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Sue K 07 Jan 2007 20:13


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 302824)
What's Garth doing on a hair brush?

bristling?? ... :shock: ...

nitey nite... i'm off for a nap... :weee: ...

goooOOO EAGLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (my hometown football team!!!) ...

geordieloaf 07 Jan 2007 20:40

I hate reality tv. :twisted:

Monstro 07 Jan 2007 20:56

Third load of washing in the drier, my flat smells like a laundrette!!!!!

AndyK 07 Jan 2007 21:01


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 302835)
Third load of washing in the drier, my flat smells like a laundrette!!!!!

Shame I did my ironing earlier, you could have done my shirts too!

Monstro 07 Jan 2007 21:04

Continuing the micky taking from your blog I see!!!!!

AndyK 07 Jan 2007 21:06

Well, if the cap fits ;-)

Monstro 07 Jan 2007 21:07


Wario 07 Jan 2007 21:25

*taps head and hears nothing but echoes...*


Monstro 07 Jan 2007 21:27

wonder if that spilt tea will stain the carpet?

Sue K 07 Jan 2007 23:38

... i'm a jinx... :( ...

Monstro 07 Jan 2007 23:47


Originally Posted by tink (Post 302869)
... i'm a jinx... :( ...

rather you were a carpet cleaner lol

RadioMaster 08 Jan 2007 10:29

First day of school again...
6.30 - got up
7.30 - got to school
- people told me, school would start 10.00, cause a teacher is ill -
- back home
10.00 - back to school
- another teacher is ill, school will start at 12.00 -
now I´m sitting at home, waiting for going to school the third time today :angry::bicker::down:

L96 08 Jan 2007 11:32

Meh, don't bother going.


firefly 08 Jan 2007 13:52

Back to cross stitching, now I have pattern back:D

Chris 08 Jan 2007 13:53

Why is it wrong to slap bigoted numpties???

Ageing Bat 08 Jan 2007 14:08

Some days I could quite happily slap the smug look off the face of one of the people I work with....... today happens to be one of those days.

Benny 08 Jan 2007 14:21

I wish I stayed in bed today, so cold!:(

Betty 08 Jan 2007 15:13

Thought #1: I really should buy me a new cd-player for my car !!!

Thought #2: Somehow I´m looking forward to go to work. Even though it´s the afternoon shift...

Hypnobabe 08 Jan 2007 15:28

Back to college tonight... ho hum... don't want to go... but only have four months left to go...

mszee 08 Jan 2007 17:08

Is 70 degrees in the winter REALLY healthy...or even necessary???

AndyK 08 Jan 2007 18:21

My leg hurts

Monstro 08 Jan 2007 18:22

I think Andy's falling apart

LucyK! 08 Jan 2007 18:26


AndyK 08 Jan 2007 18:33

Correct ... Nah!

It hurts only when I feel :))

The Flying Mouse 08 Jan 2007 19:13

:twisted: Right now I am DRIPPING VENOM :evil: :evil: :evil:

LucyK! 08 Jan 2007 19:15 can't be that angry with all those Santa hats!

The Flying Mouse 08 Jan 2007 19:21

:twisted: Angry is more akin to mild displeasure at the moment.

This is full blown pissed off with nobs on.

Chris 08 Jan 2007 19:59

Should i be worried about developing an addiction to Yorkshire puddings?

needmoremeat 08 Jan 2007 20:02

Couldn't get a Wii anywhere but I have got a heavy cold from my youngest nephew!:evil: Seven weeks after a nose op, it's not good:(

AndyK 08 Jan 2007 20:05


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 302954)
Should i be worried about developing an addiction to Yorkshire puddings?

A true Yorkshireman would have that genetic facet from birth, they wouldn't have to develop it :lmao:

Chris 08 Jan 2007 20:11

No no, this is an abnormal addiction to them.

I spent all morning thinking how nice they would be for lunch so had toad in the hole and havbe spent all afternoon looking forward to getting home in order to have more yorkie pudding!

AndyK 08 Jan 2007 20:16

It's abnormal that there weren't any on the breakfast menu! :p

Chris 08 Jan 2007 20:19


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 302960)
It's abnormal that there weren't any on the breakfast menu! :p

Hmmm, yorkie pudding filled with porridge and jam?????

That's tomorrow sorted out then!

AndyK 08 Jan 2007 20:44

I really like ebay :))

duke knooby 08 Jan 2007 22:26

the wii is fantastic :D

AndyK 08 Jan 2007 22:29

Thinking of websites I like, I'm not sure if I really like or not at the moment ...

mszee 08 Jan 2007 22:35

I am an idiot...I should be shot, hunged and then quartered...and even THAT wouldn't be enough...fecking moron...

Chris 08 Jan 2007 22:37


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 302979)
I am an idiot...I should be shot, hunged and then quartered...and even THAT wouldn't be enough...fecking moron...

what you do now?

mszee 08 Jan 2007 22:39


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 302980)
what you do now?

I am a WOMAN...isn't THAT enough???

samurai7 08 Jan 2007 22:45


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 302982)
I am a WOMAN...isn't THAT enough???

Show us the proof! :p

mszee 08 Jan 2007 22:49


Originally Posted by Son Of Meat Loaf (Post 302983)
Show us the proof! :p



LucyK! 08 Jan 2007 23:22


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 302982)
I am a WOMAN...isn't THAT enough???

Er...not really flying the flag for the girls here Zina!!

geordieloaf 08 Jan 2007 23:24

Why don't people listen? I tell them them job isn't going to be ready untill Tuesday so why do they come to pick it up today?
Then i get questioned as to when i told them the job would be ready of the boss.

firefly 08 Jan 2007 23:35

WISH it was Thursday..

mszee 08 Jan 2007 23:49


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 302989)
Er...not really flying the flag for the girls here Zina!!

No...not today...

Betty 09 Jan 2007 00:35

happy and relieved !! :D

firefly 09 Jan 2007 09:28

My mouth hurt's..

Monstro 09 Jan 2007 09:30

I spend too much on ebay

L96 09 Jan 2007 09:51

Do NOT attempt to eat M&M's with shaking hands while in a low cut shirt. :evil:

Sue K 09 Jan 2007 10:19

... it's Tuesday... that's it... that's my thought ...

Hypnobabe 09 Jan 2007 11:31

What an incredibly apt advert for me today.... Sigh....

firefly 09 Jan 2007 12:55

Anyone got a pain killer? PLEASE!!!!

mszee 09 Jan 2007 14:15

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me...
And I'm feeling good...

Hypnobabe 09 Jan 2007 15:52

Sigh... False alarm...

Monstro 09 Jan 2007 17:04

Is it too early to slip off early???

Hypnobabe 09 Jan 2007 17:05


I'm getting a new mobile tomorrow.... can't quite work out what the catch is yet....

Monstro 09 Jan 2007 17:07

The instruction book's thicker than war and peace lol

Hypnobabe 09 Jan 2007 17:29

Yeah, that'll be it... I've had this one for a year and still don't know how to work everything on it yet.... :roll:

AndyK 09 Jan 2007 21:01

women and technology ... :lmao:

MeatGrl1 09 Jan 2007 21:05

Meat Loaf... No surprise there then:-P!

And still cuckling over this...

What's your favourite type of dog?

Chilli Dog with Cheese !!

:lmao: !!!

AndyK 09 Jan 2007 21:11

I'm dead excited ...

L96 09 Jan 2007 21:18

Surely that's a contradiction in terms? ;-)

Lord Kagan 09 Jan 2007 21:21


Betty 09 Jan 2007 21:38

tired... :yawn: :ko:

AndyK 09 Jan 2007 22:04

I've just been a stroppy customer filing a complaint :twisted:

Sue K 09 Jan 2007 22:29

... i did the same recently... and that's not like me... i think it's subliminal New Year resolution or something...

mszee 09 Jan 2007 22:30

a little goes a long...

Sue K 09 Jan 2007 22:35

i miss the Santa hats on the smilies...:( ...

LucyK! 09 Jan 2007 22:48

I've still got the bloody Santa hats!!!

Monstro 09 Jan 2007 22:52


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 303160)
I've still got the bloody Santa hats!!!

Quick, flog them on Ebay!!!!!!!!!

AndyK 09 Jan 2007 22:52


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 303160)
I've still got the bloody Santa hats!!!

Wondered where they'd gone ... you're just hoarding them aren't you? :))

LucyK! 09 Jan 2007 22:55

You kidding?? Didn't feel Christmassy at all this year - certainly don't need it extending!

Michael...selling all the Santa hats on Ebay...typical bloody Northerner....good on ya hon! :))

firefly 09 Jan 2007 23:20

Been for a job interview today, should know by Thursday if I have it..
(I hope so)

MeatGrl1 09 Jan 2007 23:23

Good luck :up:


clpmss 10 Jan 2007 00:01

Would love to know why people have to lye and make up stories. What point are you trying to prove.

MeatGrl1 10 Jan 2007 00:07

Who's lieing and making up stories???


Monstro 10 Jan 2007 00:10


Originally Posted by clpmss (Post 303178)
Would love to know why people have to lye and make up stories. What point are you trying to prove.

Just proving their own low self esteem

MeatGrl1 10 Jan 2007 00:11

That is also true!


geordieloaf 10 Jan 2007 00:24

I want my bed!

clpmss 10 Jan 2007 00:26

Just posting my thought as the title says. There are people on here that lye and tell tall tale that are very very sicking to me. Again Posting my Thoughts.

firefly 10 Jan 2007 00:56


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 303171)
Good luck :up:


Thank's Emma.

mszee 10 Jan 2007 00:57

And I always thought that lye is some kind of noxious substance...hmmm...

MeatGrl1 10 Jan 2007 01:00


Originally Posted by firefly (Post 303205)
Thank's Emma.

Your welcome hon :up:.

JanT 10 Jan 2007 02:28

How long does it take for a sore throat to go away, and why is there only me in the house with one???

mszee 10 Jan 2007 02:31

Listen and you'll hear the sound
Hear the sound of a heart breaking...

mszee 10 Jan 2007 02:31


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 303234)
How long does it take for a sore throat to go away, and why is there only me in the house with one???

Depends on what you have...if it's not infection...should go away after a couple of days...

JanT 10 Jan 2007 02:39


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 303237)
Depends on what you have...if it's not infection...should go away after a couple of days...

Good, it's on it's way out then thank goodness, my voice is currently deeper than my sons'. I can sing along to songs and reach notes I could only ever dream of reaching. :shock:

mszee 10 Jan 2007 02:40


Originally Posted by JanT (Post 303245)
Good, it's on it's way out then thank goodness, my voice is currently deeper than my sons'. I can sing along to songs and reach notes I could only ever dream of. :shock:

Seize the moment...record yourself!

Chris 10 Jan 2007 10:30

I think Apple have seriously shot themselves in the foot with this new phone.

Chris 10 Jan 2007 10:31

Actually, that mkes it sound like some cool James bond style phone with an integral gun rather than some over-priced piece of cr*p for "Nathan Barley"-esque one handed typists to use.

AndyK 10 Jan 2007 11:22


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 303305)
Actually, that mkes it sound like some cool James bond style phone with an integral gun .


Must have a word with our Q department :))

Hypnobabe 10 Jan 2007 11:28

My new phone came at 8.35 - it almost matches my new i-Pod - black, shiny, very very chic....

Chris 10 Jan 2007 11:56


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 303307)

Must have a word with our Q department :))

Would it not be the Armourer's purview rather than Q?

Chris 10 Jan 2007 11:56

46 minutes on hold and counting - don't ya love the NHS!!!

AndyK 10 Jan 2007 11:57


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 303312)
Would it not be the Armourer's purview rather than Q?

No it's Q ... it's a gadget.

Chris 10 Jan 2007 12:05


I failed the interview assessment thingie for them so I shall defer to your knowledge.

Monstro 10 Jan 2007 14:56

Wish there was a Burger King near me

mszee 10 Jan 2007 14:59

Wish I had a fairy godmother...

Lord Kagan 10 Jan 2007 15:56

Off :D

mszee 10 Jan 2007 16:00

It's snowing...after 70 degrees on Saturday and flowers beginning to come's's finally winter...which means that spring can't be far behind...

In any it May yet???

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