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Fred 24 Feb 2005 12:59

I'll try to do better next time. Really nothing?

Gez 24 Feb 2005 15:00

its freezing in here :yikes:

Ageing Bat 25 Feb 2005 09:00

Snowing outside, but raining in my heart.

KebLou 25 Feb 2005 10:40


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Snowing outside, but raining in my heart.

Our school got cancelled yesterday because of the snow but there wasn't any snow on the ground :roll: Now there is snow on the ground school is on. Yes its messed up.

Fred 25 Feb 2005 10:40

Umm. . . . . that response was really, really long. . . . . You think you could like rephrase it?

Bren 25 Feb 2005 15:39

weekend :D work :D

and something to look forward to for a change :D

happy batty :D

Skeleton 25 Feb 2005 17:05

I canīt walk... I have stand 6 hours for 2 weeks now... My legs are so tired... Thank heaven itīs weekend and I donīt have to be at work...

Gez 25 Feb 2005 17:11

Friday :hic:

DIZZY DRUMMER 25 Feb 2005 18:13

I'm with you Gerry - still on holiday til Monday :hic:

Tim 25 Feb 2005 21:06

Freezing over here too :D

crystal shards 26 Feb 2005 02:01

why canīt atti be here :cry: ēēēēē

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Feb 2005 09:19

must finish the holiday washing off today :x

Tim 26 Feb 2005 10:54

...just depressed.....

Gez 27 Feb 2005 21:11

:roll: Ditto that one :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 27 Feb 2005 21:49

What's up guys :??:

I need proper sleep :zzz:

Tim 28 Feb 2005 07:47

...still depressed..... :(

Bren 28 Feb 2005 08:15


Originally Posted by Tim
...still depressed..... :(

sorry to hear that ....Hug for Tim

Bren 28 Feb 2005 23:31

....wouldn't it be nice if things went right for a change.....

even for a little bit...... :roll:

just imagine the luxury of a whole week with no problems.....

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 Mar 2005 13:15

Bren - that would be bliss

Where's Gerry - is he ignoring me :cry:

SuperLoafMan 01 Mar 2005 14:27

Good day to you all, :D
Just a quickl fly in visit for the time being, in god damn college. :(

Ageing Bat 01 Mar 2005 14:48

The luxury of a whole week without problems, Bren? A day would be rather nice actually!

Wouldn't wish my life on my worst enemy at the moment (well, I may make an exception with my husband's ex-wife and daughters!)

Tim 01 Mar 2005 16:00

... cold, very cold... -6 degrees celcius brrrrrr....

Fred 01 Mar 2005 16:01

How did you hear about Fred? Do not ask me any more questions please.

Tim 01 Mar 2005 16:02

i wasn't talking to you fred.

Gez 01 Mar 2005 17:01

.....I wonder if Fa knows I'm ignoring her :wink:

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 Mar 2005 22:12


Gez 02 Mar 2005 18:54

Hopefully FA knows Im only kiddin :heart:

Tim 02 Mar 2005 19:36

wooopyyyy.... fun all the snow. Hhaha... .some places over 50 centimetres fell down the sky :D Finally, Winter!!!

Gez 02 Mar 2005 20:19

nearly beer time :D

Bren 02 Mar 2005 20:49


Originally Posted by Tim
wooopyyyy.... fun all the snow. Hhaha... .some places over 50 centimetres fell down the sky :D Finally, Winter!!!

nice :D

we have lots of... er....rain.....doesn't have the same appeal some how :lol:

SuperLoafMan 02 Mar 2005 20:58

I wish to god we had winters like that, we never have snow like that.

Tim 03 Mar 2005 12:44

haha, and again a bit of snow!

Gez 03 Mar 2005 18:44

its freezzzzing

Bren 03 Mar 2005 21:11


Originally Posted by Gerry
its freezzzzing

indeed it is...very cold here

Biter 04 Mar 2005 04:20

I am so tired...but i cant sleep

Bren 04 Mar 2005 14:11

...hmmm day not going as planned :roll:

heavy snow...shut the schools so daughter home.....hubby's place of work also me who had got nice day to myself, , can't get on with anything now :lol:

Terri 04 Mar 2005 16:10


Originally Posted by Bren
...hmmm day not going as planned :roll:

heavy snow...shut the schools so daughter home.....hubby's place of work also me who had got nice day to myself, , can't get on with anything now :lol:

Know how you feel Bren, the one day of the week I had to myself and what happens......... :roll:

Tim 04 Mar 2005 19:05

...cold and lonely...

Bren 04 Mar 2005 19:44


Originally Posted by Tim
...cold and lonely...

aahhh Tim......

well...can't do anything about the cold.... but.there's a slightly crazy bat flying about,...if you want someone to talk to.......


Gez 04 Mar 2005 23:30

Meats the man :up:

Bren 05 Mar 2005 07:57

...half asleep :lol: ....and have to go to work.....

Fred 05 Mar 2005 07:57

How do you get there?

Bren 05 Mar 2005 21:54

tired ....very :zzz: need of some sleep

Tim 06 Mar 2005 10:10

....early up again. Well, think i'm gonna try to get some sleep again...

Bren 06 Mar 2005 11:19

hmm...get work done first....relax later :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 06 Mar 2005 14:12

Why can I not be bothered to do anything today :oops:

Bren 06 Mar 2005 16:48

'cos it's sunday.FA... :D

mmm....time for a cup of tea...then back to the studying :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 06 Mar 2005 22:25

in pain - so will have to go to bed soon - with a hot water bottle :cry:

Ageing Bat 07 Mar 2005 09:17

Will this nightmare never end?

Bren 07 Mar 2005 15:27

...hmm...brain is on overload :lol: , can't put any more information in....

......worried /nervous about this evening :roll:

Gez 08 Mar 2005 17:46

Tired now...better go to the Bat'n'Belfry :D

Bren 08 Mar 2005 18:12

just one of those days where nothing has gone right..... :roll:

Gez 08 Mar 2005 19:11

:roll: you reading ma mind :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Mar 2005 20:30

worked hard today - deserve a drink :hic:

Bren 09 Mar 2005 00:30


Pixie 09 Mar 2005 14:07

Sore throat from so much talking.. :lol:

heat 09 Mar 2005 16:40

Glad for what i've got....Sad for what i've not...

Gez 09 Mar 2005 21:34

oh well :?

DIZZY DRUMMER 09 Mar 2005 22:58

tired - had a drink & have a course to go to tomorro :roll:

heat 09 Mar 2005 23:34

my thumb's hurting...

DIZZY DRUMMER 10 Mar 2005 07:57

stop sticking it places then heat :P

Have to go to work - oh well suppose there are worse things

Pixie 10 Mar 2005 09:35

hope you're enjoyin the course FA! :D

I've got a seminar 12-1.30, but I think I'll cancel and go and get my eldest daughter's birthday prezzies instead - only the thought of a free lunch is holdin me back :?

God, she'll be 10 - can't believe it 8O

Gez 10 Mar 2005 20:44

Glad 2morrows Friday

DIZZY DRUMMER 10 Mar 2005 21:17

Pixie - YES I am enjoying the course :wink: but me knees are killing me :oops:

heat 10 Mar 2005 21:38

got a new neighbour....hmmm...

Keab42 10 Mar 2005 21:39

does Fred have to respond to every post on the shoutbox????

can't R. tweak it so its like off topic - he only responds to a certain percentage of posts

Fred 10 Mar 2005 21:39

I think you have to respond to every post on the shoutbox does you have to respond to every post on the shoutbox.

heat 10 Mar 2005 21:44

annoying, innit???

Fred 10 Mar 2005 21:44

My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.

heat 10 Mar 2005 21:44


Originally Posted by Fred
My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.

I wonder why....

DIZZY DRUMMER 10 Mar 2005 21:57

cause he is a pain in the ******** & is a pest - annoying computer thing

Bren 11 Mar 2005 17:00

...tired......still have the shopping to do :roll: of joys :lol:

heat 11 Mar 2005 17:24

fresh cream pavlova....

Bren 11 Mar 2005 20:20

hmm...the dreaded shopping is done....must go cook tea now.... :roll:

....back hopes :lol:

heat 12 Mar 2005 15:21

Shopping done.... bills paid...... washing in machine.... kitchen floor washed..... living room hoovered..... older boys at grandparents..... baby asleep..... hubbs reading....

ME TIME!!!!!!!!

Bren 12 Mar 2005 20:48

:( :roll:

shadow1000001 12 Mar 2005 21:22


Originally Posted by Bren
:( :roll:

Are you going to be ok Bren?

heat 12 Mar 2005 21:30

*BIG HUG* <--------- Specially for Bren :D

Bren 13 Mar 2005 09:16

thanks shadow, thanks heat :D

Rob The Badger 13 Mar 2005 11:41

It's getting better all the time...

Yeah, right.

Fred 13 Mar 2005 11:41

I am usually right.

heat 13 Mar 2005 14:31

I SOOOOOOOOO hope Wales beat Scotland later.....


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Tim 13 Mar 2005 19:05

i;m so sad.... :cry:

Bren 13 Mar 2005 19:31


Originally Posted by Tim
i;m so sad.... :cry:


big hug for Tim

Tim 13 Mar 2005 21:15

will explain on msn. Thanks bren :D

heat 13 Mar 2005 21:33

*BIG HUG* <------- that's for Tim :wink:

Tim 13 Mar 2005 21:40


Originally Posted by heat
*BIG HUG* <------- that's for Tim :wink:

Thanks Heat... made me stop crying for a moment. :)

Bren 13 Mar 2005 23:01

..take care Tim...

* sends hug*

Pixie 14 Mar 2005 10:43

Moved the kids' rooms around this weekend - now got one each at last - girls were fighting like mad to get their own room then what happens last night - oh but Mummy I'll REALLY miss her! 8O Such is life... :??: :D

heat 14 Mar 2005 16:07

car goes in to be made better on thursday....

Skeleton 14 Mar 2005 18:22

I was visiting my best friend last weekend..

We went to the mall to buy me a thinner wooly hat... We didnīt find one..

But I wanted to go to the electronic department and she said "ok"..

We went there and I started looking at music DVDs.. I looked best selling DVDs but there wasnīt Meatīs DVDs... But then I watched what my friend was starring... I went to her and I saw that there was DVDs in alphapethical order and she was watching letter M.. And there it was: ML live with Melbourne Symphony Orcestra! :D

I went straight up in 7th heaven and I was like in ecstacy... I asked my friend should I buy this and she said "If you want".. I asked her again but only she said was "Itīs up to you".. She knows how much I like Meatīs music...

I bought it and on Sunday I watched it in with her little brother.. He said Meat really can rock...

DIZZY DRUMMER 15 Mar 2005 09:16


Pixie 15 Mar 2005 10:36

Governor's Meeting tonight - another load of issues no one will mention unless I do - must get my tin hat on!

Wondering how FA did with her practical exams...

Gez 15 Mar 2005 14:40


Originally Posted by heat
I SOOOOOOOOO hope Wales beat Scotland later.....


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

DIZZY DRUMMER 15 Mar 2005 15:59

I PASSED !!!!!!!!

What can I say - another string to me bow 8)

heat 15 Mar 2005 17:01

Baby has colic.....

Bren 15 Mar 2005 19:56


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
I PASSED !!!!!!!!

What can I say - another string to me bow 8)

:D well done

Bren 15 Mar 2005 19:58

....had a good day...things went well for a change...

thinks....wonder if Tim's okay...* sends hug*

Pixie 16 Mar 2005 14:26


Don't worry Heat, there's NOTHING you can do about colic but I promise you it magically disappears after 3 months, just as you think you can't take any more :x xx

Gez 16 Mar 2005 16:00


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
I PASSED !!!!!!!!

What can I say - another string to me bow 8)

You must be up to the Harp by now :keke:

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