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Guy 16 Mar 2016 19:57

Roofer at work today fell 25ft through an asbestos roof.
Broken his back and in a bad way.
HSE day tomorrow.
:0 (

tonyloaf 16 Mar 2016 21:46

That's nasty !

tonyloaf 16 Mar 2016 21:46

On route to Jakarta

Guy 26 Mar 2016 00:57

Poor and destitute

tonyloaf 03 Apr 2016 14:15

Get on the coach in Toronto and AFL is on radio full blast ! Love it!

chairboys 03 Apr 2016 17:53

Carpenter required to build a trophy cabinet

Guy 03 Apr 2016 23:06


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 612598)
Carpenter required to build a trophy cabinet

Blow the dust off mine if you like?

Julie in the rv mirror 06 Apr 2016 01:57

If people are going to post fake reviews on Ticketmaster, they should at least spend five minutes with Google to make sure they get the details right, like the date of the show, or the correct spelling of the performer's name. :roll: At least they make for some entertaining reading- I especially liked the one that said they gave the tickets away, but then proceeded to post a one-star review of the show they didn't see. :lol:

Sebastian. 09 Apr 2016 17:20

People who say Springsteen should quit politics and stick to music probably have never heard a Springsteen song.

Monstro 09 Apr 2016 20:11


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612644)
People who say Springsteen should quit politics and stick to music probably have never heard a Springsteen song.

Begs the question though as to why he booked there in the first place?

Julie in the rv mirror 09 Apr 2016 21:29


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 612645)
Begs the question though as to why he booked there in the first place?

The law was only passed a couple of weeks ago (long after the tickets went on sale), and, from what I understand, somewhat sneakily.

I agree with the cause, and I'm proud of him for taking a stand (I don't doubt Steve Van Zandt had some significant input), but I feel bad for the fans who are losing out through no fault of their own.

Julie in the rv mirror 09 Apr 2016 21:38


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612644)
People who say Springsteen should quit politics and stick to music probably have never heard a Springsteen song.

Look at the comments on almost any article online about Bruce, and you will see people bashing him for his political views who are clearly clueless about his music, and what he stands for. Those are the very kinds of people who get laws like the one in North Carolina passed. I find myself shocked and appalled to find out some of the opinions and attitudes that people hold in this country, at this point in time.

Monstro 09 Apr 2016 22:32


Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror (Post 612646)
The law was only passed a couple of weeks ago (long after the tickets went on sale), and, from what I understand, somewhat sneakily.

But as an outsider my understanding was that the idiots that made this law were elected last year and this was part of their mandate?

Julie in the rv mirror 09 Apr 2016 22:40


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 612648)
But as an outsider my understanding was that the idiots that made this law were elected last year and this was part of their mandate?

Well, that may be true- I confess that I don't know all the details. Still, wanting to pass a particular legislation and actually doing it are two different things.

tonyloaf 09 Apr 2016 23:09


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612644)
People who say Springsteen should quit politics and stick to music probably have never heard a Springsteen song.

tho i do feel sorry for the people who have worked hard to save up and buy a ticket for this show

anotherday 09 Apr 2016 23:10

ONE WEEK FROM TODAY: My Fiance and I see MEAT LOAF!!!!!!!

Sebastian. 09 Apr 2016 23:15


Originally Posted by tonyloaf (Post 612650)
tho i do feel sorry for the people who have worked hard to save up and buy a ticket for this show

Same mate! But his really serious fans are so understanding and if I lived in NC I think I would understand too.

Sebastian. 09 Apr 2016 23:20


Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror (Post 612647)
Look at the comments on almost any article online about Bruce, and you will see people bashing him for his political views who are clearly clueless about his music, and what he stands for. Those are the very kinds of people who get laws like the one in North Carolina passed. I find myself shocked and appalled to find out some of the opinions and attitudes that people hold in this country, at this point in time.

Best comment I saw went like this:

Redneck: Probably cancelled as he sold no tickets!
Real fan: He sold 15,000 tickets
Redneck: Probably too scared of the crowds!!!!

Julie in the rv mirror 09 Apr 2016 23:54


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612653)
Best comment I saw went like this:

Redneck: Probably cancelled as he sold no tickets!
Real fan: He sold 15,000 tickets
Redneck: Probably too scared of the crowds!!!!

Exactly! Too funny! :lol: (How sad am I, though, that I'm looking to see if I know anyone in that picture. :oops: ;) Lol)


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612652)
Same mate! But his really serious fans are so understanding and if I lived in NC I think I would understand too.

Well, many of them are understanding, but not all. Refunds are being given for the concert tickets, but many people travel to see him, and at this late date are out for flights, hotels, etc. As these people don't live in NC, they don't vote in that state, so don't even have the recourse of voting the bigots out of office. I understand that's the chance you take when you choose to travel to a show, but I also empathize with those who lost out. (I had no plans to go to this show, but something similar could have happened to me.) Some fans don't disagree with the cancellation, but are angry that it didn't happen sooner so that they might be able to change plans and/or recoup some of their travel expenses- I don't blame them. Even for some local fans, this might have been their only opportunity to see a show, or it's too late now for them to make alternate plans. People are upset, and I understand that.

What surprises/scares me are the people who say they are fans, but then put forth narrow-minded, bigoted attitudes. I realize that people are able to separate politics from the music they like, but it's always been present in Bruce's, to some degree, and I know he didn't make this decision lightly.

Sebastian. 10 Apr 2016 00:09

I understand fans disappointment as I've had cancelled shows on the past. But it's always a risk I know it's less so with Bruce. Maybe that understanding has been drilled into me more being in the RAF as even this week I've been told I may miss Bruce in London (unlikely guys) and will miss other trying due to the force.

Julie in the rv mirror 10 Apr 2016 00:38


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 612655)
I understand fans disappointment as I've had cancelled shows on the past. But it's always a risk I know it's less so with Bruce.

That's true- it's very rare for him to cancel a show, and I only know of one in recent years that wasn't just postponed and made up. I think that's part of the shock people are feeling- I know I was stunned. But yes, it's always a risk.

When this tour was announced, some of us were talking/joking about the wisdom of touring in Northern states in the dead of Winter; sure enough, one of the NYC shows had to be postponed due to a huge blizzard. Many traveling fans lost out that time as well. The difference is, that was circumstances beyond Bruce's control- this is not.

duke knooby 10 Apr 2016 02:41

cocodamol plus alcohol equals pain gone but a stupid decision

chairboys 11 Apr 2016 06:01

IMO Bruce was wrong to cancel. There is a time and place to make your point and it isn't by cancelling a rock gig.
Imagine the headline "Loaf refuses Wembley show in support of threatened toads on canal development."

AndrewG 11 Apr 2016 10:42


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 612659)
IMO Bruce was wrong to cancel. There is a time and place to make your point and it isn't by cancelling a rock gig.
Imagine the headline "Loaf refuses Wembley show in support of threatened toads on canal development."

The problem with the attitude is now everybody is jumping on the cancellation bandwagon:

And soon I'm sure it will be seen if you don't do that you are a bad person yourself like many claim the law makers are.

And also it is a movement obviously orchestrated/directed by the media in many ways I reckon. Had there not been Caitlyn Jenner, Matrix sisters would this even have been happening? No one protested when the UK government went ahead with yet more bombing in Syria. How well has that policy worked out for mankind. No one cares because it is no longer topical to think that way it seems. The media doesn't care anymore because it is an on-going issue, so easy to ignore. Meanwhile there probably isn't a single toilet left in one piece in many places in Syria let alone a unisex one.

They interviewed a transgender about what her thoughts were on Sky News and she lives in Brighton (why the LGBT movement needs to center in one town I don't get) and of course she found the law uncomfortable. Sure I get that but would she ever have been travelling to North Carolina in the first place. How about the prejudice laws in Saudi Arabia? Are those fine for this transgender in Brighton. How come Saudi Arabia is allowed to be on the United Nations human rights council? How many artists are protesting against that one? Is it fine because the culture is different and they pump billions of gallons of oil out of the ground? Why is the culture not allowed to be different in North Carolina? These are complex matters I think. Transgenderism is complex too. The law is about people using the bathroom based on the gender on their birth certificate (doesn't sound unreasonable to me for the majority of people in society and you can change your birth certificate also in NC if you change your gender). If this still harms some people then the quickest solution for those excluded to feel comfortable would be to re-label all disabled toilets as a unisex / privacy / disabled toilet surely and force all larger public venues to have these. Or is that a too practical / discriminative solution?

I just think this is all a bit over the top, the issue (which is complex and you can never satisfy everyone) and the reaction to it. There are uncomfortable places and laws all over the world for everyone. I didn't particularly felt comfortable traveling to Dubai. I can't stand religion. I find it offence, stupid and terrible that children get indoctrinated so young without any choice or counter argument. I feel I'm not allowed to discuss this usually because those words seem to hurt people more than any others at times and you can even get arrested (even in Britain) for simply challenging one's believes. It gets seen as harassment. Hmmm. But I have to put up with that in society and just get on with things too.

Bruce used to stand up for the working man. I think a vast majority could identify with that. If you are going to start standing up for minorities and the majority loses out because of that it really becomes more questionable or less admirable to a lot of people in my opinion. This is to be expected.

But good luck to the social justice warriors and also good luck to those trying to go to shows who live in a more religious/different area. Perhaps it would be best for Bruce to only play in democrat areas near the coast lines in the States? I hope everyone gets what they want in the end regardless. Where that is difficult is in areas of opposing views "I want society to stick to my Bible teachings"/"I want society to not stick to Bible teachings at all".

A Bruce show is more than just a rock show and these days one has to spend a lot more than just rock show money to go and see him.

Julie in the rv mirror 11 Apr 2016 18:05

People are focused on the bathroom part of the bill because that's what's in the headlines, and let's face it- it's a stupid law because there's no way they're ever going to enforce it. Are they going to ask people to produce a birth certificate in order to enter a restroom? But the bill is also about something far more important- it prevents municipalities within the state from passing laws that prohibit discrimination. For example, it takes away the right of a person to sue if they are fired from their job based solely on their sexual orientation.

Andrew, you state that you "can't stand" religion, which is your right; the Mississippi law allows businesses to deny services based on religious grounds. As such, opposition of the law seems in line with your own views (IMO).

As far as other artists or businesses "jumping on the bandwagon", that's the whole point. This is in effect an economic boycott. If someone doesn't put a foot down at some point, it can become a slippery slope. Steve Van Zandt spoke about this a few days ago:

YouTube Video

Julie in the rv mirror 11 Apr 2016 18:16


Originally Posted by AndrewG
Sure I get that but would she ever have been travelling to North Carolina in the first place.

Maybe or maybe not, but does that matter? Can a person not feel one way or another about a law unless it affects them personally?


Originally Posted by AndrewG
Why is the culture not allowed to be different in North Carolina?

This isn't about the culture, it's about the law. North Carolina isn't a sovereign nation.

AndrewG 12 Apr 2016 03:21


Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror (Post 612661)

Andrew, you state that you "can't stand" religion, which is your right; the Mississippi law allows businesses to deny services based on religious grounds. As such, opposition of the law seems in line with your own views (IMO).

Just because I don't like religion doesn't mean to say I would want to see all
Christian owners of B&Bs in Mississippi be forced to burn their bibles and forced to have transgenders run naked through their toilets as punishment. There was a guy in the 1930s who started a quick movement against a religion over here in Europe and blamed its believers for everything wrong in society. That didn't end so well for everyone.

The truth of the matter is transgenderism, religion, laws about toilets and laws in general and their interpretation are immensely complicated. Whether the NC law was written up with real malicious intent I do not know. I think again media tries to paint a skewed picture of that. One will say it is good and the other will say it is the worst thing in the history of the USA. Promoting nuclear family is not wrong either, in fact evolution shows that it helped mankind tremendously. So there are a lot of things covered in the bill, the reaction to it, the supporters and the protests that won't simply change through the abolition of the bill itself I reckon. I can sympathise with the against camp if one is a member of the LGBT community this law perhaps marginalises him/her in specific ways. I can also sympathise with some of the law support camp who say they wouldn't want a man go into the women's toilets when your 10 year old daughter is in there just because he feels like he a woman that day. I know this is an extreme scenario but I have no idea what toilet rape statistics are etc. I'm just saying there is something there that the bill seems to cover so makes sense to me, also the example of a Christian B&B owner perhaps having to put up with (what they would perceive as) abuse just because the law allows a potential transgender festival to take over the hotel for a while doesn't seem 100% right either. You get my drift I hope...

The media (and some on the left) treat this as like the broadcast of the X Factor auditions. It tries to force us to make a quick judgement whether something is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. So on the X Factor they will show all the atrocious singing auditions and the ones who can sing like angels and leave out around 90-95% of the normal, average, decent stuff.
Society is nothing like the X Factor auditions with binary qualities in my opinion. It's an organic, ever changing thing. Having said that the best thing for the USA would be to not introduce any further laws on top of the constitution and bill of rights at all. Who needs a flipping law for carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket? I guess this would put a lot of people out of a job and that is sad too... Jeez... Changing a contract mid way through a job isn't fair either. As long as the original laws do not discriminate and are not open to abuse the less there are laws the better probably.

The issues (including transgenderism) are complex. Doing people out of their weekend concert travel plans and any associated costs isn't going to fix it. Sure you may conclude it's better than nothing but I'm convinced I would never buy a ticket again for a Bruce show if it happened to the one I was going to (fingers crossed it doesn't). Sickness is very different than a silent protest for a concert cancellation reason.

If Bruce, Bryan, Stevie etc all want to start boycotting their shows for reasons to get a movement going I personally would rather see them do so for the more extreme areas where LGBT people are treated badly.
The NC law (which I agree with you is completely unenforceable) is like a teddy bear with a nasty smell whereas anti LGBT laws in areas such as Saudi Arabia are like self detonating barbed wired monsters. Any change in these areas would probably be better than small token, principled changes over here in the west.

Anyway these are my opinions and everyone else can disagree. But starting to talk about this and being made out for a racist or a bigot (as I was done immediately on another forum) is absolutely mental... :roll: Again I think people judge too quickly.

Mostly though I think 90-95% of society mean others no harm and that includes transgenders, those who practice a religion, Bruce & the band, their fans and non fans and even those who were involved in probably setting up this law. Just because the latter see things differently or are possibly afraid or do not know etc doesn't mean they deserve a whole tirade of hate / abuse just like Bruce doesn't (the hateful messages on his FB are absolutely insane, one even wished for the rape of Bruce's wife!). NC even losing out on jobs (PayPal) seems a bit wrong to me but we will see if they overturn the bill I guess because of this pressure.

The first thing I reckon that will come out of this is an optional LGBT law related cancellation insurance charge TicketMaster will probably try to add to ticket sales soon....!

Julie in the rv mirror 12 Apr 2016 05:53

When I first heard about the "Bathroom Law" on television, my immediate thought was WTF???, followed very quickly by, "Good luck to them trying to enforce that one." And then, I'll admit, I didn't give it much thought, because I didn't know the full implications of the bill. As a result of Bruce cancelling this show, I've read more about it in the last few days than I ever would have otherwise, so I guess the boycott accomplished its purpose in that regard. The more I think about it, it makes me angry. There's still a lot of hatred and bigotry in this country, it's just not out in the open. I agree with Steven- I think it's time to shed some light on it, and hopefully by doing so, try to stop it before it spreads.

(Some further reading:


Originally Posted by AndrewG
I can also sympathise with some of the law support camp who say they wouldn't want a man go into the women's toilets when your 10 year old daughter is in there just because he feels like he a woman that day. I know this is an extreme scenario but I have no idea what toilet rape statistics are etc. I'm just saying there is something there that the bill seems to cover so makes sense to me

Right, and there's the rub; they snuck the other civil rights issues in attached to a piece of legislation that makes sense to many people, apparently, a tactic which is not uncommon in legislation. Lawmakers contend it's a matter of "safety", which if you look at it from a logical standpoint is rather ridiculous (not to mention, as a woman, I find somewhat condescending). I have no idea what toilet rape statistics are either, but I'd surmise they are rather low. A sex offender, unfortunately, is going to find ways to commit their crime regardless of what restrictions are placed upon them. Truthfully, I'd be more worried about males who would prey on young boys in the men's room. Just because someone is transgender, that doesn't make them a sex offender.

I would think that most young girls (and likely many adults) would not know a trans woman if they saw one (not to mention ladies' bathrooms have private stalls, so no one is watching the person next to them), but I could see a girl feeling uncomfortable seeing a person in the restroom with the outside appearance of a man. Under the current law, Caitlyn Jenner would not be allowed in the ladies' room, but this person would be:

Now, does that make sense? :roll:

As far as changing a birth certificate, that's not as simple as it sounds. In North Carolina, in order to have their birth certificate changed, a transgender person would have to have a doctor certify that they have completed gender reassignment surgery, which not all transgender people do, for various reasons.


Originally Posted by AndrewG
I'm convinced I would never buy a ticket again for a Bruce show if it happened to the one I was going to (fingers crossed it doesn't)

Well, that's certainly your prerogative to feel that way- you wouldn't be alone. And, for your sake, I hope it doesn't happen to you. As it happens, I have a ticket to see Bruce in Michigan this Thursday, and I'm not worried he's going to cancel. If he did by some chance, I'd be very disappointed (I wouldn't be out money- to the contrary, I'd have more in my pocket), though I'd get over it.


Originally Posted by AndrewG
Just because the latter see things differently or are possibly afraid or do not know etc doesn't mean they deserve a whole tirade of hate / abuse just like Bruce doesn't (the hateful messages on his FB are absolutely insane, one even wished for the rape of Bruce's wife!).

Seriously?! That's disgusting. :mad: That's why I avoid reading a lot of crap that's out there on the net- the fan boards are bad enough!:roll: As I said, lots of hate...

tonyloaf 15 Apr 2016 23:46

Heading to Brazil !

AndrewG 22 Apr 2016 21:14

Awesome guitarists I can think of: Hendrix, May, Clapton, Knopfler and then there was Prince. But there is a big difference with Prince. He could also sing well (!) and had one of the largest male vocal ranges of any populair artist ever.
Vocal Range Link

tonyloaf 23 Apr 2016 15:06

Leaving Portugal heading to Dubai for a week of exams

Skeleton 24 Apr 2016 16:44

Me and my spouse went to see Dance of the Vampires yesterday. It was amazing. Helsingin kaupungin teatteri's (Helsinki city theather) productions was excellent.

I'm still amazed how good the translation was and the intensity the cast and crew delivered. :D

Sebastian. 25 Apr 2016 21:22

Springsteen sign request planning.

duke knooby 02 May 2016 17:20

Carl seems to be having a good time in London

tonyloaf 04 May 2016 21:23

Hello Australia

duke knooby 07 May 2016 19:17

Was there any April fools mischief on the site this year?

Monstro 08 May 2016 23:47


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 612933)
Was there any April fools mischief on the site this year?

Everyone who visited got a £50 Amazon voucher, looks like you missed out m8

R. 09 May 2016 22:07


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 612936)
Everyone who visited got a £50 Amazon voucher, looks like you missed out m8

That's just cold. :devil:

Sebastian. 11 May 2016 16:23

Today I learned that I'm scarily good with a shotgun

chairboys 15 May 2016 12:59

Yummy. A full plate of sausage, bacon, mush, beans, fried egg and tomato.
Just a shame it wasn't much bigger than a saucer.

tonyloaf 16 May 2016 18:08

Just saw MJ in San Fran

tonyloaf 20 May 2016 12:21

Middle East chicken is really not that good

Sebastian. 20 May 2016 12:22


Originally Posted by tonyloaf (Post 612973)
Middle East chicken is really not that good

Neither is the "pork".

tonyloaf 20 May 2016 19:36

pork? did someone say pork??

Sebastian. 21 May 2016 01:49


Originally Posted by tonyloaf (Post 612975)
pork? did someone say pork??

I hear San Francisco does good pork! :cool:

chairboys 29 May 2016 20:54

You Reds!

Sebastian. 03 Jun 2016 07:38

Boys will be boys, and girls have those eyes, that'll cut you to ribbons sometimes, and all you can do is wait by the moon, and bleed if it's what she says.

tonyloaf 03 Jun 2016 09:32

On route to Vietnam ! Time to rock this place

duke knooby 04 Jun 2016 14:09

I'm not sure which is worse, that White Christmas is on the tv in June, or that I've started watching it.

anotherday 04 Jun 2016 14:55


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613121)
I'm not sure which is worse, that White Christmas is on the tv in June, or that I've started watching it.

great movie

Sebastian. 04 Jun 2016 15:49


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613121)
I'm not sure which is worse, that White Christmas is on the tv in June, or that I've started watching it.

Hey! Bruce gave us Santa Claus in coming to Town in Manchester on ththe 25th May, never too early!

duke knooby 05 Jun 2016 02:38

25th may must be a good date for good gigs, as i seem to recall being at a good gig in wembley on that date a few years ago :)

though i seem to recall the hotel wasn't to keen on the extra guests

duke knooby 05 Jun 2016 02:46

can anybody find me a rust free e36 318is coupe in avus blue??

samurai7 05 Jun 2016 10:38


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613127)
can anybody find me a rust free e36 318is coupe in avus blue??

I'll take one of those too

Sebastian. 05 Jun 2016 11:34


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613126)
25th may must be a good date for good gigs, as i seem to recall being at a good gig in wembley on that date a few years ago :)

though i seem to recall the hotel wasn't to keen on the extra guests

It is! Meat finished LAB on that day in 2013.

duke knooby 05 Jun 2016 12:56

Sore head is going

tonyloaf 07 Jun 2016 07:53

Nightwish in Lisbon in sept cant wait!

Sebastian. 07 Jun 2016 10:29

Post tour blues.

duke knooby 07 Jun 2016 23:59

a minor miracle has happened, i've actually caved and bought tickets for a gig 6 months in advance

Julie in the rv mirror 08 Jun 2016 00:10


Originally Posted by Sebastian. (Post 613148)
Post tour blues.

The best cure is another show. ;)

tonyloaf 08 Jun 2016 14:14

Holiday this month !

Guy 08 Jun 2016 19:14

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.

Sebastian. 09 Jun 2016 04:52


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 613159)
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.

The RAF has arrived in Canada.

Guy 10 Jun 2016 10:16


Guy 10 Jun 2016 10:16


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 613167)

Forgot toilet roll. :0 (

chairboys 10 Jun 2016 20:29


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 613167)


Sebastian. 11 Jun 2016 04:58

All I've done at work this week is drink and travel around Canada.

tonyloaf 11 Jun 2016 09:36

Guy enjoy Nightwish !!!

melon 15 Jun 2016 09:58


duke knooby 15 Jun 2016 19:26

Great to see you back Mel

chairboys 15 Jun 2016 20:56


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613337)
Great to see you back Mel

...quite clearly this is the most notable development around here in the last 24 hrs.

duke knooby 15 Jun 2016 22:34

in my defence, by the time i got home from the pub yesterday i was much to drunk to take in, in any great detail, any other developments

tonyloaf 16 Jun 2016 14:10

Mega excited for this album !!!

Wario 16 Jun 2016 15:20

The feeling you get when you know you're about to be reported

batcity 16 Jun 2016 20:40

it's father day sunday..Must remember to get my dad something... but

BATOUTOFHEAVEN 17 Jun 2016 03:12

Hello everyone!

Not sure if this is the right thread but I thought I'd say hello, it's been almost five years since I posted quite regularly here. In that time, I've gone from school to university and gone through all the ups and downs of life.

I'd even say my music taste has broadened but Meat Loaf has never come close to being replaced as my favourite singer :)

I'm hoping to start regularly posting here again, I certainly recognise a few names which is unexpected! If I have got the wrong thread I apologise, I'm still getting used to the forum again.


melon 17 Jun 2016 09:31


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613337)
Great to see you back Mel

Thanks Duke, it wasn't exactly a planned absence, I lost the forum runner app for my phone and never got around to reinstalling it, and hardly ever touch my laptop. Plus it was a little quiet around here for a while there :shock:

But, I've lost my job recently so had more time to fire up the old laptop :lol:

melon 17 Jun 2016 09:32


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 613357)
...quite clearly this is the most notable development around here in the last 24 hrs.

Sadly not any more

Wario 17 Jun 2016 20:34

8,500 posts
8,500 headaches caused
123 polls
9 years
Still controversial and proud to be.

500 till I make that 9k benchmark

ThatWriterGuy 17 Jun 2016 20:57

In light of what happened at the concert, I can't believe that people are actually posting stuff like this on Meat's FB page:

"Joanne Sherbank: Very bad concert...time to hang up your microphone..and when you collasped they should have stopped the singing...that you were lip singing..just seen Burton Cummings 2 weeks ago...he still has it and you do not !!"

Actually, I take it back - I CAN believe it, unfortunately.

duke knooby 17 Jun 2016 21:46

Rick astley tops the albums charts... I wasn't expecting that, especially as I didn't know he had an album out.

tonyloaf 17 Jun 2016 22:09

Off to LA Tomoz then to England !!!

Julie in the rv mirror 17 Jun 2016 23:55


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 613668)
In light of what happened at the concert, I can't believe that people are actually posting stuff like this on Meat's FB page:

"Joanne Sherbank: Very bad concert...time to hang up your microphone..and when you collasped they should have stopped the singing...that you were lip singing..just seen Burton Cummings 2 weeks ago...he still has it and you do not !!"

Actually, I take it back - I CAN believe it, unfortunately.

I know- it's sad, isn't it?

Sad, but not shocking, unfortunately. :?

duke knooby 18 Jun 2016 01:24

sore head, and not from booze

that is shocking

melon 19 Jun 2016 09:18


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613767)
sore head, and not from booze

that is shocking

Ditto - but this IS from booze lol

Monstro 19 Jun 2016 09:22


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 613666)
8,500 posts
8,500 headaches caused
123 polls
9 years
Still controversial and proud to be.

500 till I make that 9k benchmark

We're gonna revoke your posting privileges @ 8,999

chairboys 19 Jun 2016 12:13


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 613905)
We're gonna revoke your posting privileges @ 8,999

Any chance of changing Wario's "benchmark" 9k to a landmark?

duke knooby 19 Jun 2016 12:28

not long now till voting day

chairboys 19 Jun 2016 12:45


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613928)
not long now till voting day

I know where my cross is going

AndrewG 19 Jun 2016 12:49


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613928)
not long now till voting day

Is it just a coincidence that Independence Day 2 is released on that day in the UK too or some kind of message? ;)

melon 20 Jun 2016 16:16

Job hunting sucks ass

Sue K 20 Jun 2016 20:53


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 613928)
not long now till voting day

Speaking of which... remember when once a year there'd be some fun nominations of members of the MLUKFC forum and all things Meat Loaf and we'd vote ? I haven't been around much of late and I'm wondering if that's still a feature ? That was fun ... :) ... I think Andy K would get it together ..

Wario 20 Jun 2016 21:17


Originally Posted by Sue K (Post 614033)
Speaking of which... remember when once a year there'd be some fun nominations of members of the MLUKFC forum and all things Meat Loaf and we'd vote ? I haven't been around much of late and I'm wondering if that's still a feature ? That was fun ... :) ... I think Andy K would get it together ..

Nominating myself as sole forum administrator. Like if you agree!

Evil One 20 Jun 2016 21:32

Arsole forum administrator maybe :twisted:

Sue K 20 Jun 2016 21:37


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 614036)
Arsole forum administrator maybe :twisted:

You know I love you, Warie ... but this did make me giggle... just a little bit ...:oops: ... hehe

duke knooby 22 Jun 2016 00:24

michael mcgovern... simply outstanding performance

duke knooby 22 Jun 2016 00:39

i think a pizza might be a good idea

chairboys 22 Jun 2016 20:56

For those in doubt tomorrow, it's the bottom box.

Wario 22 Jun 2016 21:06


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 614128)
i think a pizza might be a good idea

Pizza in UK?

duke knooby 22 Jun 2016 23:53


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 614264)
Pizza in UK?

welllll, i was really rather drunk

so took the sugar rich dominos option

is a dominos pizza really a proper pizza? discuss lol

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