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Chris 03 Jul 2005 23:10


Were there ever any stars in the sky
Did the sun ever shine so bright?
Do you have any dreams I could borrow
Just to get me through the lonely night?

Is there anything left to hold on to
When the rivers wash it all away?
Is there anyone left to hold on to
Is there anything left I can say?

Cathie 04 Jul 2005 21:20

You will fly and you will crawl
God knows even angels fall...

Gez 05 Jul 2005 00:54

Steps had their moment :whistle:

Ageing Bat 05 Jul 2005 15:47

:bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker: I don't often blow my top, but someone at work has pushed me over the edge today......... I'm fuming, absolutely fuming. She just would not let the subject drop, so oh boy did she cop the lot from me. Grrrrrrr. :bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

Sorry keyboard, didn't mean to thump your keys so hard

SuperLoafMan 05 Jul 2005 16:05

You go Ageing Bat!! Hope you gave her a good old ear bashin!!! ;)

Bren 05 Jul 2005 23:09

where is everybody tonight?........'tis quiet here...

dottie 05 Jul 2005 23:24

Happy Thoughts and Feelings........

Been a long time coming, but hopefully their here to stay...............

Terri 07 Jul 2005 00:42

:bunny: Wohoooooo 9 more days to go :cool:

Skeleton 07 Jul 2005 11:31

I´m back! If I would be smart I could sunbath all week.. It was really sunny here... My working hours was 11 p.m to 8 a.m... So I had lots of spare time.. But what I did: play table tennis... :lol: I could have I nice tan now.. :roll: It was really nice camp..

Ageing Bat 07 Jul 2005 14:14

Haven't got a stroke of work done this morning. Fallen Angel 1000 was heading down to stay with me before the Leeds Castle concert. Thank God she was on a later train heading into Kings Cross. Have been frantically trying to get her to somewhere safe. Last message from her was that she's heading towards SultonFan. This community is a wonderful place.

Can't concentrate at all now. Those poor people in London. My God there are some wicked people on this earth.

SuperLoafMan 07 Jul 2005 14:17


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Haven't got a stroke of work done this morning. Fallen Angel 1000 was heading down to stay with me before the Leeds Castle concert. Thank God she was on a later train heading into Kings Cross. Have been frantically trying to get her to somewhere safe. Last message from her was that she's heading towards SultonFan. This community is a wonderful place.

Can't concentrate at all now. Those poor people in London. My God there are some wicked people on this earth.

I am so glad Sharon is ok too....

Thanks to sultonFan she is stoping there isnt she Ageing Bat, well thats what she said in her last text,

My heart goes out to all the people who were injured and the 2 have have been confirmed dead and all other casualties, It is disgustingthat this can happen,

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Jul 2005 18:26

:yikes: :doh: 8-O

Skeleton 08 Jul 2005 12:25

When I heard from this terror attack I was so worried about my friends in London.. My symphaty is with all these people who are injured or their loved ones are.. This is so horrible... :(

Gez 09 Jul 2005 20:47


Bren 09 Jul 2005 22:44

:roll: .....concerned......

Terri 09 Jul 2005 23:12

Hope everythings ok Bren

Bren 10 Jul 2005 11:46

fine thanks Terri :D

Gez 10 Jul 2005 21:25

Liverpool 12th, flying down, hotel, drink M&G.........PARTY :hic: :cheers: :cheer: :cheer:

Tim 10 Jul 2005 23:19

...happy, happy, joy, joy...

Terri 10 Jul 2005 23:32

Why does it take a whole day to clean & tidy a house, when it only takes a couple of hours (if that :roll: ) to get untidy :?
Oh what fun :roll:

Bren 11 Jul 2005 00:12


Originally Posted by Tim
...happy, happy, joy, joy...

:D glad to hear that

Bren 11 Jul 2005 00:13


Originally Posted by Terri
Why does it take a whole day to clean & tidy a house, when it only takes a couple of hours (if that :roll: ) to get untidy :?
Oh what fun :roll:

i know the feeling Terri :lol:

Ageing Bat 15 Jul 2005 10:04

Oh goodie, nearly the weekend! And nothing planned, for once!

Terri 16 Jul 2005 11:26

My first Meat Concert :shock: still cant believe I was REALLY THERE :shock: .....but I was, :cool: an it was great!
No correction, it was better than great :lol: :cool:

Still havent come down to earth yet :lol: Dunno if I ever will ;)

needmoremeat 16 Jul 2005 13:22

Only one more concert left, then it's MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He! He! He! He! He!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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