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mariella 23 Jul 2003 20:48

Yes, she is :D
Could someone please explain to me, what is 'cooking tea' :??:


Testify 23 Jul 2003 20:55


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
:twisted: Hi everyone.
Hope you're all well :D .

Sorry to hear about you're accident Testify :( .
You must be the most accident prone person I know.
Remind me never to go sky diving with you :lol: .

your safe dont worry, i dont like hights!! hehe.

im always hurtin myself. i seem to attract trouble, thats why Jen n Cathie talk to me, their trouble :lol: hehe

Hello everyone by the way! :D

Chris 23 Jul 2003 20:58

Good evening all you beautiful people

And what a wonderful evening it is. I think i feel a song coming on:

"The night is young and shes so glamorous
yet if I seem over-amorous
Lady. What can i do?"

Chris 23 Jul 2003 21:29

Well, time for me to go and eat my tea.
It is shepherds pie tonight. Made with real shepherds!!!!

Seeya all

Bren 23 Jul 2003 23:36


Originally Posted by mariella
Could someone please explain to me, what is 'cooking tea' :??:

Mariella get the evening meal ready, Mariella

The evening meal often being refered to as "tea"


Tim 23 Jul 2003 23:41

The evening meal refered as "Tea"???

That is very, very strange. Don't see the recemblance between them.

Bren 23 Jul 2003 23:42

The Bat she is going to fly away.......

.......for a while

she might fly back again never know


Terri 23 Jul 2003 23:54

:D Hi everyone!

Hope you've had a good day!

Cathie 24 Jul 2003 00:12

Helloooooooo people!
Hope you're all having a good day.

Bren 24 Jul 2003 00:29


Originally Posted by Tim
The evening meal refered as "Tea"???

That is very, very strange. Don't see the recemblance between them.

To be correct it should be....Breakfast.....lunch and ..Dinner

but some people (myself included) would call them
...Breakfast ...DINNER ...AND ....TEA

confusing i the past it was the custom to have what was refered to as"HIGH TEA" AT 4pm where you would literaly have a cup of tea with cakes.....i presume this is why we now call the evening meal "Tea"
It makes no difference wether the evening meal is cooked or just a snack like a sandwich it is still refered to as "tea"
But "dinner" in the evening always refers to a proper cooked ( usually 3 course meal.)

I hope this helps :roll: I have probably confused you further :lol:


Bren 24 Jul 2003 00:51

Hi :D

AND Bye :(

the Bat she has a bad headache, so she is going to fly away and get some sleep

Good night to you all

Goodnight Tim

Bye....................................The Bat flies away into the night.......

mariella 24 Jul 2003 02:56

Thank you, Bren. So, when I say 'I am going to make dinner'. You think it's a 3 course meal (I do DO that sometimes :lol:)
But from now on I will call it 'making the evening meal'. So you don't think I am in the kitchen for hours and hours. Have I 'got it' now?

Think this very interesting, these differences.



mariella 24 Jul 2003 03:32

Goodnight everyone. Sleep well.
I am going to listen to some music, been sleeping most of the day...

White, Mr and Mrs Mouse, hope all your loved ones will be feeling better soon!

Tim, please be strong!



Cathie 24 Jul 2003 05:32

Falling asleep. Jen's having to prop me up in the chatroom. I gave up correcting my typing errors there ages ago. Very tired.
Night people

Jen 24 Jul 2003 05:34

Night Cathie

Night all, see you all later

CarolM 24 Jul 2003 09:16

good morning all, :) just to let you know seen my uncle in hospital last night i am looking a bit more optomistic now :) .Just concerntrating on him getting better now , thanx for all your support guys, :wink: c u all later.
best wishes, Carolxxxx

cerysmeatloaf 24 Jul 2003 09:46

goodmorning all what u upto today? hope u have a nice day all

Evan 24 Jul 2003 09:58

Good Morning everyone in Europe. It's 2:56 a.m. here in Florida right now so it's really early morning.

cerysmeatloaf 24 Jul 2003 10:03

morning evan wow u must be half asleep

Terri 24 Jul 2003 11:06

:D Hi everyone!

How are you this morning?

Hope you've all got a great day ahead of you today!

Luv Terri

Bren 24 Jul 2003 11:11


Originally Posted by mariella
Thank you, Bren. So, when I say 'I am going to make dinner'. You think it's a 3 course meal (I do DO that sometimes :lol:)
But from now on I will call it 'making the evening meal'. So you don't think I am in the kitchen for hours and hours. Have I 'got it' now?

Think this very interesting, these differences.



Graag gedaan, Mariella :D are you?

You can still say"i am going to make dinner"i would know what you meant

It's just that"dinner" in the EVENING cannot refer to a light ,"snack" meal whereas "tea" can.

The mid day meal can be called "LUNCH" OR "DINNER" and if you are using the word "dinner " to refer to a mid day meal then it can mean a cooked meal or just sandwiches or a light snack meal.

Does this help ? :lol: sorry if it's confusing


Bren 24 Jul 2003 11:14

Mrs Mouse, hope all is well, my best wishes


Goodmorning everyone,

Bren 24 Jul 2003 12:02

Bye from The Bat


Testify 24 Jul 2003 13:01

Morning all on this bright and beautiful day!!

hope you are all well! :D

Cathie 24 Jul 2003 13:38

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great time!

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