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mszee 23 Jun 2007 00:21


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 351129)
great night, every important person of the city was there, pics later :))

Congrats, RJ...enjoy your vacation!!!

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 00:25

yes enjoy your vacination lol

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:18


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 351129)
great night, every important person of the city was there, pics later :))

I'm ompotent and I wasn't there!!!!!!!!!!

That was a joke b4 all you post it lol

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:19

Did I miss chat tonight or did it not happen, I was on t'phone to t'other half

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 02:20

like omnipresent? or ubiquitous?

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 02:20

u missed it

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:22

Was it worth missing or did I miss gossip that I'll regret not being part of?

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 02:24

it was a good wan

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:28

Sorry but you need a name change.....please ask R to change your name to Knooby Doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 02:30

away and ~~~~ yourself, no offence

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:30

I did choose Knooby remember

duke knooby 23 Jun 2007 02:31


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 351188)
I did choose Knooby remember

this isnt blind date you know!!!!!!

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:34


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 351187)
away and ~~~~ yourself, no offence

That should read "Haddaway And Shite Man" lol

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:34


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 351189)
this isnt blind date you know!!!!!!

No way, I've met you lol

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:36

Hold the phone..........SW31 (Chris) ain't been here tonight

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:37

All the really daft threads aint been posted on

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:37

must be serious, hope he's ok

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 02:38

either that or he's just TOO pissed to post lol

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 03:39

You know you're on one when the neighbours phone you to complain!!!!!!!

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 03:39

They must have something against Meat lol

AndyK 23 Jun 2007 03:41


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 350946)
Ok you asked for it but those house proud people should probably look away!!

And it gets worse!!!

Ok i warned you!!!

Fantastic!!! Now I don't ever need to feel bad about the state of Loaf Towers in Cheadle!!!


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 350981)
Two and a half hours, 3 bags of rubbish and 6 bags for charity later heres the after photos!!!

Admit it ... you just moved house didn't you?

Monstro 23 Jun 2007 03:43


Monstro 23 Jun 2007 03:43

~~~~~~, off to .net to delete the [post I just posted

MeatGrl1 23 Jun 2007 04:12


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 350946)
Ok you asked for it but those house proud people should probably look away!!

And it gets worse!!!

Ok i warned you!!!

Oh dear Em !!
When you told me you didn't want to do the housework I didn't really understand why... Now I do !! I would hate to have clutter like that everywhere, :lmao: ! Good luck with getting it cleared up luv :roll::cool::lol: !

mszee 23 Jun 2007 04:15


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 351211)
Oh dear Em !!
When you told me you didn't want to do the housework I didn't really understand why... Now I do !! I would hate to have clutter like that everywhere, :lmao: ! Good luck with getting it cleared up luv :roll::cool::lol: !

Emma...she already did...look at other pictures...

Emma Samcat is a fantastic housekeeper...I am seriously thinking of bringing her as illegal here...

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