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Betty 08 Oct 2007 00:18

I even recorded it :oops::nuts:
Was on Viva, Greatest Hits of the 90s
After Whigfield-Saturday Night and before Die Ärzte-Männer sind Schweine lol
It´s all in the mix...

duke knooby 08 Oct 2007 01:17

woohoo good gear good gear hahahahahaha

duke knooby 08 Oct 2007 01:29


Betty 08 Oct 2007 01:56

Must stop drinking, gotta drive in 5 hours... dammit :bicker:

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 07:55

Why does Marvin have to make so much noise when he's going through the bin at 6:30am!!

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 08:02

Why is Marvin going through the bin when theres cat fud and biscuits there already!! Why is it better to eat through 2 layers of plastic to get to old chicken!!

Monstro 08 Oct 2007 11:44


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 368910)
Why does Marvin have to make so much noise when he's going through the bin at 6:30am!!


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 368911)
Why is Marvin going through the bin when theres cat fud and biscuits there already!! Why is it better to eat through 2 layers of plastic to get to old chicken!!

Talk to the paw!!!!!!!!!!!!

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 11:50

Maybe i should pin that photo up in the kitchen to frighten away the rat thats eating the cat biscuits as i'm typing this!!!

Deb 08 Oct 2007 12:43

OMG Emma you have to be kidding :shock: :panic:

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 12:57

I tried to get a photo of it drinking out of the cats water bowl but i missed it!! Marvin brought it in about a week ago!!

LucyK! 08 Oct 2007 13:02

And you're happy having the rat(s) in your house?! I'd more than likely die.

My thoughts...who the hell invented wisdom teeth? I just don't know at which point of the design process it was thought that they'd be useful and a really good idea!

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 13:11

I've only got humane traps for mice i need to get to Homebase to get a bigger trap!!

Deb 08 Oct 2007 13:53

Holy crap Emma, i'd of seriously moved out or died by now :shock:

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 14:03

Michael had to sleep in the same room as it thanks to my open plan kitchen/living room!! At least i can sleep in the bedroom with 2 cats!!

Deb 08 Oct 2007 14:08

LOL I'm surprised he didn't get it after his adventures with his mouse last week :lol:

SamCat 08 Oct 2007 14:12

That was the same night i think Marvin was on a roll!!

RadioMaster 08 Oct 2007 15:54

seeing meat loaf next week :))

Deb 08 Oct 2007 16:01

Wow it's scary when you say it like that RJ lol. Where is our lives going lol, time is going to fast :shock:

RadioMaster 08 Oct 2007 16:03

Where did the summer go? It's already october!

Deb 08 Oct 2007 16:11

Dunno about you but mine went trying to sort out my pictures and stuff from the last leg and trying to sort out this coming leg :twisted:

RadioMaster 08 Oct 2007 16:42

I should really get the dishes cleand.

RadioMaster 08 Oct 2007 16:48


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 369003)
I should really get the dishes cleand.

volunteers are welcome!

mszee 08 Oct 2007 16:59

I honestly think you should get married, RJ.

AndyK 08 Oct 2007 17:03

Everything in there looks clean already RJ ... call yourself a student? :p

mszee 08 Oct 2007 17:09

Whoever can intrepet the dreams...

From what I remember of my last night's dream, my boss turned out to be a rapist...

Any thoughts???

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