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The Flying Mouse 24 Jul 2003 14:07

:twisted: Hi all.
Hope you're all feeling better than me at the moment :lol: .
I've not long woke up.
Had The Meat Loaf dream again :? .
Haven't had it for a while,but it was back with a vengence :evil: .
As usual,Meat just happened to call round :roll: .We were chattin' for ages,then I rememberd to ask him to sign my vinyl Bat album.Now this is the really funny part,I actually told Meat about the re-occuring dream,that I never get the album signed,and that I finally get to meet him and nearly forget (I can't believe I fell for that,my subconcience must be smarter than I am :lol: ).
Meat has asked if he can use my computer,so I run round the house trying to find a pen while Meat is sitting in my living room surfing the net :lol: .
Could I find the pen?Could I hell :evil: .I was looking for my black marker pen to get a good autograph.I foung black pens,but they were all fine tipped so not very good for writing in big letters.I found a marker pen,problem was that it was green :? .I started thinking if there were any shops open 8O
I spent ages running round,and was still doing so when I woke up.
So i'm feeling bloody awful at the moment.I like to get some rest while i'm asleep (not too much to ask for :lol: ).Dreams like that leave me feeling drained and very tired :( .
And I still didn't get the F...... thing signed 8O .

cerysmeatloaf 24 Jul 2003 18:14

what a dream hmmmmm

The Flying Mouse 24 Jul 2003 18:24

:twisted: You think? :lol:
The first couple were pretty cool 8) .Just like having a conversation with Meat :D .
I've had that dream more times I can count now 8O .I was tired out this morning after running round for god knows how long looking for a bloody pen :? .
I never fail to be p..... off when I get back to reality and find it was a dream :lol: .

heat 24 Jul 2003 19:18

Hey all :D

How's everyone??? Sorry i ain't been around much - been out with my niece - took her to the arcades and the pier down the Mumbles. Had a great time :D

Hope everyone is ok?

CarolM 24 Jul 2003 21:10

hi all, :D hope you are all ok. Just watching meat loaf day on vh one , :wink: its on most of the night. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Asha 24 Jul 2003 21:11

Have a great evening then Mrs. Mouse, Enjoy.


CarolM 24 Jul 2003 21:14

still browsing, listening ,and looking though :lol: :lol: :lol:, hi asha hope you is well.

Asha 24 Jul 2003 21:17

Fine, singing in a very flat voice along with meaty songs :))

enjoying myself


CarolM 24 Jul 2003 21:34

meat is great, :D the music is great, :D and i have just been popping bubblewrap a whole sheet, :wink: things cant get any better :lol: :lol: :lol:

CarolM 24 Jul 2003 21:44

ill be back a bit later guys. :wink:

Testify 24 Jul 2003 22:11

Hey guys!! hope you've had a good day, my damn sky decided it would pack up so i couldnt watch VH1 Meat Loaf night!! really p****d off now!! f***ing thing!! :evil:

Bren 24 Jul 2003 22:22

i'll be back later got a few things to do


Asha 24 Jul 2003 22:28

Cya all later

mariella 24 Jul 2003 22:31

Bye Bren and Asha.
See you later!


CarolM 24 Jul 2003 23:31

bye Mariella.

CarolM 25 Jul 2003 00:41

gonna go now seeing as it is far too quiet for me :( catchya all at the weekend nighty night all. :wink:

c u soon guys. :)

Cathie 25 Jul 2003 00:44

Goodnight everyone, early night for me tonight!

CarolM 25 Jul 2003 00:51

just browsing a little before i go, night Cathie.

Testify 25 Jul 2003 01:33

Well i gtg, night night!! :D

Jen 25 Jul 2003 01:44

Well I'm off now, Cathie and T abandoned me in chat tonight :(

The Flying Mouse 25 Jul 2003 02:07

:twisted: Night night.
See you all tomorrow.

heat 25 Jul 2003 09:50

Hiya Peoples :D

Hope everyine is ok this morning - i is good - sorry i wasn't about last night - hubbs graciously let me watch VH1's Meat Loaf day, and i don't think he would have been too amused if i had come on here too... :roll:

mariella 25 Jul 2003 10:45

Goodmorning all you lovely people,

FM, have you had more of these dreams? Enjoy reading them. We must get that album signed in Nov/Dec! :lol:
Heat, how was the Meat-evening on tv? Many repeats?
Testify, how are you?
Hi Bren, thank you for explaining! From now on I will just say 'I am going to eat' :lol:

Been to my doctor this morning. We don't agree, I wanted to go back to work on Monday. I think I walk much better, he doesn't. He said 'NO' come back to me on Wednesday. Sorry, seems like you guys will have to put up with me for a little longer.
But I am not taking that much medication anymore :lol:

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Today MB will go to the LA concert! :bunny:



dottie 25 Jul 2003 11:24

Good Morning All - just flying through

heat 25 Jul 2003 11:48

Hiya Mariella, 'lo Dottie hun :D

Yep, they repeated To Hell And Back, and last night was the first time i had seen it. I thought it was ok, but it didn't grab me - maybe it's because it just wasn't Meat :roll:

It's p***ing down here, but never mind, least the ducks are enjoying it... 8O

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