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dottie 01 May 2003 17:47

Well what can I say - Tim I'm behind you, White of High I'm in front of you and Michel I'm sideling sideways Um work that one out :lol:

Tim 01 May 2003 20:00

Well, but Dottie excuses her self in another post and then in another post again orso... so that doesn't count :twisted:

But he... catch me if you can. And Michel is busy with the Dutch forum, so we won't see him here often. And White.... well, he tries, but can't catch up. :twisted:

dottie 01 May 2003 20:13

I've still got a ways to go to catch you Tim :)

Tim 01 May 2003 20:17


Originally Posted by dottie
I've still got a ways to go to catch you Tim :)

yeah, try me Dottie :lol:

But a lot of new member are here again. Cause this is the post to welcome them:


Your Mod,
The Butcher, Tim

Chris 01 May 2003 21:54

Once agian, Hello to all the new members. Same old warning wbout how we are the nutters you were always told to avoid!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: !!!!!!!!!

Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders and tax-men!

R. 01 May 2003 21:58

Mmmmh ....
<-------------------------------------- :))


Originally Posted by Chris
Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders and tax-men!

jcmoorehead 01 May 2003 21:59


Originally Posted by Chris
Phobias: I am scared stiff of Spiders!

Dont blame you

heat 01 May 2003 22:49

Hiya to all the newbies :lol:

You know that woman, the one you're mother always warned you about???'s ME!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Chris 01 May 2003 23:36


Mmmmh ....

Don't worry R. it is scary spiders i don't like!!!! Plus I am unlikely to ever find you lurking under the bed waiting to scare me!!! (i hope!)

The Flying Mouse 01 May 2003 23:53

:twisted: If it has more than four legs or less than two,I do not like 8O .Also,if it flies and is smaller than a bird,me also don't like.
I'm forever shouting for Carol to come and save me from one monster or another :oops: .

Tim 01 May 2003 23:57

Chris, Flying Mouse, i'm with you!! Spiders.....brrrrrr. I am so scared of them!!!

Nothing to be ashemed of! Everybody is scared of something! I can't imagine a person who is not affraid of something!

So don't be!

We, my dear brothers... must start a club! The club agains scary things!!! :lol:

And i say Amen. :lol:

the Butcher, Tim

dottie 02 May 2003 12:23

The only thing I'm scared of is losing my marbles and not being able to post on here :lol:

Michel 02 May 2003 16:10

I'm visiting the dutch forum more than this one, but I will be here every day to check the Tyre Tracks forum, because I'm mod. there, and interesting messages on other boards.

dottie 02 May 2003 19:14


Originally Posted by Michel
I'm visiting the dutch forum more than this one, but I will be here every day to check the Tyre Tracks forum, because I'm mod. there, and interesting messages on other boards.

Oh Michel come back :cry:

Michel 02 May 2003 21:35

I'm still replying on this forum. You don't get rit of me. :lol:

mariella 02 May 2003 22:33

Welcome ripmyboxersoff! :lol:

Are you sure?

Hope you will like it here as much as I do!

Great day to you,


No Heat, this one is mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

Guppie 02 May 2003 23:56


Originally Posted by mariella
Welcome ripmyboxersoff! :lol:

No Heat, this one is mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

Catfight! :lol:

mariella 03 May 2003 00:04

Well, since I was too late 'to claim' Meat, I figured I had to move fast! :lol:

But I am also willing to 'lend' him, for a whole day, if anyone is interested.

So sorry, ripmyboxersoff, but this was too funny. To understand it, just read the previous pages.

Great day to you,


heat 03 May 2003 00:17

Guppie - sorry to dissapoint you hun, but i don't do catfights :twisted: They just ain't my style :wink:

Mariella - You go on and enjoy your boy toy - i'll stick with the man, thank you very much :twisted: And VERY happy i am with him, too :P :P :P


Guppie 03 May 2003 00:23


Originally Posted by heat
Guppie - sorry to dissapoint you hun, but i don't do catfights :twisted: They just ain't my style :wink:


Glad to hear that, I was just kidding. Could see it now: heat in the left corner, mariella in the right corner and the guy that wants his pants ripped off in the middle.

heat 03 May 2003 00:25

I'll only be in the left corner if i can have the blue just aint my colour :twisted:


Guppie 03 May 2003 00:31


Originally Posted by heat
I'll only be in the left corner if i can have the blue just aint my colour :twisted:


Sure... you can wear the blue ones :D

Guppie 03 May 2003 00:32


Originally Posted by Michel
I'm still replying on this forum. You don't get rit of me. :lol:

So will I, so will the other Dutchies. This forum and the Dutch forum don't "bite" one another. Totally different, both nice to post in. But totally different aim. No competition.

Sabine 04 May 2003 22:50

.... okay I´m a new memeber here in the forum, but I´m for long years member in the UK, Germen and offz. Fanclub.
Meat ist the very best singer ever!

Sabine :wink:

Michel 04 May 2003 22:51

Welcome on the forum, Sabine.

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