 20:53


Originally Posted by L96 (Post 294317)
Do they really? :shock:

You're right, there really should be an alternative choice... how about a fluffy teddy bear? :D can send me one if you remember my mailing address ;)

Lord Kagan 07 Dec 2006 21:08


mszee 07 Dec 2006 21:14


Originally Posted by Lord Kagan (Post 294321)

I thought we were discussing Christmas presents???

L96 07 Dec 2006 21:23

Bah humbug.

And no, I can't remember your mailing address. :-(

mszee 07 Dec 2006 21:29


Originally Posted by L96 (Post 294327)
Bah humbug.

And no, I can't remember your mailing address. :-(

If you're sending me a gift...I can PM it to you...hate mail - please use e-mail..I forget to check it anyway...

Chris 07 Dec 2006 21:43


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 294329)
If you're sending me a gift...I can PM it to you...hate mail - please use e-mail..I forget to check it anyway...


can you pm it to me please?
got your chrissie present sat here.:cool:

L96 08 Dec 2006 07:28


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 294329)
If you're sending me a gift...I can PM it to you...hate mail - please use e-mail..I forget to check it anyway...

How the hell do you propose that I email you a package? :shock:

AndyK 08 Dec 2006 12:34


geordieloaf 08 Dec 2006 12:50

I'm off work untill tuesday and then i'm only in for half a day.
Can't stop smiling. :D

Chris 08 Dec 2006 13:38

Don't you just hate the days when you have to go to have champagne for lunch?

mszee 08 Dec 2006 14:23


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 294467)
Don't you just hate the days when you have to go to have champagne for lunch?

Can't STAND those days!!! ;)

mszee 08 Dec 2006 14:33


Originally Posted by L96 (Post 294425)
How the hell do you propose that I email you a package? :shock:

NO...I said...hate mail goes to e-mail...packages...if you have any...will give you address...

vrg 08 Dec 2006 16:10


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 294267)
Okay... results are in...

VERY slight intolerance to cheese and yeast, and slightly lacking in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin c...

Basically, I've been told to cut down on the carbs and sugar, cut out yeast and cheese, (so that means alcohol too) and eat more veg....

Sounds like I'm in for a fun Christmas :(

Is the cheese intolerance actually a lactose intolerance? I have to take lactose pills if I want to comfortably eat cheese, and drink Lactaid milk.

That's a bummer about Christmas on the yeast end.

Lord Kagan 08 Dec 2006 16:19

How the hell did i cut myself.. my shirt sleeve is all red..

Rockette 08 Dec 2006 23:36

A Christmas shirt perhaps??
Hope it's not serious though.

JanT 09 Dec 2006 00:10

Didn't realise Country Music sounded so good. :yikes: Maybe it's my age :shock:

AndyK 09 Dec 2006 01:24


Rockette 09 Dec 2006 07:05


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 294601)
Didn't realise Country Music sounded so good. :yikes: Maybe it's my age :shock:

:shock: Maybe you're going deaf, and/or someone is unfairly coercing you. :twisted:

Sue K 09 Dec 2006 10:47

... i'm glad i don't have to go to the office today ...

Rockette 09 Dec 2006 11:19

My head hurts too much to have any thoughts

AndyK 09 Dec 2006 12:20

Who'd have thought that putting socks on could be such a struggle, but such good physio?

LucyK! 09 Dec 2006 12:59

Far too cold for that outfit...shall have to have a re-think

Ankie 09 Dec 2006 13:56

Didn't ever dare to ''Rock and Roll Dream'' about such circumstances, and yet it did come true....

Hope I will be able to Really Enjoy it soon!

mszee 09 Dec 2006 17:04

What do I need Yahoo messenger for??? :shock:

geordieloaf 09 Dec 2006 21:30

I'm not drinking on an afternoon anymore. Got a splitting headace and i've got to watch the brat i mean my lovely daughter while the missus has here xmas party. :(

needmoremeat 09 Dec 2006 21:44

Just realised today how good the speaker system in the family car is. We went to Houghton so Mam could take some stuff back to Woolies, I came along for osme fresh air and stayed in car while parents went to shop. Took Bat 3 with me to listen to, and when we were parked, no engine running, no tarmac rumbling, sitting in a small enclosed space with BAAB, IACB and BFG blasting, it was awesome!:D Floor and doors were shaking, there are six speakers in car!
It's a Citroen Xsara Picasso Desire, in case you're wondering!;)
Wish Sunderland still had a Woolies:( :evil: What kind of city with over 300,000 people doesn't have a Woolies?!:shrug:

Sue K 09 Dec 2006 22:20

... POTC2 made me cry ... :( ...

Lord Kagan 09 Dec 2006 23:29

Stupid MSN..

luk.out.of.hell 10 Dec 2006 00:16

Kerry Weaver is the best female charakter in Emergency Room!!!:-P

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 01:13

I'm looking forward to watching Pirates 2 in bed

Rockette 10 Dec 2006 01:14

I usually watch the inside of my eyelids in bed. :o)

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 01:15

I would if I could get the dvd player wired in lol

Rockette 10 Dec 2006 01:15


JanT 10 Dec 2006 01:17

When are we going to have a rain-free day?

Rockette 10 Dec 2006 01:19

perhaps when we have a bushfire free day of less than 100 degrees without strong hot northerlies blowing.

mszee 10 Dec 2006 05:32

The future just isn't what it used to be...

Rockette 10 Dec 2006 12:46

One rant a night should do it, but I'd love a second.

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 12:48

I wish I hadn't watched Pirates OTC 2 in bed last night, what a waste of money!!!! I hate those trilogy films when the second one is just setting the story for the third, brings back wonderful memories of watching Matrix 2.

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 13:02

but the third will have the legend that is Keith Richards in it :))

Debating whether to try and get some more Christmas shopping done ...

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 13:03

Christmas??? Shopping???? Got the terrible feeling that I've missed doing something I really should have!!!!!!!

LucyK! 10 Dec 2006 13:23

I remember why moving out of Teesside was a good thing!

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 13:25


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 295193)
I remember why moving out of Teesside was a good thing!

Is it ever a bad thing???????

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 13:33

Having spent three years in that godforsaken place, I can testify that the best thing to come out of Teesside is the A19 south into Yorkshire ... :))

LucyK! 10 Dec 2006 13:44

Amen to that!

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 14:07

Now if you'd gone North....................

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 14:08

I'd have kept going till I reached the highlands ...

LucyK! 10 Dec 2006 14:10

Pick me up on the way hon!

geordieloaf 10 Dec 2006 14:51

And miss the greatest city in the uk NEWCASTLE. :D
Agree Teeside is the most depressing place in the uk. :(

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 15:40

I think I may be about to commit a crime ...

needmoremeat 10 Dec 2006 16:15


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 295203)
Having spent three years in that godforsaken place, I can testify that the best thing to come out of Teesside is the A19 south into Yorkshire ... :))

That's what people in Sunderland say about the A1 out of Newcastle!:lmao:

Just been outbid on another Bat II LP on ebay:(

geordieloaf 10 Dec 2006 17:31


Originally Posted by needmoremeat (Post 295229)
That's what people in Sunderland say about the A1 out of Newcastle!:lmao:

Just been outbid on another Bat II LP on ebay:(

You should do what i do and wait till about 30 seconds are left then put your bid. Started doing this after the same thing was happening to me all the time.

Ps We've got a woolies you haven't. :lol:

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 20:09


Originally Posted by needmoremeat (Post 295229)
That's what people in Sunderland say about the A1 out of Newcastle!:lmao:

Unless of course you're going up it because we've got a woolies and you haven't!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Ps, I've got normal vinyl, pic disc and white label copy of Bat 2, were these not available in Sunderland????????

needmoremeat 10 Dec 2006 20:27


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 295308)
Unless of course you're going up it because we've got a woolies and you haven't!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Ps, I've got normal vinyl, pic disc and white label copy of Bat 2, were these not available in Sunderland????????

If they were, what am I doing bidding on ebay for them?:lol: They're not available in newcastle, either, I've looked!:-P The three floor HMV they've got didn't have BFG on CD, either, but Sunderland's little one floor store did! And found BFG vinyl in tiny shop next to our interchange, too.:mrgreen:

Have just learned that the Head of Year of my sixth form at secondary school died on Friday:( This has really shocked me, absolutely knocked me for six!:cry: She was a lovely person. May she rest in peace.

mszee 10 Dec 2006 20:28

Where is that damned wall that I can hit my head on, crack it open in order not to have anymore thoughts???

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 22:09

Must make a mental note to concentrate more in the local late shop ... so that I don't buy non-alcoholic beer again! :yikes:

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:10


Picks himself up off floor and starts laughing uncontrolably

mszee 10 Dec 2006 22:10


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 295360)
Must make a mental note to concentrate more in the local late shop ... so that I don't buy non-alcoholic beer again! :yikes:

*Stops hitting her head on the wall and waits for Andy to start that great exercise*

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 22:12

This cask strength 25 yr old Macallan Malt is far nicer anyway :))

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:15

Your turn to pass the bottle m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mszee 10 Dec 2006 22:15

*Goes back to banging her head on the wall*

Ankie 10 Dec 2006 22:17


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 295360)
Must make a mental note to concentrate more in the local late shop ... so that I don't buy non-alcoholic beer again! :yikes:

I know your back is really killing you, Andy, but despite realising that, I can not stop laughing here ;) :D

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:18

Please do it quietly, Andy and I are savouring the joyous delights of a well matured Scotch

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 22:18

Some things are not for sharing ... sorry

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:19


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 295372)
Some things are not for sharing ... sorry


<<<Locks his booze cabinet up!!!!!!!!

mszee 10 Dec 2006 22:21

*Bangs even louder to drown out ALL the males of the Universe*

AndyK 10 Dec 2006 22:22

there is of course the trade situation, what you offering?

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:25

A trip to the whisky bar in London next May?????

Chris 10 Dec 2006 22:31

MrsChris is knitting things for people for xmas.
She has just rung to say she has done me a balaclarva - but forgot to put in mouth/eye holes!
I wonder if she is trying to tell me something.

Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:37

No comment Chris lol

Lord Kagan 10 Dec 2006 22:55


AndyK 10 Dec 2006 22:57


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 295383)
A trip to the whisky bar in London next May?????


Monstro 10 Dec 2006 22:59

Apparently it's in Green Street and sells nothing but lol

Rockette 11 Dec 2006 01:02

Ignorance is bliss! So ignore me all you want. ;)

Monstro 11 Dec 2006 09:49

My head hurts

needmoremeat 11 Dec 2006 10:06


Originally Posted by Lord Kagan (Post 295422)


Sue K 11 Dec 2006 10:16

... it's monday morn again... and again ... i don't want to face reality ... :( ...

firefly 11 Dec 2006 12:37

I HATE Monday's!!!
Had a really bad day in work:(

Rockette 11 Dec 2006 15:55

I close the door on reality, and it comes in through the windows.

LucyK! 11 Dec 2006 17:22

Oops!! It's massive!!

Lord Kagan 11 Dec 2006 18:45

Ty Lucy :p

JanT 11 Dec 2006 18:49

Roll on Christmas time, the kids will be with their dad and I get to stay at home with the cat and the dog. Must teach Abbey to blow one of those annoying blowey things.

AndyK 11 Dec 2006 19:11

I can sense another crime being committed in the future ...

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